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First Date (ch 3)
Posted on August 12th, 2015 by T'Lira and Tyler Slade

After having about ten seconds to enjoy the time in bed, T’Lira suggested that they hop a transport to Earth so that she could see Taril and introduce him to Tyler. Luckily the USS Pasture was headed back to Earth and gave them a ride. They made space dock and were in the shuttle down to the surface.
T’Lira was indeed glad to be on Earth again and in sight of more familiar places. Of course, the overly familiar sight of a small Trill waving her arm constantly was welcomed.

"Hey, over here! Over here!" the woman yelled, drawing several stares from clueless people.

Tyler picked up their bags and followed T’Lira’s lead over to the waving trill

"Oh, by the Pools, you’re finally here!" the Trill sighed, "Bril and Eddie were talking before they left and apparently your overeager kid heard them. Honestly, do they forget the ears?"

"No, Shari, they do not. It was most likely on purpose," T’Lira replied.

Shari noticed the stranger near T’Lira and pointed as she asked, "Who’s he?"

Tyler extended his hand in greeting, "Tyler Slade, very nice to meet you"

Shari accepted the hand with a huge smile, "I’m Shari Kyon, nice to meet you! I think I know exactly what’s going on here!"

T’Lira had to resist the urge to remind Shari what had happened the last time she presumed.

Sensing that T’Lira would be uncomfortable by that he responded, "If you presume that T’Lira and I have made our way back to Earth on shore leave to see friends and family after a long battle with a bunch of lizard aliens. then you presume correctly."

He spoke with an equally big smile as he continued to shake her hand.

Shari looked back and forth and simply said "Uh-huh. Sure. Anyway, c’mon. I swear, that kid wears out the entire staff. And…"

She continued to chatter as she led them to the child care center.

"Shari, may I ask how many hosts you have had?" Tyler asked the question understanding that it can be uncomfortable but he wanted to know how old the person he communicating with was. Being that his boss was a joined Trill with more than a century of experience he liked to ask this question when coming in contact with joined Trills.

She laughed, "None, actually. I’ve been asked that a lot before, but I didn’t wind up in the program. My twin sister did, so that’s probably why I get asked all the time. Do you know her? Wait, if course not, she’s not in Starfleet."

"No, I just wanted to see if your intuition from past experiences is why you were asking, but either way I am sure that if I ever run into your sister I will remember you." He said with a smile

Shari snickered, "I work with children, it’s best to know what they’re up to before they think of it. Speaking of which, three of the kids tried to convince Taril to climb a tree yesterday. I have never seen a more polite turn down, oh look! We’re here! Wow that went by fast!"

In T’Lira’s personal opinion, it didn’t go by fast enough. Shari was even more talkative than the last time they had spoken.

This woman did like to talk a lot Tyler thought but continued to listen as politely as possible. As they approached the child care center he noticed the Starfleet delta emblem on the building.

“Is this a Starfleet-run facility?"

Shari nodded, "Most of the workers are retired or inactive service, but there are some active duty nurses, just in case. Anyway, standard procedure is sign in at the front desk, so shall we?"

"Oh, yes let’s go in. I am sure T’Lira is anxious to see her little one."

Still dressed in their Starfleet uniforms, they walked into the childcare center.

T’Lira lifted an eyebrow and replied, "I am never anxious, Tyler. I am calm at all times."

Shari about burst out laughing.

Tyler just smiled in response as they walked in, “Which one is Taril?"

Shari pointed, "The blur."

Just as a little blur attached itself to T’Lira’s leg and yelled, "You’re back!"

" Wow, he is quick on his feet," Tyler looking down noticing the ridge on the brow and the hair line. He was Romulan. Tyler knelt down and offered his hand to the child. "Hi there Tari,l I am Tyler. I work with your mom on the Atlantis. It is a pleasure to meet you"

Taril looked up and smiled, "Hi!"

T’Lira almost nudged him before he continued, "Nice to meet you!"

"You are pretty fast, I bet you give them all a run for their money when you race," Tyler said with a smile as he watched as Taril continued to look at him but held tightly to his mother just in case.

Taril frowned, "Sometimes. Sometimes there are the mean kids, but Shari always chases them away."

T’Lira flicked a glance around the room, trying to identify which would be the "mean kids".

