Posted on July 27th, 2015 by T'Lira and Tyler Slade
Still floating on cloud nine from their first kiss, he continued to walk alongside T’Lira hand in hand to the hotel room to prepare for dinner.
"Well here is that question that has plagued couples for centuries: what would you like to eat for dinner?"
Lifting an eyebrow, she replied, "Preferably some place that has vegetarian options."
Trying new things was always a good practice, but there had been more than enough new things today. New dietary options would not be a proper addition to that list.
Noticing that he continuously gets that eyebrow to raise he considered for a moment with a smile.
Being on Risa I am sure that everywhere we go will have vegetarian options. We could stay close and go to the hotel restaurant or venture out. The choice is yours!"
"I am unfamiliar with the options available. Perhaps consulting a native would be best. They are, after all, quite familiar with their planet."
While that probably sounded awkward, she found it to be the most logical course of action to take in this situation. Not that she had pre-planned various scenarios.
"Very true, Shall we stop by the front desk and ask for concierge information before returning to our room?" he suggested to her in agreement.
"That would be a most logical idea, yes."
And perhaps she could take the opportunity to borrow one of the information PADDs that were available so that other options could be considered for future reference. And so she could familiarize herself with Risa.
They strolled up to the desk where a Receptionist kindly offered them a PADD with the surrounding attractions that included food and valuable information about the planet Risa. The PADD also included the schedules of all of the outgoing transports for anyone who wanted to travel off world.
"Well I think this will more than answer our question," he said as they walked away from the desk towards the lift after thanking the receptionist.
Flicking a glance at the PADD’s table of contents, she nodded in agreement.
"I believe it will. Much of the information may prove to be useful for any future activities."
"Definitely. What other activities are you interested it?"
He asked her as the lift doors closed and began to take them to their floor.
"Perhaps a museum visit would be beneficial. There is much to be learned about the unique flora and fauna of Risa."
Well, that maybe wasn’t the most logical idea for a shore leave, but the scientist in her was insatiably curious about this world.
He smiled thinking that it was not the most intriguing idea for shore leave but there was a lot that was unknown about this planet to both of them.
“I think that is a marvelous idea, as long as that is only one activity, not the entirety. I suggest we also do some hiking or spelunking in the caves and ruins,” he suggested as he pointed to the outdoor activities tab on the PADD. They walked off of the left and down the hall in sync step to their suite.
"Spelunking? What is that? It does not sound familiar, although it does sound like a most unpleasant word."
This is what she deserved for not researching potential shore leave activities as diligently as she should have. Granted, there had been the aftermath of a massive battle to deal with.
He snickered in amusement.
"It’s a word used to go exploring in caves, not an unpleasant experience in my opinion. Rather exciting and enlightening. Especially for such a dark place"
"Interesting. While there is most likely a better word that could have been attached to such an activity, it still holds merit."
Just as long as it didn’t involve water that was too deep. She still had yet to rid herself of that illogical fear.
"I always found the word interesting because it is very hard to forget once you have heard it"
He mused at her wondering what else she would be interested in. They walked into the suite and went to the common area and paused before going to their rooms to dress for dinner.
"Let me know what you choose when you have decided. We have plenty of time to get ready."
"Very well."
She walked into her room and used the computer terminal within to view the various options as she changed into something she hoped was appropriate.
Well, not that a dress should be inappropriate, but one never could be sure when there were humans involved. Even now, they were still a mystery.
Frantically searching through his clothing options knowing that nothing he decided to wear would even remotely compare to how she was sure to look in whatever she chose. He settled on a simple dinner appropriate shirt and slacks.
He then went to the sonic shower to make sure he was clean and hygienic for the continuation of this interaction.
Scrolling through the options, she debated whether to leave her hair up in a bun or let it down.
Just as she decided on a suitable restaurant, she pulled the pins from her hair and let it down. Changes could be a good thing, but this may prove mildly irritating if a breeze chose to arrive at an inopportune moment.
He cleaned himself and fixed his hair, dressing carefully so as to not look disheveled. This interaction had been very positive and he did not want that to change for any reason.
She stood and walked out into the common room, adjusting the hair band she had decided on to neutralize any stray hair. Sitting, she waited patiently and looked over the PADD’s contents.
He calmed himself and stepped out of the room. There she was sitting looking at a PADD with long hair down for the first time he remembered ever seeing. She looked beautiful and he just stood awestruck.
Hearing the footsteps, she looked up and was confused by the expression on his face.
"Is there a problem?" she asked, setting the PADD down and standing, walking a few paces closer.
He pulled himself out of the gawking stare and spoke.
"No, no problem at all you just look fantastic!"
Ah, another of those situations she was woefully unprepared for.
"T-thank you."
And there was that small stutter that had a habit of appearing in such situations.
Looking at her for a moment he realized he had startled her again.
"Oh I’m…….. No, on second thought I am not sorry, I think you look beautiful and I am not sorry about it!!"
He smiled.
She lifted her eyebrow again and simply stated, "There is no logical reason to apologize for sharing your opinion."
Admittedly, that was probably a poor choice of words, but it was all she could think of at the moment.
"Which is why I did not apologize,” he said, still beaming.
Pushing past that, she said, "I have determined a suitable restaurant. It is approximately point two five kilometers from the hotel and is accessible by either foot or transportation."
"I don’t mind walking, it is a beautiful evening."
He held his hand out to her, knowing that she would not mind walking.
"Shall we?"
After a brief hesitation, she accepted his hand and nodded, "It is indeed a… lovely evening."
After a lovely evening walk with a conversation about the possibilities of the upcoming days and possible activities, they made it to the restaurant for dinner where they ate and discussed theories and scientific thoughts, and then walked back to the hotel hand in hand.
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You two are cute! :)