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Lost Harbor
Atlantis RP / atlantis-mission
On the following day, after the initial security team assessment, the expanded landing party materializes on a tropical beach. This is Site Beta, a leeward bay on the largest island of a shallow archipelago in the equatorial heart of a vast ocean, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest continental landmass. Above the beach, the island rises into jungle-covered mountains that have endured countless millennia of weathering, home to plenty of small animals and insects, but no megafauna. It is a warm sunny day, with the scent of salt in the air and the sound of waves lapping the beach.
After 11/2/2023 12:00 AM
Cdor Kathryn Harper 11/2/2023 4:57 PM
@Atlantis Crew On the following day, after the initial security team assessment, the expanded landing party materializes on a tropical beach. This is Site Beta, a leeward bay on the largest island of a shallow archipelago in the equatorial heart of a vast ocean, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest continental landmass. Above the beach, the island rises into jungle-covered mountains that have endured countless millennia of weathering, home to plenty of small animals and insects, but no megafauna. It is a warm sunny day, with the scent of salt in the air and the sound of waves lapping the beach.
:: Commodore Harper stands at the head of the assembled members of her crew, smiling, as this site is clearly her element. :: @Atlantis Crew: Alright, everyone! For this site, we will work in larger teams than the last. Commander Kuari will lead a team inland with Commander Tav, Lt. V'Lar, and Doctor Tallis. I will lead the other team covering the shore and water, accompanied by Commander Wright, Doctor Acacia, and Captain Ammora. Everyone else should have your team assignments in the briefing. Stay together, stay hydrated, get some good data, and have fun!
LCdr Emily Acacia 11/2/2023 6:01 PM
:: looks around and also smiles from feeling in her element. She listens quietly to the assignments and waits for them to be over before she pulls out and starts calibrating her holocamera. She makes her way in the direction her group is going, finding a moment to grab the Commodore’s ear :: @Cdor Kathryn Harper: Now this is more like it, eh? Feels very homey!
Cdr Alexis Wright 11/2/2023 6:39 PM
:: pulls a collapsible sun hat from her gear bag and shakes it open, donning it and securing the band under her chin to protect her eyes from intense solar radiation due to their equatorial position, then offering extra hats she brought along to Kate, Emily, and anyone else who may have neglected to bring one ::
:: smiles, taking a deep breath of the sea air. Upon first arriving, it was all she could do to take in all the scents, so different from that of the desert they were at yesterday. The thicket of trees crowning the island uphill from their position was her team's destination, and she took a moment to observe the best path forward. At Harper's announcement, she smiled again and look to @LCdr Jorvan Tav, @LtJG V'Lar and @Ens Alec Tallis in turn to make sure she had their attention before she set out :: @Cdr Alexis Wright: Will do, Commander.
LCdr Emily Acacia 11/2/2023 7:55 PM
:: accepts the hat gratefully, dons it, then offers Wright a grin. She hears ‘disease vectors’ and internally cringes. :: @Cdr Alexis Wright: Thanks for the hat! And I agree, let’s all make an effort not to discover any new diseases here.
:: A slight downturn at the corners of V'Lar's mouth signaled that he, for one, was NOT in his element here. It was brief, and given the presence of his beard which concealed such micro-expressions from all but the keenest of observers, it was effectively imperceptible, but it was there. Most humans, in his experience, distinctly preferred a "dry heat"; Vulcans had specifically evolved in it. Even discounting the unique hazards which Doctor Acacia had rightly pointed out, the sea breeze and its utility for mitigating the tropical heat would have been preferable. But a day at the beach was likely attractive to most everyone here. A privilege of rank, perhaps. Needless to say, there would be nothing to gain by dwelling on any of this, even if it had registered as more than a passing irritation. Physical discomfort was simply a reality of the service, and besides, there were his long term aspirations to keep in mind. One could not always count on dig sites being conveniently located in deserts, and climate control was simply a luxury that an archeologist made do without. In any case, he took one of the offered hats with a grateful nod. He had no actual use for it at the moment, but perhaps it would prove useful if it began to rain. If nothing else, his wearing it meant that Wright would not have to carry it. :: @Cdr Alexis Wright Indeed, thank you Commander.
Cdor Kathryn Harper 11/3/2023 12:30 AM
:: Kate grins at Emily, both of them from tropical areas of their home planets, and nods. :: @LCdr Emily Acacia: Much more like it, yes! Just like home, except for the lack of civilization... and tourists. :: she puts on a pair of mirrored aviator-frame sunglasses as she surveys the beach :: Other than us, I suppose! :: she gratefully accepts the sun hat from her wife and opens it with a quick snap before putting it on :: :: Kate nods and smiles to Kuari as her team departs. :: @Cdr Kuari: Be safe, Commander. May your discoveries not be diseases!
:: V'Lar would hold his peace until his team had put a bit of distance from the beach. But when Commander Kuari returned to confer when the Commodore, it would be well for the two to consider as many variables as possible before deciding on their recommendations to pass along for the colonization effort. And he could begin contributing to that without even opening his tricorder. :: @Cdr Kuari Regardless of our findings here, this site already presents a number of known environmental hazards for the prospective colonist.
:: nods dutifully to @Cdor Kathryn Harper as her team begins to move, watching after them as she answers :: @LtJG V'Lar: Yes, it does. We will want to move carefully and scan ahead of us as we go. :: she turns her head towards the trees in the upward distance, once again assessing the first part of their trip ::
:: At that, V'Lar dutifully retrieved his tricorder from its belt pouch and cracked it open, consulting the readings but finding nothing to immediately trouble him before clarifying his original concern. :: I ran a meteorological simulation this morning, and our own immediate risk is minimal insofar as it is concerned. Nevertheless, the vast expanse of warm ocean water surrounding this archipelago fuels periodic tropical storms of some intensity, with no notable landmasses to blunt them. Short of commitment to the installation of a global weather control grid, the viability of a settlement here would require either major seawall construction or the installation of industrial grade force field emitters.
...for the commonly accepted values of viability, of course. ::It does occur to him that these conditions are not entirely dissimilar to certain locales, very much inhabited, on Earth. The Western Pacific Ocean comes immediately to mind. But the historic death tolls from natural disaster in those parts of the world would rank as nigh unacceptable by 24th century Federation standards. ::
Cpt Scott Ammora 11/5/2023 2:05 PM
:: Scott nods to his second team to accompany Kuari's team as he takes up position with Harper. His eyes survey the surroundings as per the usual and is grateful for the ocean air. He was an ocean man at heart, always enjoying the tranquility of the water and the rythmic pulsation of the waves. Scott already isn't very happy with the vast openness of the location - he preferred the natural protection of their previous spot. However, defensive capabilities weren't always the most important part of establishing a colony or settlement. For now, he'd focus on what he could assess as defense and enjoy the rest. ::
Ens Alec Tallis 11/8/2023 3:50 AM
:: the medical bag hit against his hip as he falls in near the back of the group, careful to not put a foot wrong, but close enough to react in case something happened. :: @LtJG V'Lar: You mentioned a number of environmental hazards… besides tropical storms, what else do your science-eyes detect?
::Well, at that precise moment, V'Lar's eyes were blinking repeatedly in confusion as he looked up from his tricorder to look quizzically at the doctor.:: @Ens Alec Tallis eyes?
Ens Alec Tallis 11/8/2023 3:34 PM
:: hums in acknowledgement :: @LtJG V'Lar: Aye. I don’t read the outdoors like ya do, so what else do you see that could pose environmental hazards to a potential colony?
::Nodding slowly, V'Lar soon returns his attention to his tricorder.:: @Ens Alec Tallis Ah. In fact, my innate senses have thus far divulged nothing which was not already revealed by the initial survey. That will most likely require both time and more specialized monitoring equipment than I currently have with me. That said, this planet is tectonically active, and the implications are potentially dire. This archipelago was originally formed by volcanic activity.
