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Minuteman RP / minuteman-mission
After 10/16/2023 12:00 AM
1Lt Nico Slate 10/19/2023 11:32 AM
:: Nico moved from person to person, finally getting some one-on-one time with his crewmen. They all seemed collected and focused steadily on their jobs. The reports were clean, the systems were in check, and morale seemed good. Then again, they hadn't been out in space that long and the true trials were sure to come. He could feel a weariness from his workers, but it wasn't anything he hadn't felt before. The restlessness leading into a mission, especially one of this caliber, was always tangible even without the mental abilities he possessed. Nico felt that unease was the primer to ready the machine to ramp up into overdrive when the need arose. They'd be ready for anything. He was content. ::
1Lt Nico Slate 10/22/2023 12:21 PM
:: Nico strolls through engineering, observing from afar the diligence of his workers. As he heads back to his office he sees a flashing panel with an ominous red light blinking to gain his attention. With no crewmember present, Nico steps over and taps the console. Weapon systems have an irregularity in the power grid. Minute enough, but still just out of alignment to cause an alert. After pursuing the problem a bit he finds it was just an inverted polarity in the manifolds housing the phasers on the port nacelle. :: @Cpt AJ Zuriyev: +AJ+ Slate to Zuriyev. Captain, our dorsal port nacelle phaser array is slightly out of alignment. Easily correctable, but I'll need to shut down access to those for about an hour to have my teams fix it. Minor inconvenience, but I can have it back up in no time. Permission to proceed?
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 10/22/2023 6:22 PM
:: AJ quickly thinks about the reported issue, their projected travel time, their mission and preference for stealth over combat, and makes a quick risk assessment, replying with confidence. :: +@1Lt Nico Slate+ Granted, lieutenant. Better to take care of that while we are at warp. Keep me updated.
LtCol Rak'nar 10/24/2023 10:26 PM
:: A soft but audible snarl soon emanated from the rotating captain's chair at the center of the bridge. It wasn't a big space, after all. Even on Deck 1, where the design was deliberately spaced out to ensure an easily fortified corridor separated the command center and captain's quarters from the nearest turbolift, nothing could be called truly spacious. And so of course he had overheard that exchange between Zuriyev and engineering. And he wasn't happy. He took no issue with Zuriyev's decision, of course. Something like that needed to be fixed, immediately. He took significant issue, however, with the knowledge that something like that was only being spotted now. Yes, engineering had been given other priorities prior to launch. But the outgoing engineer had been no incompetent. If a member of the senior staff had been lax in their duties, then Syvek had been lax in his duties, and in turn so was he. Rak'nar had not been lax in his duties. Nor was he blaming anyone else in particular...yet. Even with the most advanced equipment, random malfunctions happened. But that didn't mean he was about to simply let this lie. And so, clearing his throat grandly to draw attention, he beckoned the current pilot over.:: @Maj Eric Woods Major. A word.
LtCol Rak'nar 10/24/2023 10:33 PM
:: After a moment, a somewhat more uncomfortable clearing of the throat occurred as he realized he'd allowed Slate's hail to distract him from another matter. That WAS a failing, however momentary. :: @Cpt AJ Zuriyev And no, captain, not yet. I would like the entire senior staff briefed at once. It will be the first task following our successful infiltration of Free Fleets space.
Maj Eric Woods 10/29/2023 4:22 PM
::stands and crosses to follow Rak’nar to wherever he planned to have this ‘word’. He takes a breath and replies definitively, :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Yes, sir. :: his tone does not ask a question, instead conveying his acknowledgement that he could have done better. ::
LtCol Rak'nar 10/29/2023 4:31 PM
:: Woods would not have to go far, as Rak'nar made no move to rise from the command chair. The Klingon's brow furrowed briefly in confusion as he tried to make sense of the Major's tone, as his current dissatisfaction had nothing to do with his second, but regardless he leaned in and pressed on under his breath. :: @Maj Eric Woods Major. In an hour's time, one way or another, I intend to be already crossing over into hostile space. If I find myself doing so in spite of being powerless to shoot anything off to my left, I will not be well pleased. It seems you have your first real test before you. Give Slate fifteen minutes to work, then go find out if this is one of those playful engineering timetable inflations I keep hearing about. If it is not, then proceed as you see fit, but light a fire under him.