"The mean kids are just jealous that they can’t catch you. What is your favorite game to play?"

Taril cast a sly look at one of the other kids and stuck his tongue out, earning him a sigh from T’Lira.

"I like to play soccer! It’s really fun."

T’Lira was mildly concerned that he was playing soccer, but only because he didn’t know how to cope with his own strength.

"I like to play soccer too, maybe we could kick the ball around sometime" Tyler smiled at Taril

"That’d be cool!" Taril grinned. T’Lira almost let a tiny sigh of relief free, but repressed it at the last moment.

Tyler stood back up and looked at T’Lira with a smile. "What do you think about us grabbing a bite to eat? Since we are on a quick trip!"

T’Lira mused and said, "As this is a special occasion, I suggest an Italian restaurant that is two blocks away."

Taril almost literally perked up at the mention of his favorite restaurant.

"Sounds wonderful, Shall we go like this or should we clean up a bit first?"

T’Lira shook her head slightly, "I see no need."

Taril interrupted and said, "I like the uniforms! I wanna be in Starfleet, too!"

Tyler looked down at him and smiled. "Ok, well let’s head to dinner then. Which corps do you want to be in Taril? Science like your mom and me, Engineering, command, navigation, tactical? What is your favorite?"

He held his hands out, one to each of them. waiting for the young man’s response but knowing that he will say the sciences considering who his mother is.

T’Lira accepted his hand and Taril chose to bounce ahead, chattering about how he wanted to be a captain on a science ship one day.

T’Lira leaned over and quietly said, "I believe he will be like this for several hours, or until he goes to bed."

He whispered back, “At least he will sleep well. He is very excited to see you, I am glad that you wanted me to join you for this."

He smiled at her and gave her hand a squeeze.

She nodded, "Hopefully. I believe he will need to run after the meal, but I hope he will sleep well. And why would you not join me? It is logical, considering the nature of our relationship."

"Logical or not, my dear, I am happy to be here with the both of you"


They continued to walk down the street to the restaurant watching Taril run around listening to him tell his dream of being a Starfleet captain on a science vessel.

"Hey Taril, when on a ship on mission, who is the only person who can give the Captain an order and even relieve them of command?"

Taril looked proud as he replied, "The chief medical officer! Uncle Eddie says he wants to do that to his captain all the time!"

"You should not listen to Edward," T’Lira chastised him slightly, "He often talks far more than he should."

Taril nodded, "That’s what Aunt ‘Lena says when Uncle Eddie says he wants to pull rank."

"There has even been a CMO who did that and was incorrect in assuming if he relieved the captain from command that he was in command. In turn the XO relieved the CMO and charged him with mutiny and surrendered the ship back to the captain. It is not something that anyone should joke about. Your Aunt Lena is definitely correct."

"I guess I oughta warn Uncle Eddie, huh?"

T’Lira replied, "I believe it would be best if I warned him. He is aware that I have memorized the latest Starfleet regulations."

"I think it would be better for your mother to inform your uncle, I think she may have some other things to tell him," he winked at T’Lira knowing she was going to tear this Edward character a new one.

T’Lira was already putting together a lecture for one Edward Harrel even as Taril nodded and continued to talk about how he wanted to explore the unexplored.

They arrived at the restaurant and walked in. Tyler spoke to the host, "Three, please."

The host looked up and smiled, "Of course right this way and may I say you have a beautiful family."

The host started walking motioning for them to follow him before anyone could correct him.

Taril giggled and T’Lira had to restrain an awkward flush at that.

Taril picked his seat and Tyler pulled the chair out for T’Lira before seating himself.

T’Lira sat and perused the menu for a suitable meal.

Tyler knew precisely what he wanted before looking at the menu. "T’Lira, would you like to have a glass of wine?"

Tyler saw Taril swinging his legs back and forth, noting that being his favorite restaurant he knew exactly what he wanted as well.

On a pure whim, she nodded ever so slightly, "I would, yes. I presume you would like the lasagna, Taril?"

That received a very emphatic nodding.

In complete shock Tyler said, "Your favorite is lasagna? Mine too. I never have to look at the menu because that is what I always want!" Tyler smiled and winked at Taril.