::At that, he nods upward at the distant peaks.:: @Ens Alec Tallis A truly thorough assessment of this site's viability will require the installation of monitoring stations to measure local pressure and determine if another eruption should be anticipated in a geologically relevant timeframe.
Ens Alec Tallis 11/9/2023 12:25 PM
:: Hums in acknowledgement to V’Lar’s response, glad to understand the scientific jargon :: @LtJG V'Lar: Just because tectonic activity is present doesn’t mean it’s particularly bad. Look at the volcanic islands of Hawa’ii; or other tectonic activity-focused islands scattered across Earth.
::An arched eyebrow signaled V'Lar doing just that.:: @Ens Alec Tallis The terrestrial region dubbed the Ring of Fire, for instance? I have some familiarity with it, and with the historic death tolls attributed to earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and the phenomenon commonly, if inaccurately known as "tidal waves". You have no doubt studied historical accounts of an island called Krakatoa. Your point is taken; we possess insufficient data to gauge the appropriate severity of our concern. Thus, the need for further study. Ignorance is as poor a foundation as beach sand.
Ens Alec Tallis 11/9/2023 1:38 PM
:: returns V’Lar’s look with a square one of his own. :: @LtJG V'Lar: Indeed. Volcanic activities have resulted in the loss of life, whether by earthquakes, eruptions, or tsunamis… but they also force regrowth on the environment. Eruptions provide nutrients for plants, resulting in more greenery and other natural benefits for both mammals and plants alike. Besides, I doubt it’s that much of a concern depending on the dormancy of the volcano in question. Is there anyway to calculate the most recent eruption?
:: notes Ammora's team falling in with her group and begins to walk with purpose towards the trees. The incline is not steep here, rather flat, but in the distance the grade becomes much more notable. She carves a path through long grasses, taking in @LtJG V'Lar's response and analysis of what he knows so far about the area. Kuari smirks a bit at mention of "science eyes," reminding her of her own experience learning quirks of human language, and listens to their ongoing conversation while looking ahead as they move inland ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 11/9/2023 3:34 PM
:: has gravitated toward the discussion V'Lar and Tallis are having as the two groups mill about, preparing to set out, and cannot restrain herself from butting in to drop some science knowledge :: @LtJG V'Lar @Ens Alec Tallis The orbital scans indicate that the oceanic plate that we are currently on is moving to the northeast, and as such that the hot spot that created the seamounts of this archipelago is currently situated several hundred kilometers to the southwest of this location. It is building another seamount in the chain, but the process seems to be occurring quite slowly and is still taking place far below the surface. The volcanoes on this and other nearby islands have been long dormant, as they no longer have access to the mantle plume that created them.
:: though she would never admit this to anyone out loud, especially not Kate, Lexy is fully aware that this site is not ideal for a colony for a variety of reasons, but she didn't have the heart to say no when Kate was so excited about it. She is hoping that the reality will become clear to Kate in the evaluation process and that she won't have to be the bearer of bad news. As she has these thoughts, she looks over at Kate, and catches @LCdr Emily Acacia noticing her - with a slight wince, she does her best to swear her telepathic friend to secrecy with the pleading look in her eyes. ::
LCdr Emily Acacia 11/9/2023 4:19 PM
:: Emily had abandoned her tricorder in favor of her holocamera after some cursory scans. For one thing, scans were up to the scientists anyway. For another, she’d seen enough to know that this probably wasn’t an ideal site already. It was a shame, really, but even through her bias in favor of tropical islands she could see some obvious red flags that her fellow crewmates were commenting on. She definitely caught the reluctant vibe from @Cdr Alexis Wright, as well as her glance. She made sure no one else was watching before giving Wright a wink, silently sending her ‘I got you’ vibes. She immediately goes back to creeping up on some kind of cephalopod drifting in the shallow water, attempting to get a good shot of it ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 11/10/2023 5:35 PM
:: Even though Kate has no idea what 'science eyes' means, she's used to the weirdness of English expressions, so after a quizzical look to no one in particular, she shrugs that off. As she listens to Lexy's info drop, Kate senses something through her time sickness induced bond with Emily, which comes across as a sense of caring consideration of her, which elicits a small smile even if she's unaware of the cause. She is, however, fully aware that this probably isn't an ideal site, but that probably can only be turned into definitely with a proper site survey, and it doesn't hurt that this is the sort of place that an affinity to is encoded into her DNA. :: :: Once the two teams separate and her party moves down the beach, she looks out to sea, taking deep breaths of the salt air as she walks where the waves can wash over her boots. ::
::V'Lar was inwardly somewhat conflicted as Wright casually deflated his stated concerns. There was no particular sense in dwelling on it of course, and so he wouldn't; after all, one less hazard was only good news if someone ultimately did decide to built a settlement here. Still, as a relatively recent transfer from the Engineering department into something more closely approximating his original professional concentration, it would be practicing self deception to say he'd not been looking forward to a bit of hands on science in the field. Now, he would simply have to content himself with tricorder scans and determine if anything else stood out from the mundane. Far more disconcerting, of course, was that he had somehow been ignorant of a massively relevant bit of information like that. But he was still a Vulcan, and so no trace of either disappointment or embarassment was visible as he resumed both his scans and his trek off into the jungle.:: @Cdr Alexis Wright @Ens Alec Tallis Ah, thank you Commander. I stand corrected. Ensign, it seems you have your answer.
Cdr Alexis Wright 11/16/2023 5:15 PM
:: follows behind Kate under the pretense of being absorbed in her tricorder, but surreptitiously being pleased with her wife's enjoyment of the locale :: @CoastalTeam: The ecosystems here in the shallows and intertidal zones are rich and abundant, thanks to the nutrients available from the erosion of the seamount. The shallow waters appear to continue outward for about 25 meters, give or take, before it rapidly drops off into the abyss. @Cdor Kathryn Harper @LCdr Emily Acacia @Cpt Scott Ammora
LCdr Emily Acacia 11/17/2023 6:39 PM
:: squats near the edge of said shallow water, taking picture after picture of strange and colorful lifeforms that idle by. She’s no scientist, but she can identify a few warning signs in said creatures, bright colors, barbs on tails, even a bit of glowing slime emanating from one of them, :: @CoastalTeam: I’m sure I don’t have to tell any of you this, but it looks like most of the creatures here, the visible ones anyway, are not for petting. @Cdor Kathryn Harper @Cdr Alexis Wright @Cpt Scott Ammora
Cpt Scott Ammora 11/21/2023 9:47 AM
:: smirks at Acacia's comment, his eyes roaming still out across the sea. There was something calming about being on the waterfront. It was a natural barrier for defense capabilities, and a beautiful one at that. He could get the feel that this was an exciting experience for science personnel, as it was in their previous location. Overall, the mission of exploring new territory for colonial expansion was a nice change of pace than their most recent physical endeavors. While he enjoyed the freshness of the breeze, he had a duty of his own. He meandered a bit away from the rest of the group with his two security members in tow to set up a perimeter a bit more inland, while still in sight of the coastal team. ::
::As the team made their way further from the beach, V'Lar began picking up on the ever shrinking proximity between them and no fewer than 11 varieties of flying insects via his science EARS. Frowning softly in concern, he turned his gaze to the ship's XO.:: @Cdr Kuari Commander. This area is host to a considerable number and variety of insect species. Disease vectors, as Commander Wright put it. At present, we possess neither sufficient information to gauge the risk, nor any viable protection. I request permission to begin trying various sonic frequencies as a means of repelling them.