Maj Eric Woods 10/29/2023 5:41 PM
:: Rak’nar might not have blamed him, but Eric still felt somewhat responsible. Perhaps it was an unreasonable feeling, or a sign of him still needing to settle into leadership, but it was how he felt. He gave a firm nod, replying, :: @LtCol Rak'nar: It will be done. :: he then crossed back to his seat, checking the time so he could tell when fifteen minutes had passed ::
LtCol Rak'nar 10/29/2023 6:16 PM
:: Grunting his approval and turning to indicate he judged the matter settled, he then turned back to Zuriyev. :: @Cpt AJ Zuriyev Captain Zuriyev, I need a secure uplink with the El Cid, and any other starships we may have stationed along that section of the border. Specifically, I need the most recent telemetry from their long range scans to determine the ideal target coordinates for our insertion.
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 10/30/2023 5:56 PM
:: From watching the Colonel's reactions, it's obvious that he overheard her exchange with Slate, so she sees no need to waste his time by repeating the message to him. AJ nods as her question is answered regarding the briefing, then observes the interaction with the Major somewhat impassively, knowing from the few years under Rak'nar's command what the root of his displeasure probably was, and that it did not lie with her, her decision, or even Woods. :: :: AJ nods when he turns to her with orders. :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Yes, sir, on it. :: contacts the El Cid on a secure channel to request the necessary information ::
Maj Eric Woods 11/17/2023 6:35 PM
:: having waited enough time, factoring in how long it would take him to get down to engineering, Eric rose from his seat and made his way over to the turbolift. He rehearsed in his head what he might say to @1Lt Nico Slate, trying to determine the best thing he could say or do to help things along. He had a few ideas, but it would all depend on what he saw when he made it into engineering. ::
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 11/29/2023 6:06 PM
:: sees notice of an incoming transmission and looks over it with an approving nod before forwarding it to the colonel's console :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Colonel, data received from the El Cid and a couple of other nearby ships. I've forwarded it to you, sir. :: she continues to analyze the data and starts to form a recommendation in case he asks for one ::
Maj Eric Woods 1/6/2024 4:32 PM
:: makes it to engineering in time for everything to have been handled. He looks around, locates @1Lt Nico Slate and gives him a jovial smile :: Slate: All good down here?
1Lt Nico Slate 1/7/2024 12:12 PM
:: sees Major Woods enter Engineering, instantly bristles but then settles down in a couple of seconds as the second-in-command traverses the main work area to the console that Nico is working at. Marine's had briefings when they were on assignment. Standard like clockwork. If a CO randomly showed up during your shift it was either because they were doing staff morale checks - always got to make sure the brass can dirty their shiny rank insignia with the grunts - or there was an adjustment of orders. ::
:: Granted, Nico didn't git a rat's ass about all of that. Do the work, sign the authorizations, be there when necessary for other departments, and you were golden. And when you had to kick some ass, you kick some ass. While Nico was a pacifist at heart, given years of his previous 'unsavory' lifestyle, he did own the hard edge of a marine. :: @Maj Eric Woods Woods: Major, good to see you. Yes, all is taken care of with the previous irregularity in our systems. Back in shape. :: looks at Major for a brief second... that second where all the talking is done with the eyes. He didn't know if Major Woods would pick up on his glance. They didn't know each other. Nico didn't know Colonel Rak'nar. But the sudden appearance of the executive officer, after a standard reset of a more-than-ordinary anomaly in subsystems put Nico off. ::
Maj Eric Woods 1/7/2024 1:29 PM
