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Missing Pieces
Posted on October 24th, 2012 by Alexis Wright

Alexis looked over the results from the genetic modification, even viewed the subjects herself, and was somehow less than enthusiastic about what was happening. Yes, it was scientifically groundbreaking, but the idea that something so drastic and untested would be performed on living, sentient subjects just didn’t sit well with her.

When something went wrong, and she was certain that this was inevitable, the fallout could be catastrophic. Had anyone considered the philosophical, humanitarian, or psychological ramifications of this? How would this measure against the Prime Directive? She understood that this looked like an easy way out of a bad situation, but experience had taught her to be skeptical of anything that looked like an easy way out of a bad situation. Everyone else seemed to have completely forgotten about the energy wraiths on the planets the Horathians had destroyed – to her, it was obvious that there were pieces of this puzzle that were being ignored and that ignoring them would lead to ruin.

Things were moving far too quickly and she wasn’t sure what else she could do. It was sheer luck that there were no complications with the 5 test subjects. There WOULD be casualties. There WOULD be collateral damage. Was anyone else even thinking about this?

With these troubled thoughts looping through her mind, she made her way to the briefing room where the Doctor would be presenting his test subjects to the Admiral. She wondered, briefly and bitterly, if there would be bows on them.

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1 Comment

  • Atlantis Patch Jorvan Tav says:

    I love it. I can see where this is going to create great storyline, if not immediately, then over time. The good doctor does seem to have a knack for offending thos around him sometimes with his only somewhat tempered rash style.

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