:: slows her four-legged walk only a little as she absorbs V'Lar's request, her neck arced to the side so that one eye could look back at him over a folded wing. She had not given proper consideration to the insects as they in general had a difficult time biting or stinging through her short but thick layer of fur, but the exposed skin of her party would of course be at risk. Wright's warning echoed back at her, and she shouldn't be surprised going just this short ways inland would already increase the insect population enough to be a concern :: @LtJG V'Lar: Of course, assuming the broadcast would not affect the insects other than warding them. I trust you wouldn't suggest it otherwise, due to your expertise. Do you concur, @Ens Alec Tallis?
Cdor Kathryn Harper 11/29/2023 5:59 PM
:: As time passes and her team makes its way farther along the coast, her attention begins to increasingly fall upon the sea. She enjoys deep breaths of the fresh salt air and the ocean breeze on her face as she takes in the wildlife, from a colorful bird flying by to a crab in the surf as it washes over her boots, and muses for a long few moments about how often evolution results in crab-like body plans before gaze settles again on the sea meeting the sky at the horizon. ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 11/30/2023 5:31 PM
:: is crouching over a small set of tidepools in a bit of the rocky side of the seamount that had been more resistant to erosion than the rock surrounding it, jutting out across the dark-sanded intertidal zone like a pseudopod reaching toward the ocean, busily collecting samples and holo-footage of the unique exo-biology that exists within this ecosystem at this point in the planet's ecological development. It's hard to tell if this is the case without more observational data, but she suspects that a colony of members of a small apparently amphibious species is actively tending a bed of rock-anchored organisms as one would a vegetable garden. Idly, she comments to whoever is near enough to hear and inclined to listen, :: @CoastalTeam It's always fascinating to me to see the different ways life evolves on the various worlds throughout the galaxy. I will never get tired of this kind of mission.
LCdr Emily Acacia 11/30/2023 6:15 PM
:: has been filling her own sample case with swabs of any creature slow enough to be swabbed and taking holo-pictures of everything too quick. She idles along the tidepools with her team, managing to capture a bird swooping down to catch a crab, as well as lots of images of something like a jellyfish, but each individual of the species looks different because they have octopus-like color changing abilities. She quietly pumps a fist after capturing an especially good picture. :: @CoastalTeam: I agree. It’s always fascinating to see what evolution can do with even one minor change. Take these things, for example.. :: she points out one of the color-changing jellyfish :: These guys have camouflage, but for some reason they change to this black-and-blue spotted pattern when they’re in shallow enough water. It could be a mating thing, they could be absorbing the sun… who knows!
Cdor Kathryn Harper 12/7/2023 4:27 PM
:: Kate smiles as she listens to the conversation while engaging in her own studies of the area, and nods contentedly in agreement with her wife's sentiment about never tiring of this kind of mission. Emily's observation prompts her to speak up with a mischievous glint in her eyes. :: @Cdr Alexis Wright: Commander... I think it's about time that we move on to our second mode of exploration here, don't you think?
Cdr Alexis Wright 12/7/2023 5:12 PM
:: looks up as Kate speaks to her; she's so engrossed in what she's doing that she's briefly puzzled by Kate's question. She glances at Emily, and then back to Kate, before realization dawns :: @Cdor Kathryn Harper Wha...? Ah! Yes, of course. :: having anticipated that Kate would never pass up such an opportunity, she waves over the ensign that is carrying the team's snorkeling gear, interrupting his half-hearted study of some kind of bivalve-like creature half-buried in the sand near his shoe ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 12/7/2023 5:32 PM
:: smirks and taps her commbadge, not content to just snorkel, as great as it can be :: +Atlantis+ Harper to Atlantis. Transport down the diving gear. ACTION> After an acknowledgement from the ship and a brief wait, a rack full of diving gear appears on the beach. There are full-face rebreathers with integrated comms and HUDs, boots with adjustable retractable fins, and wetsuits with integrated buoyancy control, along with belts full of scientific instruments and sample cases. There are even towels for afterwards. :: Kate approaches the rack and gestures with a flourish. :: @CoastalTeam: Now you see why I recommended water-appropriate clothing. Those who wish to are welcome to explore a bit deeper. :: With a grin, she unzips her uniform jacket and hangs it on the rack, then pulls the undershirt over her head to reveal the upper half of a standard-issue one-piece swimsuit that has the same design as a uniform top. ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 12/7/2023 5:35 PM
:: winces apologetically at the bored ensign who stops in his tracks and sets the snorkeling gear back on the sand, not bothering to hide his pained look as he realizes the uselessness of his presence ::
Ens Alec Tallis 12/7/2023 5:41 PM
:: he’s already been swatting at a few with muttered curses before being directly addressed by Kuari. :: @Cdr Kuari : Hm? Oh, I agree with Lieutenant V’Lar. I officially hate being eaten alive by insects. :: is completely willing to try anything to avoid insect bites ::
:: nods at @Ens Alec Tallis's input, watching sympathetically as he swats at another insect :: @LtJG V'Lar: All right then, Mr. V'Lar, sonic away. :: she looked up at the trees ahead of them, which were much closer now, and one side of her mouth stretched backward :: I'm pretty sure torture wasn't in the mission brief.
Ens Alec Tallis 12/7/2023 8:26 PM
:: scrunches his nose up as an insect successfully manages to land and bite before being unceremoniously squashed with a soft sound of triumph :: @Cdr Kuari: I agree. Torture is not what I signed up for Starfleet for. :: grumbles ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 12/8/2023 12:11 PM
:: She, too, doffs her outerwear and shoes to reveal her Starfleet one-piece underneath and steps up to the rack, selecting one of roomy one-size-fits-most wetsuits and pulling it on, zipping it closed and carefully adjusting the cuffs before tapping the button on her chest that prompts the suit to adjust its molecular structure to lose its loose baggy texture and conform to her curves in a flexible protective barrier, like a second skin ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 12/8/2023 5:02 PM
:: while she removes her boots and sheds her pants, which she hangs on the rack next to her jacket and shirt, Kate offers a conciliatory nod to the poor ensign and adds :: @CoastalTeam: Of course, anyone who doesn't want to go deeper is welcome to snorkel or stay dry! :: selects a wetsuit from the rack and puts it on, activating the auto-fit after she zips it up, then steps into the fin-boots before selecting a breathing mask ::
LCdr Emily Acacia 12/9/2023 3:47 PM
:: smiles and unzips her uniform top, also wearing the standard Starfleet swimsuit underneath her clothes as she wouldn’t pass up a chance to go swimming or diving. Fortunately, her holocamera also worked underwater so she was looking forward to the interesting shots she could get. She donned and zipped one of the wetsuits, setting her sample case and med kit down by her clothes and looking around at everyone else getting ready ::
:: With a nod to Kuari, V'Lar quickly began tapping away at his tricorder, and soon had a link established between the portable computer and his comm badge. That was, among other things, a speaker that every member of the away team was wearing, and therefore the ideal means of transmission. Through this, he began broadcasting a range of frequencies, infrasonic and ultrasonic as well as audible to human ears. :: @Cdr Kuari This may take some time, Commander. The process is entirely trial and error, and will require a degree of repetition. I am beginning with the lowest possible intensity to ensure minimum risk of lasting harm.
:: hears the wide-band transmission immediately, but is thankful V'Lar's ears are attuned enough to keep the more annoying ranges tolerable. She nods with the knowledge that this issue is being taken care of, and takes in a deep breath of the higher elevation air. The tall trees of the jungle ahead and above them are looming over them now, and she can feel the air growing cooler and perhaps a bit more humid as it's more shielded from the sea winds. A creature of some sort suddenly rustles deeper into the trees, perhaps about the size of a boar, and her head and finned ears hyper-focus on the sound as she resists with practiced ease the temptation to chase it and gazes at the trees. :: @LtJG V'Lar @Ens Alec Tallis @LCdr Jorvan Tav: Those trees look very dense. I think our progress is about to slow down. There should be some interesting things to scan within, though!