:: despite not being an empath, Eric was quite good at reading the vibe. If the rest of the engineering crew’s sideward glances at him hadn’t been enough for him to know that his presence was unsettling, Nico’s meaningful glance sealed the deal. He smiled. He rested his hands on his hips, and gave a jovial shrug :: @1Lt Nico Slate: Glad to hear it. Not a waste, though, at least I got to stretch my legs. :: he paused a moment, trying to think of a joke to lighten the mood :: And good to know you don’t let the Captain’s targ being loose in the jeffries tubes slow you down. :: he had come this close to joking about not letting crewmen canoodling in the jerffries tube slow Nico down, but he didn’t want to risk being right. He didn’t know, of course, but it’s better not to speak that sort of thing into existence as a CO. ::
1Lt Nico Slate 1/8/2024 12:15 AM
:: Nico stops what's he's doing. Contemplates the ramifications of the multitudes of things going through his head. He's got the best opportunity... right here and right now... to find his footing on a more senior staff level. He would stow his preconceived notions and move to bluntness. It had worked for him before, but it was always assignment-specific. He wondered if, on a starship, the dynamics were different. It was early, so Nico figured he couldn't let a chance like this go without taking advantage. ::
@Maj Eric Woods : Major Woods, do you have a second that I may chat with you in my office? :: motions to his office a couple of meters to his left. It wasn't really an office, per se, but more a hollowed out area of deck placement for him to be by himself. :: Woods: It'll only take a minute.
Maj Eric Woods 1/8/2024 6:19 PM
:: raises his eyebrows and follows Nico’s gesture to look at his ‘office’. He replies with an earnest tone, quite pleased to hear out what anyone on his staff has to say :: @1Lt Nico Slate: Of course, Lieutenant. :: he follows Nico to the little nook, leaning against the wall and nodding to him :: Alright, hit me. :: he used a somewhat old fashioned turn of phrase, but most marines knew that one. ::
1Lt Nico Slate 1/9/2024 12:08 AM
:: Nico follows Woods, his eyes darting to each person as he walks. Once clear of the hustle and bustle, Nico stops. He takes a breath. :: @Maj Eric Woods : Permission to speak freely, Major?
Maj Eric Woods 1/9/2024 6:00 PM
:: takes a glance around to be sure no one is in hearing range, then nods to Nico :: @1Lt Nico Slate: Go ahead.
LtCol Rak'nar 1/9/2024 6:51 PM
:: By the time said data comes in, Rak'nar has repositioned to the CONN station, not having bothered with either summoning a replacement or transferring helm functions to the secondary control center on Deck 6. He may not be the Major's equal as a pilot, but for this initial leg of the journey, he hardly needed to be. After studying the newly available intel for a few minutes, he silently input a course correction. :: @Cpt AJ Zuriyev Keep that link open. Chances of our warp wake being detected should be negligible along this new heading so long as we keep out speed under warp three. Even so, passive sensors only. El Cid will be our eyes and ears so long as it remains in range. And pass along my thanks to Captain Valern.
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 1/9/2024 8:13 PM
:: AJ notices the course correction from the shift in sensor data, even though they're in passive mode, and makes a couple of small adjustments before looking up at the colonel's orders and returning a sharp nod. :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Aye aye, sir. :: She relays the thanks, along with her own to El Cid's Ops officer. ::
1Lt Nico Slate 1/10/2024 8:54 AM
@Maj Eric Woods : Forgive my bluntness, Major, but I'm at a loss. I've worked protection details, Marine contingents, worked on a spacedock, and have been involved in skirmishes with the most dire circumstances on the list of possible outcomes. I've also had a great deal of life experience that most Marines or Starfleet officers will never come by. Ship life is a different animal, to be sure. I don't know the Colonel, and I'm still finding my footing as a department lead. But I'm also aware of the complexities of the chain of command. I know this ship and am learning the ins and outs of its quirks... but I need some insight on where I stand as Chief Engineer as it relates to the command structure. I feel like I'm flying blind.
