Atlantis Ammora, Scott Isaac

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Name: Ammora, Scott Isaac
Rank: Marine Captain
Service Number: 898-1027C
Date of Birth: March 23, 2376
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Place of Origin: Mars
Height: 175cm
Weight: 73kg
Build: Athletic
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Marital Status:
  In a Relationship
Current Assignment:
  Acting Chief Tactical Officer,
  USS Atlantis, NCC-1021-D
Service Record

10 June, 2394: Enrolled in Starfleet Marine Corps, Starfleet Academy
1 April, 2398: Graduated Starfleet Academy
30 April, 2398: Assigned as Assistant Security Officer, Starbase 60
12 January 2400: Assigned as Assistant Security/Tactical Officer, USS Atlantis
4 August 2400: Promoted to 1st Lieutenant
10 November 2400: Awarded Presidential Unit Citation, USS Atlantis, for Extraordinary Heroism and Exemplary Service, Xovul Conflict
15 May 2402: Promoted to Marine Captain

Physical Description

Scott is a sturdy young man with an athletic frame.  With a shorter stature than most people in his line of work, he makes up for it with heart.  His hair color is natural brown, which he gets from his dad, and his height from his mother.  He has a scar on his back near the right shoulder blade from a training incident in his third year at the Academy.  He deliberately asked the medical unit to heal it, but leave the scar without dermal regeneration.  He is right-handed.

Family and Personal History

Raised by two professional parents, Scott was always pushed by his parents to be the best that he could be.  Sometimes to a fault.  Being one of three children, the middle child, Scott often felt lost in his older brother’s shadow and unable to match his younger sister’s affinity to use being the ‘baby of the family’.  Regardless of that, he remains close with his sister and his parents.  His brother, less so, but there is no ill will between them.

Scott’s father, Captain Preston Ammora (b. 2351), was the commanding officer of the USS Trinity, an Intrepid-class starship.  His career was distinguished, but no major commendations, infractions, large events occurred during his tenure in command.  Many of the major skirmishes of the recent past happened far away from the postings of the Trinity and, thus, the ship was never called into support.  Retiring from active command duty two years before Scott’s posting on Atlantis, Preston took a position on Utopia Planitia to be closer to his family.

Scott’s mother, Dr. Cynthia ‘Cyn’ Ammora (née Tedrick, b. 2350), served as Director of Medical Operations at the Utopia Planetia Shipyards in orbit around Mars.  Her primary focus was medical care for those assigned to the station, but she also worked closely with the supply chain that stocked medical equipment on the ships being built and retrofitted on site.

Scott’s older brother, Kason Ammora (b. 2373), is a minor-league Parrises Squares player based on Earth.  Scott’s younger sister, Breena (b. 2379), is currently attending Starfleet Medical on Earth.

Trek Logo Divider

Behold a Pale Horse, Pt. 8: Test Balloon
Posted on June 13th, 2024 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   2 Comments   Log of the Month Award

Behold a Pale Horse, Pt. 7: Lucy in the Stars with Emeralds
Posted on May 12th, 2024 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   2 Comments   Log of the Month Award

Behold a Pale Horse, Pt. 6: Temporal Integrity
Posted on April 24th, 2024 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   2 Comments   Log of the Month Award

Behold a Pale Horse, Pt. 5: The Rotten Apple
Posted on April 15th, 2024 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   2 Comments  

Behold a Pale Horse, Pt. 4: Fiends, Roamings, Countrymen
Posted on April 7th, 2024 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   2 Comments  

Behold a Pale Horse, Pt. 3: White Knights, White Nights
Posted on April 4th, 2024 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   2 Comments  

Behold a Pale Horse, Pt. 2: Know When to Fold ‘Em
Posted on March 26th, 2024 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   2 Comments  

Behold a Pale Horse, Pt. 1: Man in the Mirror
Posted on March 22nd, 2024 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   2 Comments   Log of the Month Award

Away Mission: Eventfully Uneventful
Posted on December 27th, 2023 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   1 Comment   Log of the Month Award

The Presidio, Epilogue: Just a Bridge
Posted on July 31st, 2023 by Scott Ammora
Posted in Atlantis, Logs   2 Comments   Log of the Month Award

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