Cdor Kathryn Harper 12/21/2023 6:27 PM
:: starts walking into the surf while looking back at her party :: @CoastalTeam: For those staying dry, continue to scout this area of the shore and scan anything interesting. For everyone else, let's get wet! :: Kate leads the way into the water, placing the mask on her face and activating the fins on her boots once it's deep enough to swim. She swims out a bit more and waits for everyone else, bobbing along with the leisurely incoming waves. ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 12/21/2023 6:30 PM
:: follows suit, hastily donning the rest of her gear and grabbing her underwater science kit before splashing into the waves, swimming out to meet Kate before pausing to calibrate her recorder to the local seawater chemistry ::
LCdr Emily Acacia 12/22/2023 8:57 AM
:: excitedly scurries along behind Kate and Alexis, wading out into the water until it was deep enough to swim before activating her suit’s fins as well. She snaps a quick picture of Kate and Alexis as they got ahead, then turns her photographic attention to the landscape. There are a number of creatures to snap, though many are well disguised through various means as is wise for ocean creatures who do not wish to be me a meal to be. ::
Cpt Scott Ammora 12/22/2023 3:06 PM
:: watches the Commodore as she swims away, looking to the faces of his two security officers. He could tell that they wanted to go out there and play too. It was a double-edged sword - he couldn't win. If he let them go, he was violating away team security protocols. If he told them specifically they weren't allowed, that could possibly breed resentment (or resepect). What's worse: the Commodore could then come back and say that either he was right to follow protocol, or tell him to relax. Followed by what he was sure would be a wonderful conversation about decision-making. This command thing was more difficult than he thought. ::
Jackson> :: looks at Scott :: Scott: Sir? Orders?
:: takes a deep breath, contemplating still the ramifications of each choice he can feel himself start to sweat; sweat more than he was already under the glaring sun. Scott looks at his team, takes a deep breath... and still can't produce words. He hasn't chosen them yet! Pull the trigger, Scott, say something. He thinks to himself. :: Security Team: Given the circumstances, I think that enjoying some water, real water, isn't a bad thing. I would prefer that one of you go at a time, if you want. I'd like two on the beach.
Jackson> :: smiles :: I'm first. :: and off she went towards the water. ::
Mekel> :: bobs his head :: All right. I'll go up the beach to that little outcropping, I'll watch the team from there.
:: Scott couldn't stop the words this time. What a juxtaposition: tongue-tied and word vomit within minutes of each other. :: Mekel: No, n-n-no, no no, I can take the outcropping and scans. I want you near the water keeping an eye on those out in the tides. Think of it as being a glorified lifeguard. :: smiles :: And, of course, you know, scan.
Mekel (Bolian)> :: smirks :: It's because I'm blue, isn't it?
Mekel: :: points and chuckles :: Just go, Lieutenant.
Cdor Kathryn Harper 12/28/2023 11:12 PM
:: Once everyone indicates that they're ready, Kate adjusts the buoyancy on her wetsuit and exhales to gently sink beneath the waves. Swimming forward and down to the bottom, which is fairly shallow at this point, she takes in the scene: a thriving tropical seafloor ecosystem, though some of the animals are notably earlier in their evolutionary progress than we may be accustomed to. Still, there is what we would recognize as a coral reef ahead as the bottom slopes away, festooned with sponges and sea fans, with schools of slightly primitive-looking fish darting about. Kate looks to her dive buddies with delight obvious in her expression. :: + @CoastalTeam + How beautiful, and alien, despite the similarities with the sea life on our home worlds.
LCdr Emily Acacia 12/29/2023 8:44 AM
:: follows Kate’s descent then gracefully dips towards the reef. She gets as close as she can without disturbing the wildlife, taking plenty of well-framed pictures. She smiles, and even though no one could see it on her face her voice over the radio sounds like she’s having a great time. + @CoastalTeam + It’s beautiful! Amazing how coral evolves on so many worlds.
Cdr Alexis Wright 12/29/2023 12:45 PM
:: years of diving with Kate have made her much more confident in the water, though it still takes her a bit of fiddling to get the suit configured optimally and securing her gear to her utility belt. As such, she's lagging slightly behind, and sinks into the deep alongside Jackson; together, they swim toward the reef to join the others ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 1/4/2024 5:23 PM
:: Kate establishes a leisurely pace as she leads the party farther down the slope, staying just off the reef and taking ample time to gather data and photographs. Things temporarily level off at around twenty meters down, giving way to a picturesque plateau of coral, life-encrusted rock formations, and schools of fish. As the party begins to spread out a bit to take in the area, Kate again finds herself marveling at carcinization as she notices another crab-like creature walking on the seafloor. After scanning it, she sets up a lovely holopic and captures the creature seemingly rolling its eyes and looking annoyed with her. ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 1/4/2024 5:55 PM
:: although she's antsy for science, she forces herself to take a pause to take in the tableau - she and her wife and their crewmates under the shimmering waves of an alien world, rich with life and vibrant colors muted by the salt, minerals, and biological detritus suspended in the seawater solution. As the others snap holos of the exobiology, Lexy raises her holocamera and captures holos of them - candid, unposed images like Kate down at the seafloor communing with a crab, Emily marveling over feathery coral polyps, and Jackson pushing her way through a bed of seagrass, unable to entirely stop surveying the area for threats. After capturing these images, she moves to put the camera away and start doing science, but is caught by a whim and turns the camera on herself, snapping selfies with charismatically colorful reef vertebrates. She feels a bit silly and bashful doing this, but hopes that Kate will be amused by this uncharacteristic action later. ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 1/4/2024 6:13 PM
:: Kate happens to look up from the crab and catches Lexy taking a selfie out of the corner of her eye. With a mischievous smirk, she slowly and quietly approaches her wife from behind while she's setting up another pic, then surges forward into the frame for the underwater photobomb, timing it so that her grinning face passes right behind Lexy's as she takes the pic! ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 1/4/2024 7:33 PM
:: blushes with immediate embarassment when she realizes she's been caught in the act of taking a picture of herself and crams the holocam into her beltpouch, fumbling to pull out her tricorder instead ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 1/5/2024 6:31 PM
:: Kate laughs as she sees Lexy get all flustered, then reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder so that their eyes can meet as she offers a reassuring smile and a nod before resuming her survey of the area, hoping that the picture turns out to be good. ::
LCdr Emily Acacia 1/6/2024 1:05 PM
:: is engrossed in photographing coral and sea critters. Occasionally she picks up a small piece of debris—never attached to a living thing, but discarded chunks of coral or a loose crab claw or an empty shell—and stows them in the mesh sample bag hanging from her wetsuit’s waist to take back for further study ::
Cpt Scott Ammora 1/7/2024 12:21 PM
:: Scott is getting antsy. Jackson and Mekel had long since traded places. The Bolian wasn't doing much in the surf other than staring at his feet and smirking when he looked up into the cystalline clear sky. Scott had his eyes on the water, the every move of everyone that had decided to partake in the aquatic festivities. Jackson looked a little downtrodden to have to give up the beach euphoria. But, with rifle back in hand, she was continuing her patrol and scans as instructed. Scott really did have a great team at his disposal. ::
:: Scott stops after making his eleventh pass of the standard stretch of beach. With the Commodore in the water, and the others, Scott was the ranking member of the Coastal Team. His stomach churned for a second. His brain shifted into overdrive. Protocol. Constant check ins with separate away team contingents on the same planet, on intervals based on standard Federation timekeeping or within the scope of said planet's rotational spin of what constitutes a 'planetary day'. Ranking officer in mental and/or physical capability to maintain integrity of communication. Okay. Scott takes a breath and taps his combadge. :: @Cdr Kuari Coastal Team to Commander Kuari, this is Ammora. Standard check-in that we're surveying the beach. Members of our team have moved into... uh... pursuing scientific study of sea life. Current team members in the surf. Will await your team's update.