Maj Eric Woods 1/11/2024 4:41 PM
:: Eric rubs his chin as he thinks on this for a moment, wanting to give a complete and honest answer. When he’s devised it he stands up from his lean on the wall, looking Slate in the eye :: @1Lt Nico Slate: Well, let’s see… you have, arguably, one of the most important jobs on the ship. I know they say not to compare that way, but when the Captain or I hit the go button, you’re the reason that go button works, or perhaps doesn’t work. As Chief Engineer there are actually quite few people you have to take orders from. I believe you’ve met them all already. The Colonel, myself, Zuriyev, and in certain cases, mostly unrelated to your job, the Doctor. Your job, command wise, is to give as many orders as necessary, to whomever necessary, to ensure that the ship goes when we want it to go. That doesn’t mean you’ll take all the blame when something isn’t working, just that you’ll know you’re doing your job right when none of the rest of the senior staff notices any problems. Make sense?
1Lt Nico Slate 1/16/2024 1:39 PM
@Maj Eric Woods : Noted. I just feel on uneven footing with the Colonel. I'm not your rank and profile marine, never have been. I do my duty, support my team, and will give my 100% to the crew that I serve. But I'm also not stupid. You didn't pop into Engineering on a walkabout. You were here for a reason. And, I'd be remiss to not point out that I'm more than capable of understanding the command structure as it pertains to my department. I know what my job is. I need to know what I'm dealing with in regards to the command team. You came in here to check up on me and the progress for the maintenance item that I called Zuriyev about. I get it. But it was minor. It was fixed quickly. That's MY JOB. I don't need to be looked after. I need to know I'm trusted. I need to know that I'm here for a reason.
Maj Eric Woods 1/17/2024 3:57 PM
:: nods thoughtfully, considering Nico’s words before responding. Ultimately he decides on a smile :: @1Lt Nico Slate: I’m sure as we all get used to each other we’ll have more of that trust established. In the mean time, though, if you’re going to call the bridge about an issue, even a minor one, remember to call back when it’s fixed. As much as I love stretching my legs, and all.
1Lt Nico Slate 1/17/2024 5:01 PM
:: Nico nods and ponders for a second - the Major was right. And while he was prepping his report he should've gave advanced notice that the repairs had been completed and that the integrity of the Minuteman was no longer an issue. He didn't wait long in his response as to not look like he was accepting a 'mistake', per se. :: @Maj Eric Woods : You are correct, Major, and I apologize. :: reaches over and grabs the PADD that has his findings and repair report, handing it to the Major. :: @Maj Eric Woods : I'll also pass this along to Zuriyev to ensure we're on the same page. I appreciate your candor, sir, and any guidance in the future you can offer. I'm prideful enough to think I can do any job well, but I'm also aware of my shortcomings in a position that doesn't... uh... play to my strengths like my previous postings. I sincerely appreciate your understanding as we all find our footing in this new venture.
Maj Eric Woods 1/17/2024 6:53 PM
:: Eric takes the PADD and gestures by waving it slightly, still wearing his signature smile :: @1Lt Nico Slate: I appreciate your candor, and look forward to working with you. :: and with that, he was off. He headed out of Engineering, opening the PADD to read the report in the turbolift, then strode onto the bridge, once again waving the PADD, now as if to say “here it is”, :: @LtCol Rak'nar: We’re set, Captain. All lights green.
LtCol Rak'nar 1/17/2024 9:18 PM
:: At that, Rak'nar casts a glance over to Zuriyev for confirmation. He has no cause to doubt the word of his XO, but everyone on this ship has a job. And when it comes to Minuteman's ability to defend itself if stealth fails, she is the final word. After a moment’s consideration, he also makes eye contact with Woods and nods at the command chair at the center of the circular space. :: @Maj Eric Woods Have a seat. It's very comfortable, even by human standards. And I would like to have some control, I think, on how this begins. Now tell me. How stands your rapport with engineering?
Maj Eric Woods 1/19/2024 3:36 PM
:: he smiles briefly in acknowledgement, then sits down in the command chair, leans back, and feels down the arm rests. He hears the question and has his answer quickly :: @LtCol Rak'nar: I think I might be growing on them.
