You have just entered room "Celestial Prime."
EnsAxelrod has entered the room.
EnsAxelrod: Hello All
Lt TKirr
has entered the room.
Cmdr K Hausmann: Evening Atlantians. Don't mind me, I'm a secret agent from uhm...well, I can't say where. :goes to peanut gallery:
DrJzrynMcCorvich has entered the room.
EnsAxelrod: He's a Tal Shiar operative for the Romulans.
Cmdr K Hausmann
: (Rats, you got me Axelrod.)
EnsAxelrod: ((I can smell a Romulan from a mile away ;-)))
Cmdr K Hausmann
: (Well, I have learned all I need. I will be sending you copies of the Rihannsu Imperial Anthem shortly. Please learn them at your leisure. :X) (Nite!!)
Cmdr K Hausmann has left the room.
MCptAdamDrake: You keep scaring them away, Axelrod!
: It's my nature.
: I'm sure it is. ;-)
Lt TKirr has left the room.
Lt TKirr has entered the room.
DrJzrynMcCorvich: wb
Lt TKirr: <<That sure was annoying *sigh*>>
Lt TKirr: <<Started yet?>>
MCptAdamDrake: Nope.
VAdm Sankoh
: Alright, I suppose we'll get started, even with just five of us. T'Kirr, would you do the honors? :;hands her the whistle of eardrum breaking +5::
Lt TKirr: Woah, really...?
MCptAdamDrake: ::glares::
Lt TKirr
: ::takes the sacred whistle, trying to figure out how to use it::
EnsAxelrod: ::eyes the whistle cautiously::
Lt TKirr
: ::blows like she sees others do::
MCptAdamDrake: ::sighs and plugs ears::
Lt TKirr
Lt TKirr: . . .
MCptAdamDrake: ::@@::
: ::àa::
Lt TKirr
: ::looks at Dr::
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::AA::
VAdm Sankoh: Alright, the Atlantis has returned to Starbase Alexandria after her successful mission to escort the Romulan scientist to our territory. Said scientist has already been picked up by SFI, so all is quiet around Alexandria, which is,
VAdm Sankoh: in itself, just plain wrong.
EnsAxelrod: ((just a fore warning, my computer is running really slowly, so if you're waiting for a response from it may take longer than expected))
VAdm Sankoh
: Questions? Comments? Snide remarks?
Lt TKirr: ::raises her hand::
VAdm Sankoh: T'Kirr?
Lt TKirr: What did I miss last week? I slept right thru =P
VAdm Sankoh: Nothing, we cancelled for lack of interest.
Lt TKirr: Aw...
Lt TKirr: ::smacks herself::
Lt TKirr: Okay, I'm good. =)
VAdm Sankoh: Any others?
VAdm Sankoh: I see none, so...
MCptAdamDrake: ::Shakes head:: No so.
: *sir
VAdm Sankoh
: ::zaps Drake::
VAdm Sankoh: BEGIN SIM
VAdm Sankoh: BEGIN SIM
VAdm Sankoh: BEGIN SIM
MCptAdamDrake: {{::rubs arm:: What'd you do that for?}}
VAdm Sankoh
: {{You raise your hand if you have something to say while AA, boy!}}
MCptAdamDrake: {{Well, maybe if you'd let ME blow the whistle, I'd be more cooperative. :-P}}
: ::Is in Engineering running diagnosics on something or other::
Lt TKirr
: <<rofl>>
MCptAdamDrake: {{T'Kirr, you did an excellent job.}}
Lt TKirr
: <<Blowing? Haha>>
VAdm Sankoh: {{If I let you blow the whistle, the rest of the crew would mutiny.}}
Lt TKirr: ::sits on her couch in her quarters::
Lt TKirr: <<lol!>>
VAdm Sankoh: ::in his office with his Risan bluebird, Gertrude::
MCptAdamDrake: {{Why? I've officially been on this sim a year.}}
: {{LOL}}
VAdm Sankoh: {{Don't even worry about it, Drake. Just don't worry about it.}}
Lt TKirr: ::untwines her legs and gets up, walking to the replicator::
EnsAxelrod: ((That's an accomplishment. Putting with torment from the rest of the crew for an entire year, this guy doesn't quit))
: ::sits in sickbay going over her ideas of research projects::
MCptAdamDrake: ::sitting at his desk, tapping two PADDs together trying to figure out what to do::
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> Things get even quieter.
Lt TKirr: ::stands in front of the replicator, the glow of its interface playing softly on her skin, as her room is barely lit::
Lt TKirr: <<LOL Sankoh>>
DrJzrynMcCorvich: <<LOL . . . >>
Lt TKirr: Yurisan herbal tea, hot.
Lt TKirr: Replicator>> ::hums and produces a steaming cup::
MCptAdamDrake: ::stands and walks out into Engineering:: Mr. Axelrod, Engineering is yours. Please, don't blow it up. ::walks out into the corridor::
Lt TKirr
: <<I can see this sim has gotten off to a nice, serious start...>>
EnsAxelrod: I'll try not to sir.
: ::walks down the corridor::
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> A tumbleweed blows through Operations... no wait, that's going too far.
Lt TKirr: <<LOL>>
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::stands and leaves sickbay, heading back to her quarters::
MCptAdamDrake: ::walks into the TL:: Senior Officer's quarters.