:: As he continues running through an increasingly diverse range of frequencies and intensities, V'Lar allows himself only the signature and silent arched eyebrow at Commander Kuari's assertion. On what basis was that supposition built, he wondered. It belatedly occurred to him, as he wondered what would constitute a scan of interest to one of a military background, that there would likely be some overlap with his own professional concentration. If there was anyone on this planet, somehow missed by the initial survey, capable off offering some organized military threat, that would suggest the presence of a civilization to study. That chance seemed remote to the point of statistical irrelevance, but in any case, he at least had a productive task of some kind to focus on for the moment. :: @Cdr Kuari My effort remains ongoing, Commander. Do you wish to proceed immediately, or await some degree of protection?
+@Cpt Scott Ammora+ Acknowledged, Captain. Our team is approaching the forest now. Kuari out. :: At V'Lar's query, she stops her forward movement, her long neck arced towards him :: @LtJG V'Lar: It is not yet working? We definitely should wait until the frequency is correct. I would think the insect population would be very much increased inside the forest.
:: A minute furrowing of the brow accompanied V'Lar's continued study and manipulation of his tricorder. Not quite a frown, but then there was no rebuke necessarily inherent to the question. :: @Cdr Kuari Perhaps I failed to explain the task with due clarity, Commander, in which case I offer apology. There is no one correct frequency, as there is no one organism I am endeavoring to affect. Consider it analogous to the task of overcoming Borg adaptive shielding. I must identify a range of frequencies to which the local insect life shows a reaction, then program an effective cycling rate so as to provide the broadest, most consistent protection against as many local organisms as possible. If you wish the task accelerated, I can do so, but only by dialing up the signal's intensity. I suspect I have already identified a number of promising frequencies, but the requirement of ensuring no lasting harm requires an added degree of delicacy, and therefore time.
Cdr Alexis Wright 1/11/2024 3:27 PM
:: as she mentally accesses her anxiety coping strategies that she's learned in therapy, she swims around somewhat aimlessly, looking at her tricorder without really seeing it. While engaged in mental conversation with herself, she drifts upshore a short distance away from the group, and is about 20 meters away when she's startled back into the present by a subtle but persistent flash from the device in her hand. Suddenly very focused, she taps at the screen to access additional data and reads through it three times, thoroughly confirming what she's seeing before activating her comm badge. :: @CoastalTeam Captain, our orbital scans did not indicate any dilithium deposits on this planet, but I'm picking up some faint residue of decayed dilithium in this area. I suggest we investigate. :: she points down at the seabed near her position to indicate the direction to her companions, hoping she's not too far away for them to see this detail ::
LCdr Emily Acacia 1/11/2024 4:30 PM
:: takes as many pictures as she can of the local wildlife, with a few of her team members scattered in for flavor. When Wright’s voice comes over the comm she looks around for her, then starts flippering her way towards her and looking where she’s pointing. She says, to no one as she doesn’t activate her comms, :: Self: Dilithium? Here?
Cdor Kathryn Harper 1/11/2024 5:21 PM
:: Kate looks up from her analysis of yet another type of crab while she listens to Lexy's report, then fins over toward her and the indicated patch of seabed. Her tricorder starts to pick up the readings as well, which elicits a surprised, hmm from her. :: +@CoastalTeam+ That certainly is interesting. What could it mean? :: She has her own ideas as she starts to carefully poke around the sand in the area the tricorder is highlighting, but keeps them to herself, for now. ::
LCdr Emily Acacia 1/11/2024 7:01 PM
:: paddles her way down to where the readings are coming from, trying to get a visual look while the other two scan. She disturbs the sand, then quickly captures a shot of a fish whose hiding place she had disturbed. Embarrassed to have disturbed a creature, she stows her camera and retrieves her tricorder, joining the search for the anomalous dilithium while also getting a picture of where the hidden wildlife is. She jumps back on comms :: + @CoastalTeam + Could be a deposit? The ship probably would have detected that, unless it’s a tiny amount. Maybe something buried?
:: blinks, her pose deflating somewhat, the wind taken out her wings. She looks back towards the forest almost longingly. Of course, science took time, but for some reason she had assumed there were already frequencies general enough to have had results. Gathering EV suits would probably be readily accessible enough if beamed down to their location upon request, but her own custom suit was a bit more complicated and couldn't be fitted easily in the field. Besides, it didn't sound like much fun, just because of a few bugs. Taking another few moments to think, she swiveled her head back towards her away team :: @LtJG V'Lar: Do you know how long it could take?
I do not. :: The inhalation which preceded the translation of thought into words had already begun when V'Lar thought better of it. As he mentally searched for some way to tactfully reiterate the concepts of trial and error and starting from scratch, he found himself recalling his earliest college education on Earth. More specifically, he recalled how he had eventually concluded the most expedient, and therefore most logical solution to his friends' pestering was to simply engage in the Halloween party custom. A pity he'd never thought to make an appearance as a genie from Earth's middle eastern folklore. Apparently some blue on the neck and a diagnostic device in hand sufficed to create the illusion. Still, whatever misgivings he may privately hold about the somewhat reckless nature of Starfleet away team protocols, that recklessness had historically produced impressive results, and results were expected. And so, after a brief pause, he forced himself to engage in that most distasteful custom of guessing. ::
@Cdr Kuari I should have a broadly workable solution in place within the next ten minutes. Perhaps five if I...get lucky.
:: smiles at the answer :: @LtJG V'Lar: Oh, that's not so bad. :: looks to the other members of the @JungleTeam, curious what they think about this.
Ens Alec Tallis 1/16/2024 12:30 AM
:: emerges from the jungle, having stepped away briefly to investigate a particularly interesting formation, to fall back in line with the group. :: @LtJG V'Lar: If it means not getting bitten every minute, then take as long as you need to make it work :: as he says that, Alec immediately scratches at a rising bite on his neck with a grumble ::
:: Looking up from his tricorder for a moment, V'Lar allowed his gaze to rest for just a moment on Tallis' scratching before it returned to the task at hand. ::@Ens Alec Tallis I presume, then, that Commander Kuari was correct in her prediction of increased insect activity further in?
Ens Alec Tallis 1/17/2024 10:56 PM
:: grumbles :: @LtJG V'Lar: Yep. More biting insects.
:: Unfortunate. Unsurprising, but unfortunate. :: @Ens Alec Tallis It may behoove you, then, to begin your scans with yourself.
Ens Alec Tallis 1/17/2024 11:04 PM
:: harrumphs softly :: @LtJG V'Lar: Indeed. My parents always said that I was too sweet for my own good, why I attract biting insects. :: adjusts his shirt slightly to cover a little bit more skin, moving ahead to catch up with the Commander ::
:: Takes that in and allows the silence to speak for itself, instead checking the fluctuations in surrounding biomass in response to the latest combination of frequencies and the intensity of the carrier wave. It's not what it needs to be just yet in order to qualify as a reliable insect repellant, but it's getting there. ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 1/19/2024 1:26 AM
:: uses her fins to propel her closer to the seabed in question as the others swim to catch up with her, making observations and taking measurements from various angles as she waits for them to arrive, and she's probing the sediment when they reach her position :: +@CoastalTeam+ We still need to gather more data, but my preliminary measurements indicate a localized field of decayed dilithium that is most concentrated in an area approximately ten to fifteen meters in diameter, about a meter below this layer of sediment. It stops here fairly abruptly, but appears to trail off up toward the shore and onto the island. Uncertain how far up it goes without taking a closer look.
Cdr Alexis Wright 1/19/2024 12:05 PM
+@CoastalTeam+ Other trace materials in unusual concentration here include titanium and silicate compounds.
