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Shore Leave Lockdown
Posted on August 26th, 2015 by T'Lira and Tyler Slade

After agreeing with her about not attempting to communicate with the Admiral for the time being he looked to her inquisitively, still holding her hand.

"So what do you think will happen after we return to the Atlantis?"

"I do not know. Perhaps this will all return to normal and the investigation into the bombing will be complete. The admiral will also be unhappy with the fact that four of his officers were in a Starfleet brig, but that can be dealt with when it happens."

T’Lira decided that perhaps avoiding the admiral would be an excellent idea for now.

"I am still quite happy with this shore leave and I do not want the memory of it to be a negative one."

Tyler smiled at her sending her his thought of the beginning of their relationship.

"I agree. Shore leave should not be as dismal as this one. For now, I recommend perhaps keeping a low profile. Those security officers, though ill-mannered, are still watching. Most security officers are paranoid, though."

But that didn’t need to be a concern. There was always worse. T’Lira silently cursed her inner pessimism and tried to focus on not just her thoughts, but the ones she was receiving as well.

"So a low profile is the best idea, but I also think we need to have some fun while we still can."

"Fun? Ah. I am unsure of what would be considered ‘fun’."

Humans always had such odd ideas…

"Well you have reviewed the PADD of attractions and events to the point of memorization by now, what do you think would be an enjoyable course of action?"

It took a moment of thought, but an idea did appear.

"Perhaps visiting the beach again would be a good idea."

It was relaxing, that was for sure, and hopefully she could get over her illogical fear of water at some point soon.

"As long as the pebble beach is still agreeable, I wouldn’t mind a swim."

He smiled in agreement.

"It is. Though the pebbles take time to get accustomed to, they are far more agreeable than sand."

"I could not agree more, the sand tends to ruin beach trips for me."

As an offhand thought, she added, “And perhaps that will dissuade the concerns of the security officers on Risa, especially those whom we interacted with.”

"I also think that the security officers that are no doubt still watching us will assume less negative things if we are out and about and not seem to be plotting against anyone. Which we are not, but like you said they are paranoid."

"A most logical idea," T’Lira agreed, "We will need to return to the hotel room first, though."

"Definitely, I think that a bathing suit is in order. Even though the natives go nude I am not sure if it is a requirement for everyone."

He laughed.

"It would most decidedly not be an appropriate idea. Nudity is only for the bravest."

"Are you saying that I am not brave enough or that you are not?"

"I cannot exactly speak for you, so the latter is more appropriate."

"Why, T’Lira I believe that is the first time that I have ever heard you say anything remotely close to you being afraid of anything."

After taking a brief moment to note that it would not be the last, she replied, "Even Vulcans experience fear. We just do not let it control us, as most other species display an unfortunate tendency towards a lack of emotional control."

"I am just surprised is all that you would express such a thing to me. It shows vulnerability."

"The day someone cannot say they are vulnerable, there is a serious problem. Everyone is vulnerable. Admitting it shows that one has accepted that vulnerability and moved on. Do you not fear things? It is only logical."

"Oh, I fear plenty, and I believe I showed vulnerability when I asked you on our first date."

"Then vulnerability is hardly a factor in a person."

And just as she said that, she noticed that the hotel was now in sight.

"It is a factor, I was just surprised is all. A pleasant surprise indeed."

"I am gratified, then, that it was pleasant and not anything else."

"Always pleasant spending time with you," he said with a smile as they stepped onto the lift to their hotel room


They reached the hotel suite and began changing into their swim wear. Tyler, taking much less time than T’Lira, decided to make a small basket of snacks for their outing, making sure to cover all of the bases while staying vegetarian.

T’Lira changed quickly and grabbed a cover up for now, still feeling a tad bit awkward about the thought of water.

He finished the basket off with some drinks and then went to grab some towels.

Taking a quick glance in the direction of the basket, she was rather confused by what it would be used for at the moment.

Seeing her studying the basket he smiled and said, "It is just a couple of snacks, as well as some water and drinks, in case we get peckish out on the beach."

"Peckish? To what does that refer?"

"Just a figure of speech referring to birds pecking around, means hungry for a little bite, but not for a meal."

"Ah. A most logical preparation."

He grabbed the basket and the towels and opened the room door, "Shall we, my dear?"

"Yes, I believe we are adequately prepared."

She walked over and they headed out.

They walked together down to the beach. He picked a couple of beach loungers close to the water.

After a brief consideration, she removed the cover up and set it down before staring at the water for several seconds.

"Would you like to take a quick dip in the water before lounging?" he asked as he laid the towels and basket down, basking in the view of her gorgeous body.

"I… believe so."

That water was looking deceptively clear today. Just like that Academy pool…

He removed his shirt and extended his hand to her, "Let’s go dip our feet in, I think it is going to feel great and you can se straight through to the bottom."

Taking his hand, she continued to warily regard the water, however illogical she knew it was.

They both slowly walked into the surprisingly temperate water up to the waist, the waves barely even moving the water.

While this was mildly disconcerting, the water’s calmness managed to ease her worry just a bit.

He could sense her unease so he held on to her hand and submerged under water and resurfaced showing her that there was nothing to be afraid of.

It took a few moments, but she finally decided to follow suit and duck underwater for a few moments before quickly resurfacing again.

"How did that feel?" he smiled at her.

"I am unsure. I will just satisfy myself with the knowledge that I am actually in water at the moment."

"May I ask where your discomfort with water came from?"

"It was at the Academy. A rather rude and xenophobic student decided it would be amusing to push me in. At that time, I did not know how to swim, so it was a most unpleasant experience."

Fortunately, she’d taken lessons later. Quite fortunately, indeed.

"I can imagine it was quite unpleasant, as I am sure has been every encounter since. Especially learning to swim."

"It was interesting. Although, I am experiencing significantly less emotional turmoil that usual in regards to water at the moment. Fascinating."

"Makes a world of difference when you are with someone you trust, and it is for pleasure not an obligation."

"As is anything."

"Would you like to venture out any farther? Or would this be enough of an experiment for the day?" he said with a laugh wading in the clear comfortable water.

"Perhaps a little further. The water is rather calm at the moment."

"Indeed it is quite calm," he continued to slowly step further out into the water with her hand in hand making sure to carefully feel if she became timid or uneasy.

Surprisingly, she was rather appreciative of the water right now. Perhaps her motivational idea was working, after all.

When the water reached his shoulders with a slight break on his neck he stopped using his other hand to tread the water around him. Peering in to the crystal clear water at the swimming sea life below.

"It is rather clear. The creatures below are fascinating."

"They sure are, and I couldn’t even guess all of their types being Risan."

"Perhaps that could be an interesting project for later, researching the different types of fauna on Risa."

"Indeed, we just have to remember which ones that we are looking at."

“As the majority of them are incredibly unique, that should not prove to be a problem."

"Isn’t everything unique when you are seeing it for the first time?" he smiled knowing that he just asked a sarcastic question.

"Everything is unique no matter what it is. Such is the reality of the universe."

Was that sarcasm she’d detected or something else? It was difficult to tell.

"Quite true," he smiled in agreement still wading in the water.

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  • Atlantis Patch Ian Blackthorne says:

    Nice callback to the Academy pool. I remember reading that log!

  • Atlantis Patch T'Kirr says:

    Nice to see Slade and T’Lira still having a good time on Risa, despite the lockdown. I especially like T’Lira’s logical approach to fear.

    Sometimes throughout I can’t tell who is speaking, however, because speech is separated from its accompanying description. Is it possible there’s a coding issue when copying from the original document?

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