Posted on September 25th, 2014 by T'Lira
It was interesting how things could change so suddenly.
For example, an entire planet could die and the universe would be irrevocably altered. Or even something as small as a life could be changed.
T’Lira felt… young, again. The last time she had been an ensign, it had been on Starbase 217 several years ago. It was fascinating how some things changed in the blink of an eye.
The station, Telthis, was rising again, but so recently it had sunk into the gases it so frequently hovered above. What was the real reason behind it sinking anyway. It was not simple mechanical failure or even a navigational error, as was wont to happen on so many Starfleet or other space vessels. Jupiter Station did not simply sink into Jupiter’s atmosphere so easily. Starbase One did not just fall from the sky. Who, or what, was responsible for this?
Thinking back, T’Lira remembered something a colleague on the USS Freedom had once been obsessed with: Sherlock Holmes, a fictional detective from Earth’s 21st century. Or had he been fascinated with the books? It was difficult to recall which it had been, the poor Efrosian had spoken so fast.
So now, she couldn’t help but wonder: What would Mister Holmes have done?
Curious and thinking on the solution–qualities that befit a Starfleet Officer!
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Mr. Holmes isn’t necessary since we already caught the saboteur! Congratulations, Ensign. :)