:: Ultimately, V'Lar ALMOST got lucky...and was familiar enough with human euphemisms after eight years spent on Earth to be immediately and profoundly grateful that he hadn't voiced that phrase aloud. This Ensign Tallis seemed a smirker. In any case, it was coming up on six minutes by the time he noted from his scans that the biomass had dropped off in their immediate presence, and then confirmed that it receded in time with the variable pulses he was emitting. It wasn't 100% effective, and was never going to be. But it was enough to drastically mitigate a potentially serious health risk...even if he still would have preferred an air conditioned EV suit. Needs of the service, he supposed. ::
@JungleTeam I believe I have it. Disseminating frequencies, as well as required modulation and Your comm badges are capable of transmitting it, and will provide an individual sphere of relative protection. I was forced to delve into the audible frequency range... :: At this, he considers a moment before electing to leave out "Even for humans", before concluding with... :: But the required decibel count falls well short of drowning out your surroundings.
LCdr Emily Acacia 1/19/2024 3:44 PM
:: follows near Wright, scanning as well and getting similar indications. She spots another buried creature with her tricorder, this time avoiding disturbing its slumber or predation. Her mind wanders as to what this unusual deposit could be :: + @CoastalTeam + Do we think there’s something man-made down there, or could it be natural? :: was man-made the right term? Whoever left dilithium here certainly wasn’t human… oh well, what’s said is said ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 1/19/2024 5:49 PM
:: At Lexy's indication that the trail appears to go up onto the island, she looks up the sloping seafloor toward the shore. Visibility is excellent, so she can almost see it while she thinks for a moment, hovering just off the bottom without conscious effort. Titanium and silicate compounds? Those fit with where her mind was already going, and what Emily just said confirms that she wasn't the only one. But, it may be easier for those out of the water. With a nod to herself, she engages long range comms by tapping her wetsuit where a commbadge would be. :: +@Cdr Kuari+ Harper to Kuari. We've found something interesting underwater and could use some more eyes on it, and it may extend out of the water. Move to a location in line with ours, perpendicular to the shore, and scan for decayed dilithium along with titanium and silicate compounds.
:: blinks in surprise at Harper's communication, and looks quickly to the faces of her @JungleTeam :: @Cdor Kathryn Harper: Understood. We're on our way. :: is already moving back down the slope at an angle, leading the way :: @Ens Alec Tallis: Mr. Tallis, locate the direction of the coastal team's life signs and triangulate our route for the best view possible. @LtJG V'Lar: V'Lar, begin scanning for dilithium, titanium and silicate compounds as Harper has mentioned. :: was walking on all fours, but is now raised up on her back legs, as if to get a better view of their surroundings and choose the best direction in which to lead her team, using her tail for balance ::
:: For the first time since he got here, V'Lar can be seen exhibiting something that, for a Vulcan, edges perilously close to true excitement. Turning immediately on his heel, begins scanning as instructed. None of materials listed, including dilithium, ruled out a natural occurence, even in combination. But such a small and localized dilithium deposit as to be missed by orbital surveys and detected only once on top of it...curious. One further bit of information, however, would mean the difference between mere speculation and a reasonable probability as to what they were looking for. Looking back to Kuari, knowing the comm line was still open, he would request it. :: @CoastalTeam The titanium. Am I looking for titanium bearing minerals, such as rutile or ilmeninte, or refined titanium?
Cdr Alexis Wright 1/23/2024 3:28 PM
+@LtJG V'Lar+ My current tricorder data indicates that we're looking for small amounts of refined titanium and titanium alloys near the surface, Lieutenant, but let's not jump to any conclusions.
+@Cdr Alexis Wright + Acknowledged. One foot shall remain on the ground all times.
:: He did, however, look up from his tricorder and back at Kuari after making that pledge to his department head. After all, in lieu of Wright's physical presence here, it was his job to make sure the XO had access to roughly the same knowledge that the shore team enjoyed.:: @Cdr Kuari I can tell you without risk of speculation that I am aware of no natural conditions under which titanium occurs in its pure elemental form. That requires active and relatively intensive processing, or matter replication technology. The same applies to its known alloys.
:: having overheard V'Lar's comm to Wright, nods in acknowledgement of her science officer's implications. At the direction of Ensign Tallis, Kuari leads her @JungleTeam down from the forest and somewhat towards the beach, keeping altitude. It's not long before they are picking their way up towards a craggy rise, from which the view of the glinting blue sea is breathtaking and the bright green slopes can be seen from above ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 2/1/2024 6:02 PM
:: a quarter of an hour passes as the crews get into position and begin their investigations :: @CoastalTeam @JungleTeam Lieutenant V'Lar, have you located any of the dilithium traces at your site yet? I have arrived at an observation, but I want to confirm with your measurements. Based on the half-life of dilithium and what I'm seeing in terms of decay, we appear to be looking at something that has been here for a very long time. On the order of tens of thousands of years. Which, of course, seems... improbable.
Cdor Kathryn Harper 2/2/2024 5:46 PM
:: Kate spends the fifteen minutes swimming slow passes through the area, taking detailed scans with her tricorder. While the implications of this are intriguing, she doesn't neglect the marine life that she finds, spending a minute marveling at a bright blue and yellow spotted sea slug, spending the time to scan it and take a holopic before returning to the larger effort. She nods upon hearing Lexy's observation as she swims closer to her wife's location, and joins in the conversation as she recalls the orbital recon of this area. :: +@Atlantis Crew+ Improbable, but not impossible. The lava flows were primarily on the other side of the island, so at least they wouldn't have buried whatever this is.
LCdr Emily Acacia 2/2/2024 5:53 PM
:: floats along with the team, taking occasional looks at her tricorder but spending a bit more time once again taking holopictures. She trusts her team to figure this out, and her chances to photograph wildlife were ever fleeting. Her mind is racing, though, with all this talk of the mysterious something being very old. She’s reminded of a holonovel she once played where a starship crew finds a buried ship from an ancient civilization. She imagines what aliens that visited this planet might have looked like. She looks at her tricorder again. :: + @Atlantis Crew + If it’s just under the sand, that would be easier to dig for.
Cdr Alexis Wright 2/8/2024 5:56 PM
:: chews on her lower lip as she thinks about Emily's suggestion, looking down at her tricorder :: +@Atlantis Crew+ Based on my tricorder data cross-referenced with the orbital scans, I believe it's plausible that what we are looking at here is a crash site. I recommend thorough holo-imaging of localized areas prior to disturbing the substrate, but there's a possibility that we may encounter fragmented wreckage if we were to do a little digging. :: she pauses, considers, and then quickly adds :: + @Atlantis Crew + If you do encounter debris, please leave it in situ for now.
Cpt Scott Ammora 2/9/2024 2:43 PM
:: Scott listens to all the banter that is going back and forth between the teams and beckons Jackson and Mekel over to him. Scientific discovery and exploration were great. Randmon 'improbable' events happening suddenly was intriguing and exciting. The team he was supposed to protect floating in the waters outside his reach for immediate assistance? Well, that was not something that made him feel settled. :: Jackson: Jackson, I want your eyes on the team in the water at all times. Keep the surroundings of the water watched as much as you would surroundings on the land.
Jackson> Scott: Aye, sir. :: She moves away with a smile. Scott knew that she would like that assignment even if it meant standing in one place and keeping her eyes glued to bodies floating in the sea. He found very quickly that she was a water person and enjoyed the beach, her previous excitement showed that. He prided himself on starting to establish certain knowledge about his team, it would help him in the future to create repore and maintain morale - he hoped. ::
Mekel: Mekel, with the Jungle Team moving towards the coastline, I want you to head up to where the team was mentioning the line of sight would be, or the vein of minerals they are finding in their readings. Feel free to scan the sand yourself if you want to assist. Jackson has the team, Kuari has her own team with her, and I'll linger in between to keep the perimeter.
Mekel> Scott: Yes, Captain. :: There was no such feel of excitement from Mekel. The Bolian had a sense of humor and a sarcastic wit, but still somehow managed to fit in these stunningly stoic moments that made Scott wonder if he had some sort of switch to turn on and off when orders were fun or of official purpose.
