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An End to Logs of the Month
Posted on April 18th, 2013 by Ian Blackthorne

February 2013 marked the end of the Log of the Month award. For some time, with a few exceptions, the award has gone to the only log written that month anyway, making it somewhat superfluous. Immortalization on the website as a perk of the award was rendered obsolete by the WordPress format, since everything we do now is archived here. Additionally, I possessed a minor compulsion to have something to show for the archives every month that was causing me stress when I’d have to write something myself at the last minute, or bug someone else to do it. Writing for fun should be when the creative mood strikes you, not for a deadline.

Many of you know that I use a points system to track when people are eligible for promotions. The specific details of that system have always been intentionally kept secret, but it was known that writing a log was worth points and winning LotM was worth bonus points. As a clarification, attending a sim also earns points. Since the LotM is no longer available to earn points, highlights and journals will also be worth points from now on, and full-blown logs will be worth the bonus points that used to be given for the Log of the Month. The distinction between a highlight and a log is vague, but I think it’s understood.

I appreciate every single word all of you write for this game. It’s really amazing that it’s gone on as long as it has. The LotM was a vestige from a time when there was more active writing and a group-wide award to compete for. Now it no longer suits our style of play, so we’ll leave it behind. Any and all writing is welcomed and appreciated, and now all of it will be rewarded, without any pressure to produce something just because a month is ending. Write what you want, why you want, and when you want. Just write! :)

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  •  Alexis Wright says:


  • Atlantis Patch T'Kirr says:

    Yes, well put. It certainly had its place, but it doesn’t fit our play style now. As long as we’re having fun, we’re doing it right! =)

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