LtCol Rak'nar 1/19/2024 3:45 PM
:: His eyes never leave the HOps console, but that does at least merit the usual vaguely affirmative grunt to signal he's satisfied with the answer for now. :: @Maj Eric Woods Well, be sure to inform me if you ever feel I should take MY measure of the Lieutenant's congeniality.
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 1/19/2024 5:36 PM
:: AJ checks over the readings twice before looking up from her console to nod to the Colonel. :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Confirmed, sir; everything looks good from here. :: A hint of a smile perks the corners of her mouth at the conversation between the CO and XO. ::
Maj Eric Woods 1/19/2024 10:09 PM
:: he nods, putting on a serious face as he responds to the Colonel :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Oh, will do. :: then he smiles at AJ’s confirmation, before looking to Rak’nar for his next move ::
LtCol Rak'nar 1/19/2024 10:18 PM
:: Rak'nar's next move was imminent, as was their destination. Taking one last look at the telemetry from the El Cid, he nodded as their approach still looked clear. In this, at least, they were fortunate in their choice of enemy. A loose confederation of independent factions united by little more than a shared desire to keep "civilization" out, they'd had neither the Federation's incentive, nor the resources and drive to litter their borders with sophisticated early warning monitoring devices. Still, only a fool trusted the appearance of calm. :: @Cpt AJ Zuriyev Captain, signal the El Cid to cease transmission. I want nothing that can give clues to our location. Dropping speed to Warp 2. Free Fleets Space in...five minutes.
:: With that, he turned to face tactical. :: @Cpt AJ Zuriyev I am given to understand we have a list of vessels known to frequent this area. Warships, independent freighters, etcetera?
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 1/22/2024 6:25 PM
:: AJ signals the El Cid as ordered, adding one more thank you before going quiet and looking up to the Colonel. She nods and chuckles slightly as she gets an idea of why he's asking, as they've done this before. :: @LtCol Rak'nar : We do, sir. Thinking of engaging in a little tactical identity theft, are you?
LtCol Rak'nar 1/23/2024 2:50 PM
:: Rak'nar answered the levity with intensity and focus, but he nodded the affirmative. :: @Cpt AJ Zuriyev Indeed. You know the usual parameters. Not a warship; that may have some assigned patrol. But something relatively fast and well-armed, an unappealing target for prowling vultures. Find what you can, prepare to spoof the transponder signal on my order, and relay the warp field specifications to engineering.
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 1/25/2024 4:39 PM
:: AJ bristles a bit at the change in Rak'nar's tone between Woods and her, but doesn't show it outwardly; she's used to keeping this particular frustration bottled up. Still, Woods just got here and elicits more familiarity than she's managed to get out of Rak'nar in years? There's nothing for it, at least for now, so she dutifully follows her orders and scrolls through the listing of vessels that frequent the area, ruling out the ones that lack the data that would required to impersonate them. Finally, she selects a merchant vessel, the Illusive, that is known to be left the hell alone by those who know what a punch she packs. AJ sends the warp-field geometry, which looks roughly compatible with theirs, to engineering before tapping her commbadge. :: +@1Lt Nico Slate+ Zuriyev to Slate. I'm sending you some warp field specifications that we need be able to quickly... adopt. Be ready on the Colonel's order. :: she then readies the transponder changes for said order ::
1Lt Nico Slate 1/30/2024 2:32 PM
:: hears the comm from @Cpt AJ Zuriyev echo overhead. Nico dashes to the nearest console, enters his credentials, and looks at the information the tactical officer has sent to him. His eyes dart back and forth taking in the request and realizes that he knows exactly what the Colonel is intending on doing. His brain shifts into overdrive at the modifications that his department would have to do on a short time span to fulfill the request. It wasn't anything he wasn't capable of doing. :: +Zuriyev+ Roger that, Captain. Be advised that if the other ship is in the area, at all ever, our cover is blown with dual signatures. Trigger of a decoy.