Well, that didn't take long. ::V'Lar noted this to himself with perhaps a trace of suppressed amusement when Wright allowed herself the leap to the conclusion which the evidence had been more and more strongly indicating. This was swiftly replaced with curiosity as the data continued coming in from his tricorder.:: @Cdr Alexis Wright I am indeed beginning to register trace readings. Assuming my scans are returning accurate results, some of this data is...interesting.
Cdr Alexis Wright 2/15/2024 4:28 PM
:: frowns down at her tricorder readout and the ...interesting patterns that are beginning to emerge in the data :: + @LtJG V'Lar + Are you prepared to hazard a guess as to the 'interesting' nature of your data, or does it require further analysis first?
:: Hmm. And there was that word again. He would just have to get used to its use as short-hand, he supposed. :: @Cdr Alexis Wright I am not generally prepared, unless specifically directed, to offer guesses of any kind. That said, my tricorder is beginning to register the traces of exotic isotopes in the designated search area. Exotic, in this case, to the point of virtually, most commonly I believe, from spectrographic analysis of stars native to galaxies other than our own. Specifically, older galaxies.
LCdr Emily Acacia 2/16/2024 9:03 PM
:: raises both brows at this talk of crash sites and stars of other galaxies. Her tricorder readings were the same as the others’, unusual and interesting. She shook her head in mild disbelief as she wondered what sort of ancient alien ship they were swimming and walking over top of :: + @Atlantis Crew + So whatever’s down there is not only very old, but also from another galaxy?
:: Sighs softly as he picks up on the mounting anticipation on the other end of the line. Hopefully the Doctor, a scientist of a kind in her own right, will take well to having some pinpricks poked in that particular balloon...admittedly, perhaps to be sealed in short order. :: @LCdr Emily Acacia That would seem, with respect, a conclusion of the sort that Commander Wright instructed me not to jump to. A conclusion, granted, which fits our current data. But only one possible explanation. And the data is still being compiled, Commander.
Cdor Kathryn Harper 2/22/2024 3:47 PM
:: Kate looks down at a patch of the sandy seafloor that's free of coral for several long moments, her mind racing with possibilities, before swimming over to Lexy with an idea. Despite their communications link, she wants to make eye contact, and does so, excitement evident in her eyes as she addresses her wife. :: + @Cdr Alexis Wright + If we laid out some transport pattern enhancers on the seafloor, just so, we could systematically transport layers of sand away until we uncover something, while also minimally disturbing any burrowing life. What do you think?
Cdr Alexis Wright 2/22/2024 5:32 PM
:: frowning in thought, Lexy studies the sand and silt of the seabed at length, considering the ecosystems that inhabit it and her own wish to disturb them as little as possible, before turning back to Kate with serious eyes :: + @Cdor Kathryn Harper + Hmmm. I think with pattern enhancers and computer assistance, we could transport fine layers of sediment into a holding field and then transport it back when we're finished with minimal disruption. The transporters can be configured to only displace particles that match the chemical signatures of the native sediment and biological matter. :: chewing on her lip, she looks back down at the seabed as she adds, :: If we're going to do this, however, I would advocate for selecting a small area as a test case. Perhaps an area no greater than two square meters? I think I can pinpoint a likely location to that degree of accuracy.
Cdor Kathryn Harper 2/22/2024 6:05 PM
:: Kate nods, appreciating Lexy's careful and methodical attention to detail, which she knows is necessary, even if it does temper her excitement a bit. :: + @CoastalTeam @JungleTeam + We are going to deploy transporter pattern enhancers to begin beaming away fine layers of the seafloor and holding them in the pattern buffer to replace when we are done with our excavation. Jungle team, see if there is a suitable, small site above a promising signature to do the same, around two square meters. +Atlantis+ Harper to Atlantis. Prepare and beam down waterproof transporter pattern enhancers.
Cdr Alexis Wright 2/27/2024 2:18 PM
:: her mind buzzes with quiet excitement as she sets about determining appropriate installation sites for the pattern enhancers, wanting to be absolutely sure she's selecting the very best spot ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 2/27/2024 2:53 PM
ACTION> A few minutes later, a bundle of waterproof transporter pattern enhancers shimmers into existence on a nearby sandy patch of seafloor.
Cdr Alexis Wright 2/27/2024 2:59 PM
:: with a flick of her fins, moves toward the beamdown site and gathers up the bundle in her arms, dutifully toting it back to her proposed digsite, and begins setting them up with great care and precision ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 2/28/2024 6:13 PM
:: Kate swims along with her wife and picks up the bundle once Lexy sets it down to install the first booster, helping out by carrying it along with them as Lexy continues around the perimeter of the chosen site. ::
:: Needless as he knew the gesture to be, not aimed at anyone in particular, V'Lar found himself nodding in acknowledgement. The plan, as stated, was more than sound. After all, the ship's transporters were capable of complex discernment on an atomic scale, and that was more than could be said of even the most careful and well-trained hands. Even so, he found oddly himself hoping as much as he presumed that this method would only take them part of the way. Improbably, this mission had shifted to his specialty, and his formal training in archeology thus far had been at an Earth institution. Perhaps it was inevitable that the popular and even somewhat romantic image of a lone researcher would take seat in his mind, unearthing lost history with gentle swipes of the brush like finding literal buried treasure. The thrill of discovery, his human colleagues would term it. Hardly logical, and yet...::
:: listens to her crew's scientific minds weigh the scan readings back and forth over the comm, the discovery exciting and mysterious :: @LtJG V'Lar: Excellent. You have permission to beam down the necessary pattern enhancers when you are ready and direct their placement.
LCdr Emily Acacia 3/7/2024 3:43 PM
:: takes a few quick pictures of the team setting up pattern enhancers, then flippers her way down to help the others set them up. She takes a somewhat back seat role, this not being her area of expertise, but she’s perfectly happy to hold the other pattern enhancers while the others set one up ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 3/7/2024 6:56 PM
:: continues the precision work of placing the pattern enhancers, sometimes pausing to take additional readings and make micro-corrections to the placement, which isn't strictly necessary in a technical sense but would bother her if she didn't do it ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 3/14/2024 3:09 PM
ACTION> Soon, the underwater pattern enhancers are precisely placed into perfect position. :: Unconsciously managing her buoyancy while floating vertically to survey the area, Kate taps her commbadge. :: +Atlantis+ Harper to Atlantis. Pattern enhancers are in place. Begin excavation according to previously-communicated protocols on Commander Wright's signal. :: Kate looks to her wife to give the word. ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 3/14/2024 5:02 PM
:: looks over the placement one more time before taking a deep breath, turning toward Kate and giving her a solemn nod ::
+Atlantis+ Wright to Atlantis. You may proceed... slowly.
Cdor Kathryn Harper 3/14/2024 8:32 PM
ACTION> A thin layer of the seafloor area defined by the transporter pattern enhancers shimmers away, followed by another, as the archaeological excavation slowly begins.
:: V'Lar and Team Jungle got off to a later start, but as soon as the call was made and the requested equipment shimmered into existence in front of him, the scientist did as requested, placing one of the booster pylons himself while giving directions for the placement to the rest of the team. Soon enough, a bright blue cordon indicated the area of heightened resolution to which the Atlantis transporter technicians would confine their efforts. :: +Atlantis+ Atlantis, Jungle Team. Please energize at your convenience.
LCdr Emily Acacia 3/14/2024 9:13 PM
:: maintains position in the water with a slow sway of her limbs, watching the transports getting to work. She can’t help but smile, enjoying the flow of professionals working at what they do ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 3/21/2024 5:04 PM
ACTION> The Atlantis transporter staff is, indeed, working diligently and with focus as they begin excavating the topside site along with the underwater area.
