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Explosive Personalities
Posted on March 28th, 2015 by Ilaihr

Ilaihr was calmly running through systems checks, making sure everything was in working order after the battle. He noticed he was getting a communique; he gazed at the console for a moment, not expecting any calls at this moment, he was curious. On connecting the transmission, he was met with a smiling Klingon face.

"Rii, pep kheeb. Kukhuukh iil?" Asked the Klingon jovially.
"Qapla. nuqneH?" Ilaihr smirked. "qaleghqa’neS?"
The Klingon laughed. "I am honoured to see you also sir."
"Mr Hamlet… you havent been required to call me sir in many years."
"Ach, it jus’ feels right. And to answer your question, I’m calling to see how you are; and you haven’t answered my question yet."
The old man looked around engineering, noting how everyone was busying themselves. "Oh I’m fine lad. Your An’dorian is off, by the way."
"Oh aye? So is your Klingonese."
"My boy… That is impossible; I have been speaking the Klingon language since before you were born. My intonation and pronunciation is perfect."

They both enjoyed a quick laugh. It had been sometime since the pair had spoken.

"To be honest Ilaihr, hearing Atlantis was in the midst of battle… I did worry ’bout ya. I know yer no’ one for combat."
"We did fairly well for ourselves; I was safe in engineering with a team of MACOs outside. I was even equipped wth a weapon."
"Stop th’bledy presses… you had a gun? Captain Ilaihr of Andor carried a gun? You ne’er carry a gun. Last time you carried a gun was…."
"…Was the Caremman incident, I remember. Necessity once again has forced me to drop my principles of pacifism. No doubt it has forced you to do the same?"
"Aye. Did you enjoy the fireworks I brought to the party me?"
"Ah. So that was you causing a bledy ruckus. I hear one of them made a Tzenkethi carrier go away."
"Well… it went more than aw’y. The atoms that composed it are now scattered to the four corners of the system. I dunni even make ’em for that though. I originally made ’em to break us free from a subspatial anomaly."
"I’m not judging you my boy. If you hadn’t have constructed them; its possible we wouldn’t be having this conversation now."
"I suppose… well I’ve sent the schematics to the rest of the fleet. Sentinel has run oot of tricobalt, so we canni make any more, and it would be handy if the other ships had ’em as backup."
"I’ll check storage, we may have some aboard. I’ll have to talk to Mr Quinn or the admiral for permission to construct them."
"Well, Admiral Blackthorne seemed impressed. Although he may have jus’ been gobsmacked by how simplistic my answer to his question was."
"What was the question?"
"Wha’ the hell was that?"
"And how did you respond?"
"Its a really big bomb sir."
"Hmmm. Probably as much as I’ve said to him… Lets just assume he hasn’t formed an opinion of you and I’ll ask him about those tricobalt devices when I’m done here."
"Very well Ilaihr. I’ll let you get back to yer work, whilst I get back to mine. Expect a call at some point from Mr Douglas, he was asking aboot you."
"Oooh. How is Soule?"
"Still the same Soule Douglas."
"A perpetually misguided pain in the ass then. I will look forward to hearing from him. And we’ll be in this same battle group for a while, so we’ll speak again soon old friend."
"Yes we will old timer." The two nodded at each other as Ilaihr disconnected the transmisson.

Ilaihr was left thinking; in particular Hamlet’s mention of Soule. The young man had some issues; ones that this war would probably awaken in him. Ilaihr was worried; staring up at the chronometer he checked the time, making certain that he was clear to leave the shift.

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