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 1/30/2024 2:51 PM
:: AJ smirks and chuckles slightly when she hears the warning of the obvious from Slate. It was well-intentioned, but this isn't the first time they've done this, not that he would necessarily know that. :: +@1Lt Nico Slate+ The ship I chose isn't known to presently be in the area, lieutenant, and we have no intel to suggest that she will be any time soon, but thanks for looking out. If the Illusive does show up, we can deal with that, and perhaps even use the moment of chaos to our advantage, yeah?
1Lt Nico Slate 1/30/2024 3:10 PM
:: Nico realizes that while his intentions were good, these are fuckin' Marines. Of course they knew that. He was still learning. He pinched the bridge of his nose and let the moment pass. He'd make it up later for asking a stupid question. No, it wasn't a stupid question, it was an honest one. There were marines, AJ, the Colonel, and the Major who were better versed in all this. They'd seen the front lines, they'd done the clandestine, and were battle-hardened in their own right. He would find, in the future, his place where his experience lended a hand. Today was not that day. Following orders was on the menu. :: +@Cpt AJ Zuriyev+ Acknowledged. Standby.
LtCol Rak'nar 1/30/2024 3:29 PM
:: Whatever other virtues he may have possessed, Rak'nar had no extraordinary powers of perception when it came to emotional subtleties. But one of those other virtues was an instinctive sense of his surroundings. It had been honed since childhood, taught by his own father to ignore no detail that might help track the object of his hunt, and it had served him well against scored of Jem'Hadar attempting to catch him unawares with that damn shrouding ability of theirs. And that instinct told him something in some way when Zuriyev responded to his order. He frowned briefly in concentration, trying to identify specifics, but could sense no immediate cause for alarm. In any case, there was nothing that merited calling attention to on the bridge, and in any case, the moment passed as the conversation shifted. :: +@1Lt Nico Slate + For clarification, Lieutenant, I do not need the change implemented immediately. Only at the ready, should our need for high warp supersede the priority of remaining undetected.
1Lt Nico Slate 1/30/2024 3:35 PM
:: Nico shakes his head and takes a breath. This doesn't change anything. :: +@LtCol Rak'nar+ Understood, Colonel.
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 2/2/2024 5:27 PM
:: When Slate signals the bridge to indicate that the warp field reconfiguration is staged, AJ is finishing up prepping the transponder changes to be implemented at a moment's notice. :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Ready here too, Colonel.
1Lt Nico Slate 2/9/2024 2:51 PM
:: Nico nods affirmingly as he sees the crew man their stations, ready for action. Whether or not this was going to be actual action or not, that remained to be seen. Nico thought it was a good move, but this is where his mind went: the next 'what if?' He prided himself on checking all outcomes, coming up with plans for each (even if they were mentally stored not really put down on a PADD), and being ready should the need arose. At this point, the most possible outcome of this would be what he had initially suggested. Another ship in the area with the same signature would draw attention from that ship, and anyone they were trying to avoid. So, if that were to happen, what would one do? :: Self: Make more of them.
Maj Eric Woods 2/16/2024 9:09 PM
:: pats his hand down on the command console, looking around at everyone and giving a wicked smile :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Alright, then… shall we?
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 2/22/2024 3:56 PM
:: AJ meets the Major's eyes for a moment as he flashes that wicked smile around the bridge, grinning before quickly looking down at her console to check the readings once more as she waits for the Colonel's orders ::
1Lt Caelum McKenzie 2/27/2024 2:49 AM
:: Having finished with organizing the medbay; and double-checking the files he had access too, realizing very quickly that he hadn’t met with either the Lieutenant Colonel or Major Woods yet for medical updates before the ship left, and he sighed. Exiting the medbay, PADD in hand, Caelum headed for the bridge, and approached Major Woods carefully, giving a sharp salute. :: @Maj Eric Woods : Sir, do you have a minute to spare? If possible?