Cdr Alexis Wright 3/21/2024 5:29 PM
:: watches the painstaking process of the transporters removing thin layers of silt in a slow, steady rhythm; after a few minutes, her attention is rapt as miniscule hints of small lumpy objects buried further down in the substrate begin to emerge in relief ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 3/21/2024 6:02 PM
:: Kate's perceptive eyes, those of a former fighter pilot, immediately notice the lumps start to appear in the sand, raised areas showing that something was beneath, even if that something was just a rock. She hovers while continuing to watch the transporter peel away the seafloor, but she now turns her attention to Lexy every few moments in search of a reaction. ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 3/21/2024 6:05 PM
:: one glance at Lexy reveals that she is quite transfixed by the erratic textures that are slowly becoming ever more apparent as the transports continue, thin layers shimmering away every few seconds ::
LCdr Emily Acacia 3/28/2024 9:25 PM
:: watches the transporters in action with the rest of the underwater group, occasionally glancing at the others for their reaction but mostly just staring at the dig site, transfixed by the slow reveal of whatever is beneath ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 4/5/2024 10:39 AM
ACTION> After several minutes of painstaking removal of layer after thin layer of substrate, objects that appear to be twisted chunks of metal interspersed with fractured crystalline structures have begun to emerge from the dig sites both on land and in the sea bed. The substrate surrounding these anomalies is darker in color and appears at first glance to have been flash melted and resolidified as a hard but brittle material. The artifacts appear to be in an advanced state of decay, and most of them are less than half a meter long measured at the widest point, but both excavation efforts have yielded several chunks of anomalous material within the span of a few minutes.
Cdor Kathryn Harper 4/11/2024 2:18 AM
:: As the objects emerge from the seafloor, Kate immediately goes for her tricorder, her excited gaze darting between the readings it begins to present and her wife's reaction. This does seem to support the initial hypothesis, but she keeps her opinion to herself for now, instead seeing input from her teams. :: +@Atlantis Crew+ What do we have here?
LCdr Emily Acacia 4/11/2024 8:31 AM
:: paddles her way a bit closer, peering at the objects through the water as well as glancing at her own tricorder readings. She whistles lowly to herself at the sight, amazed by the strangeness of it all :: + @Atlantis Crew + Pieces of something that was once very hot, it seems.
:: marvels at the work of Atlantis' transporter system as it reveals the strange objects. She rises up on her hind legs, arching her long plated back to get a better look over the edge of the hole being created without getting any closer. Glancing to the side, she catches @LtJG V'Lar already at work with his scientific brain analyzing his tricorder at the readings coming in :: @Atlantis Crew: Can we tell which part the dilithium traces are in?
Cpt Scott Ammora 4/15/2024 4:59 PM
:: Scott's eyes had gone from the water, to Mekel, to Jackson, and back. Several times. All the comm chatter was interesting... to them. Granted, he was following along with all the information being dispersed, but none of it was really speaking to him. And his grasp of all the technical stuff was rudimentary at best. He was a security officer with some extra expertise in field medicine. Scientific discovery wasn't his forte, but he was okay with that. Then again, if he ever wanted to continue being promoted - or have his own command in the future - he'd have to start paying serious attention to the finer details. He smiled as Jackson trudged up the hill towards him with a look of utter disdain on her face. :: Jackson: Report.
Jackson> :: fighting from rolling her eyes :: Scott: The breeze is vicious, sir. :: she smirked :: I'm thankful for the part on this team mission to see the beach, but I'm bored to death.
Cdr Alexis Wright 4/20/2024 3:00 PM
@Atlantis Crew : I'd have to do more detailed analysis on the soil, @Cdr Kuari , because as far as I can tell with limited data points, the dilithium traces seem to be rather diluted and widespread at both sites. This would potentially be indicative something like an explosion, but I have little proof of this hypothesis at this time. Still, its presence - even in this diffuse manner - is anomalous on this world based on our orbital observations. As are, indeed, the presence of what at first glance appear to be refined metal alloys and crystalline lattices that are perfect in ways that we typically would only see in lab-cultivated crystals... though it's not totally outside of the realm of possibility that they could have formed naturally in a setting that is simply unknown to us. :: she pauses and then cautions :: This is not to say that these materials are definitely evidence of an intelligent artificer, but this hypothesis cannot be ruled out.
Cdor Kathryn Harper 4/22/2024 4:07 PM
:: Kate hovers near Lexy, alternatively looking between her tricorder's readings and the seafloor as the careful excavation exposes more and more of the site. Listening to Lexy's analysis, a nagging question raises in the back of her mind, and nothing that happens in the next few minutes does anything to dispel it, so she finally has to speak up. :: + @Atlantis Crew + Commanders Wright and Kuari - would this appear to you to be a situation where we must invoke the protection protocol for extraordinarily significant archaeological finds?
:: nods along with the analysis of @Cdr Alexis Wright, having not even thought of an explosion, but now that her eyes look over the site, she decides that this could very likely be true. @Cdor Kathryn Harper: Oh, you're right, that would apply to this, wouldn't it? I think it would.
Cdr Alexis Wright 4/29/2024 3:20 PM
:: The same question had been nagging at her own mind, but her desire to not make a bigger deal out of something than it was had kept her from saying so; to hear Kate say it, however, caused her to re-evaluate this thought process. :: + @Atlantis Crew + I agree with Commander Kuari. We should cease our investigations immediately to avoid any further perturbation of the site and begin compiling the data we have gathered so far into the appropriate reports. The probability that this site could contain artifacts of extraordinary significance to our understanding of our galactic history is non-zero.
Cdor Kathryn Harper 4/29/2024 3:38 PM
:: Kate nods as she continues to hover above the site, careful to never sink too close to the seafloor in question, which is fortunately second-nature to her after diving for most of her life. :: + @Atlantis Crew + Cease all excavation efforts, as extraordinary archaeological find protection protocols are now in place. Transporter room, reverse the transport sequence to return the sediment from the pattern buffer to protect the artifacts. Teams, lock the pattern enhancers in place as markers of the excavation sites.
ACTION> The transport stops, then resumes as layers of seafloor and ground at both sites begin to incrementally return.
+ @Cdor Kathryn Harper + Jungle Team, understood. :: tosses her nose towards the nearest pattern enhancer :: @LtJG V'Lar: Mr. V'Lar, make sure this equipment is set up as the captain requests, after the transporters have finished. Save the scans to be stored where Commander Wright instructs once we're back aboard. :: watches as the revealed artifacts begin to disappear once again under their sediment. They were so close, yet so far from further discovery, and Kuari imagined this would be especially difficult for the scientifically-minded of the crew. ::
LCdr Emily Acacia 5/2/2024 9:56 PM
:: whistles a low, impressed sort of whistle to herself without pressing the com button. She watched as the sediment began to reappear, wishing they could do more but understanding the gravity of what they might have found. She practically couldn’t wait for the specialists to get here and get started ::
Cdr Alexis Wright 5/13/2024 4:11 PM
:: double-checks that the detailed drone-based holoscans she instructed her team members at both sites to initiate are active and streaming data as the transport stops and then reverses, re-depositing minute layers of material to the exact position from which they were taken. Pulling her eye from the transport, she looks up at the trio of aquatic mini-drones that are systematically scanning the seafloor site and surrounding environs, thinking about how these scans can replicate what was found on a holodeck for the lucky researchers who will be assigned to this site, and also to tend to her own curiosity and desire to get a closer look without disrupting things that would matter to archaeologists ::
LCdr Emily Acacia 5/16/2024 11:20 PM
:: freezes as a fish swims past, very slowly and deliberately lifting her holocamera and snapping a quick photo just before it darts off. It was a shame they had to hand this off to the pros, it seemed like it might just be a really big deal. She’d definitely want to follow up on the reports about this planet ::
Cdor Kathryn Harper 5/21/2024 2:07 AM
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