The server approached, "Good evening, how might I serve you on this lovely evening?"

Tyler smiled and allowed T’Lira to go first as she was the lady at the table.

T’Lira took a few seconds more to look at the menu before ordering a salad, hoping that Tyler would know of an acceptable wine.

Taril immediately spoke up and ordered the same lasagna dish as usual, as well as a glass of water.

When the server asked if he would prefer anything else to drink, perhaps a juice, Taril shook his head, "I like water. It’s really interesting."

"So long as you do not drop food in it," T’Lira reminded him, earning a giggle.

Tyler enjoyed that they had a laugh between them as he ordered the lasagna as well. "That will be all then sir, thank you"

The server verified the order and then strode away to begin working on the meal.

Taril seemed really fascinated by something and asked, "I thought you didn’t like wine."

T’Lira replied, "It is not that I dislike it, it is that I have never tried it. You cannot dislike something you do not know."

Realizing that this would be a first for her he smiled. The server brought bread to the table and a pitcher of water and a decanter of red wine pouring two glasses. Tyler swirled the wine, smelled it and sipped it. "That is very nice, thank you."

He looked to T’Lira, "It is a drink to sip, taking a large gulp will not be a pleasant flavor."

T’Lira gazed at it for a moment before sipping it cautiously.

Taril seemed amused and took the opportunity to drop a small piece of noodle into his glass of water and watch it sink.

"What happened to not putting food in the water?" Tyler giggled at Taril as he took another sip of wine, cautiously watching T’Lira for any reaction.

Taril giggled, "But it looks cool."

T’Lira let loose a tiny sigh as she told Taril, "It also is an action best saved for your experiments and not a restaurant."

"But Mom…"

"It’s not a good idea to argue with your mother she will logic you into submission," He winked at Taril and smiled at T’Lira.

"I was unaware that logic could be used as a weapon," T’Lira replied, even as Taril put on an incredible fake pout that was revealed by the giggles he was failing to suppress.

"Somehow, my dear, I don’t believe that you mean that," he smiled while grabbing her hand listening to the giggles of the little one.

"Logic is indeed not a weapon. Rather, it is a tool," she reminded him, even as Taril managed to suppress his giggles in favor of more food.

"Every weapon can also be defined as a tool, a tool of defense or destruct, but still a tool."

He looked for her reaction as he believed he had explained himself well as he took his first bite of lasagna.

"Yet a tool is not always a weapon. Just as with the square and the rectangle," she replied.

Taril was focused on his food at the moment, so she took another cautious sip of the wine.

"Very true, but I am not arguing that every tool is a weapon, just that every weapon is a tool. If said tool is used to defend oneself it can be construed as a weapon. Are you enjoying the wine?"

Tyler smiled to T’Lira.

T’Lira decided not to further a philosophical debate, as it would simply not be appropriate given the setting.

"It is… a most interesting flavor. I was unaware that a substance made from grapes was capable of having a large variety of tastes."

"It is dependent on the type of grape, and the manner in which it is fermented."

"There are different types?"

"Indeed there are many different types from different places"

"I was only aware of one type, the generalized grapes."

Taril cut in with, "There are red grapes, white grapes, purple grapes, and all kinds! And they taste good, too."

"You are so smart!" Tyler mused at Taril. "He is absolutely correct, there are different types and even before turning into wine they are quite delicious. Each different wine from a different grape is called a Vintage. If there is any difference in the making of a wine from the previous time it is a different Vintage, most people only think that it refers to the time period in which it is made."

He smiled and sipped the last of his glass and poured another. “Would you like more?"

"Most interesting. I do not believe I am in need of a refill," T’Lira answered, indicating her still-mostly full glass.

Taril, meanwhile, beamed happily as he ate the remainder of his food.

Tyler smiled and continued eating, noticing Taril happy about the information that he knew about.

They continued to enjoy their meal discussing some of their missions and when the next time was planned to come home and visit Taril. Taril expressed that he wanted to see Tyler again as well, and after a short walk back and a quietly emotional goodbye, Tyler and T’Lira left for the shuttle so that they could catch the next transport back to Risa.

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1 Comment

  • Atlantis Patch Ian Blackthorne says:

    I like Shari! Also, the bit about putting the noodle in the water was adorable.

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