LtCol Rak'nar 2/28/2024 10:17 AM
:: In truth, Rak'nar was not entirely clear on what exactly Woods meant by that question, but elected to assume it referred to their immediate task, which now approached completion. :: @Maj Eric Woods Indeed. Crossing into Free Fleets space in 3...2...1...and here we are. Dropping to sublight. @Cpt AJ Zuriyev Captain, give me a single active scan pulse. Continue monitoring with passive scans as normal. Are there any vessels in range that we need fear immediate detection should we resume along our previous heading and speed?
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 2/28/2024 5:13 PM
@LtCol Rak'nar: Aye sir. :: AJ initiates the single pulse of active scanning, then watches the display as the results return, finally shaking her head as she looks back up at Rak'nar. :: Negative, Colonel, no contacts. We are clear to resume.
LtCol Rak'nar 2/29/2024 6:10 PM
:: That was, without question, good news, and yet Rak'nar could not suppress a contemptuous sneer as his hopes were confirmed. Neither the warrior, nor the professional in him was able to take much satisfaction in finding his enemy seemingly as inept as he could wish. But then, he forced himself to remember, their enemy was one ship, not every warship in Free Fleets space. If they did their jobs properly, that would remain the case, and to that end he jumped the Minuteman back into warp. If there was something passing for a border patrol assigned to this area, he meant to be long gone by the time they arrived. ::
LtCol Rak'nar 2/29/2024 6:19 PM
:: That done, he turned in the pilot's chair to watch the new arrival with a keen and curious, but nevertheless silent gaze. As a member of the senior staff, McKenzie was one of the few people on this ship not automatically denied turbolift access to the command deck in the absence of a specific duty assignment or designated state of emergency. As such, Rak'nar was understandably curious who the guards stationed outside had allowed past, and why. But he chose to satisfy that curiosity by observation for the moment, rather than interrupting a new officer's duties. ::
Maj Eric Woods 3/7/2024 3:48 PM
:: nods pointedly as Rak’nar calls out their approach, then looks up with a raised brow at the Doctor. He stands from the command chair and crosses to him, looking at him with a serious expression as he’s somewhat concerned this visit may be because of some bad news given its timing. The bridge is too small for any real privacy, but his position is as if the Doctor had “pulled him aside”. He lowers his voice a bit, :: @1Lt Caelum McKenzie: Yes? What is it?
1Lt Caelum McKenzie 3/8/2024 3:09 PM
:: expression shifts into a calm one, keeping his voice low :: @Maj Eric Woods: It’s nothing negative, sir. I hadn’t met with you or the Lieutenant Colonel yet about any updates to your medical file, so I wanted to get that done with before any action happens. If you’d like, we can discuss this later?
Maj Eric Woods 3/11/2024 8:50 PM
:: raises a brow at the Doctor, casting a glance around the bridge, everyone at their stations :: @1Lt Caelum McKenzie: We’ll go over our medical files after this mission. For now, we need to focus.
LtCol Rak'nar 3/14/2024 3:38 PM
:: As Woods suspected, none of that would escape inquisitive ears, and Rak'nar had no interest in simply remaining a passive observer to the exchange. :: @1Lt Caelum McKenzie Doctor. As you know, we are all required to undergo regular evaluations to ensure our fitness for duty, both mental and physical. I know that nobody here has missed that physical, because if that were the case, they would not be on my ship. What further information do you seek?
