:: V'Lar had, for his own part, been something of a stranger of late, and could not have been more satisfied about it...but not for reasons so anti-social as that might imply. Indeed, his good mood had arisen from a combination of both an engaged and a relieved mind.
Only his Vulcan reserve had suppressed a show of some distress back at the Jungle site when, just as a textbook use for his very vocational specialty had unexpectedly emerged, it was just as suddenly, and very literally buried again. But rather than simply grit his jaw and "soldier on", he had put both his mind and training to use in making a case for why he should remain behind. A case which had ultimately swayed his superiors.
It was only logical, after all. There was no way of telling when a proper expedition would be dispatched out this far, and no way of telling if they would possess diagnostic equipment of the same quality Atlantis possessed. Why not use what time they had to collect data and give the scholars to follow in their wake a solid start in studying a find of this potential importance? At the very least, some sort of shelter should be erected to protect the site...its construction supervised by someone who understood the various requirements. And so, he had stayed behind with what assistants could be spared, and the time had been productive indeed.
That his name would surely come up in any subsequent scholarly discourse about this site, and the Vulcan Science Academy may take notice was simply...an agreeable byproduct of V'Lar doing his job diligently.
But at the same time, he had spent enough time among people other than his own to understand the importance of adherence to social mores, even in a professional setting. And so here he was. And as it happened, he DID own swim trunks of an admittedly conservative powder blue, for use in holodeck swimming programs. And they proved equally useful here, as he found a spot and settled in. ::