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 3/14/2024 4:21 PM
:: Although she doesn't look up from her console, upon overhearing the Colonel's words to Dr. McKenzie, AJ indulges in a small private smile as she monitors the sensors during their warp flight. She takes pride in continually improving her already excellent scores on the physical fitness test, and looks forward to the next chance at a new personal best. ::
1Lt Caelum McKenzie 3/15/2024 2:13 PM
:: nods wordlessly at the Major’s words, before turning to the Lieutenant Colonel with a careful expression :: @LtCol Rak'nar: I am well aware of that fact, sir. The matter remains that in some cases, changes happen after a regular evaluation, and in order to be sure I am providing the best care I can, I like to stay updated as to any potential changes that may appear after an evaluation, including updates that might not have been reported yet. Consider it… proactive planning instead of reactive. The earlier any issues might be caught, regardless of regular evaluations, means less time spent under medical care in the future. :: keeps his tone practiced and expression calm. ::
LtCol Rak'nar 3/15/2024 3:04 PM
:: Rak'nar's considered this in silence, even as he maintained direct and unwavering eye contact with the junior officer. Privately, he couldn't really fault the sentiment. That health issues could arise with little warning was a simple statement of fact. However, the only true solution he could see to that would be to spend all his time in sickbay, waiting for some problem to arise. He had other plans. ::
@1Lt Caelum McKenzie Your thoroughness is noted. With appreciation. However, as the Major says, our mission takes priority. :: Pausing a moment, he considers something more before continuing. :: @1Lt Caelum McKenzie That said, once we have put sufficient distance between this ship and the Free Fleets border and can be reasonably confident of our immediate safety, I intend to convene another briefing of the senior staff. Bring your tricorder. Provided you can make your scans relatively unobtrusive, I am sure we can all maintain our focus on the matter at hand. Will that satisfy you?
1Lt Caelum McKenzie 3/15/2024 4:45 PM
:: grins :: @LtCol Rak'nar: That very much satifies me, sir. And unobtrusive is what I do best. :: salutes sharply, aimed at the whole crew :: @LtCol Rak'nar: I’ll let you get back to the mission.
LtCol Rak'nar 3/16/2024 11:44 AM
:: At that that claim, Rak'nar casts a somewhat dubious glance around the bridge, where this conversation had just occurred. Unobtrusive? They'd see, wouldn't they? :: @1Lt Caelum McKenzie When your duties do not require you in sickbay, you have leave to take a seat at an auxiliary station. I expect there will be ample opportunity to observe us all performing under stress at some point. In the meantime...dismissed.
1Lt Caelum McKenzie 3/16/2024 2:35 PM
:: nods :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Yes sir. :: turns on his heel to leave the bridge, heading back to sickbay to finish final checks ::
LtCol Rak'nar 3/25/2024 1:48 PM
:: As McKenzie departed the bridge, it occurred to Rak'nar that perhaps he should move as well. He gave it a few minutes, but after he imagined enough time, or rather enough distance had passed, he rose from his seat and gestured to Woods that he should resume his station and take the honor or bringing them in. :: @Maj Eric Woods We should be comfortably between stars now. Drop us from warp, but abort deceleration protocol. Apply just enough thrust to alter our heading Z minus one degree, then kill all thrust. If we HAVE been tracked, we'll let our intertia hide us while we watch for them.
Maj Eric Woods 3/28/2024 9:29 PM
:: stands, pats down the bottom of his uniform top, not quite Picard style but same energy. He nods to Rak’nar and crosses to the NAV console, taking his seat and executing the maneuver so that the ship glides on its momentum as they wait to see if they’ve been followed ::
Cpt AJ Zuriyev 4/11/2024 2:34 AM
:: AJ nods to the Colonel as she begins implementing their standard protocol for this situation, putting them in a low-power state to help hide their presence, but with an immediate boost available to get them combat-ready in an instant. While not as perfect as having them powered down completely, it's a trade-off with very little risk of discovery that they've used many times. :: @LtCol Rak'nar: Aye aye, weapons are laying in ambush. Sensors are still clear, sir.
1Lt Nico Slate 4/15/2024 5:05 PM
:: Nico sits at his console, monitoring his teams. This was the part of missions that he didn't really enjoy... the waiting. It didn't bother him, really, but it wasn't what he liked to do. He was monitoring the situation on the bridge and the mission details as they rolled in, and it seemed like things were going well. He knew that there was a console on the bridge that he could go do, but if anything went awry, he knew he'd end up back down here anyway. So, he waited. Nico tightened up some of the details on his secondary plan and even had started on a third, but he was hopeful the primary plan would suffice. ::
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