: ::Seeing that all the other Ensigns are busy doing their work, decides to whip out a PADD and play some Tetris::
: ::walks into his quarters::
: ::changes into civilian clothing and exits again::
: ::walks down a couple of doors - to T'Kirr'
: s quarters::
: ::taps the chime::
: ::lays down on her bed and starts to drift off into sleep::
Lt TKirr: ::picks up the cup gingerly and walks steadily back to her couch, plopping down again into its plushness, the fake standard leather already cooler than her legs::
Lt TKirr: ::hears the chime::
Lt TKirr: Enter.
Lt TKirr: ::is curious as to who it could be::
EnsAxelrod: ::Begins humming to the theme music::
: ::starts to dream about her kids::
MCptAdamDrake: ::appears in the doorway::
: Evening, Lieutenant.
Lt TKirr
: ::sits in a darkened room, staring up at Drake in her nightclothes, somewhat uncomfortable to his presence::
Lt TKirr: Good evening. May I help you?
MCptAdamDrake: ::blushes:: I was actually just hoping for some company.
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> The lights go out.
Lt TKirr: <<pssh>>
Lt TKirr: <<You serious Sankoh??>>
VAdm Sankoh: <<Serious as a heart attack.>>
MCptAdamDrake: ::is now enveloped by darkness::
: ::tosses and turns, images of her kids father flash in her head::
Lt TKirr: ::watches in horror as the replicator's blessed glow disappears::
EnsAxelrod: What do you got computer? What do you got? Oh, a wise game are ya? Give me pieces that absolutley don't me, I'll show you.::
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> All systems but life support fail.
VAdm Sankoh: +Ops+ Report! ::gets no response::
Lt TKirr: It will have to wait, as you probably want to find out what just happened...
MCptAdamDrake: +Axelrod+ Drake to Engineering.
: What the heck?
: ((Do comms work?))
Lt TKirr
: ::stands up in the dark room, finding the table to set her tea down, then turning to Drake as her eyes adjust, making out his sillhoutte just barely::
Lt TKirr: <<ALL systems out but life support>>
VAdm Sankoh: ::his dark eyes acclimate to the starlight and light reflected from the planet coming through his office window::
VAdm Sankoh: <<Thank you, T'Kirr.>
MCptAdamDrake: Ah, hell.
: ((Ok, that's what I thouight, just clarifying))
: ::still tossing in her bed, seeing a fire and her kids and their father burning alive::
EnsAxelrod: ::Doesn't hear Drake's transmission::
: ::feels his way down the corridor to the TL - doesn't work::
Lt TKirr
: <<How'd u get outta my room Drake =P>>
VAdm Sankoh: ::walks to his door, finds that it doesn't open::
MCptAdamDrake: Damn it. ::walks back down the corridor to T'Kirr::
: {{I was never in.}}
Lt TKirr
: <<Oh yeah sorry =P>>
EnsAxelrod: ::Decides to try to get out of Engineering::
Lt TKirr
: ::walks over to her door, which is stuck open, and peers out, seeing hardly anything at all::
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::sees the image of a man laughing . . . he had started the fire::
EnsAxelrod: EnsSaliburry> Ow, that was my foot.
: Sorry about that.
: We've got to get to engineering, there's a jefferies tube access hatch down the end of this corridor. It's seventeen decks to engineering, but we can make it.
: Excuse me, pardon me. Trying to get through.
Lt TKirr
: ::fingers a nearby cabinet, feeling her way to the emergency portable light unit (flashlight)::
Lt TKirr: ::nods to Drake, switching the light on, and handing it to him::
Lt TKirr: ::thinks about putting some clothes on::
EnsAxelrod: EnsBradburry> Watch where you're manuevering buddy.
Lt TKirr
: ::figures modesty is a waste of time and follows Drake in her shorts and tank top::
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::recognize the man's face::
MCptAdamDrake: ::takes the light and walks down the corridor, crewman are scampering everywhere::
Lt TKirr
: Do you know what could have caused this?
EnsAxelrod: Pardon me, excuse me. Sorry, I didn't mean to touch you there.
: A lot of things.
: {{LOL}}
VAdm Sankoh: ::walks back to his desk and takes out his Blind `Em (tm) flashlight::
Lt TKirr: Granted, but anything you could have been working on?
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::the man is her father::
MCptAdamDrake: Blown power grid, conduit suppressors...
: Axelrod playing Tetris.
Lt TKirr
: <<ROFL>>
EnsAxelrod: ((It wasn't my fault))
: ::grins:: Could just be gremlins.
VAdm Sankoh
: ::also takes out his personal sidearm, a heavily modified phaser with ivory grips::
Lt TKirr: ::frowns, then hesitates a moment:: Gremlins?
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::has no clue as to what's going on in the awake realm::
EnsAxelrod: ::Hears punch whoosh by his face, missing him by a few inches:: Hey, Hey, Hey, I said I was sorry.
Lt TKirr
: <<awake realm, there's a medical term for you...>>
MCptAdamDrake: ::laughs outloud as he stops at the hatch:: 21st century fiction - believes that little monsters are responsible for mechanical problems.
: ::opens the hatch and motions her in:: After you.
Lt TKirr
: ::glances at Drake, the white of her eyes flashing in the lamplight, then crawls inside::
Lt TKirr: Why would they believe in such a rediculous idea?
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::continues to toss and turn . . . sees the murder of her mother as well::
Lt TKirr: Or are there creatures really attracted to mechanical devices on your planet?
Lt TKirr: <<That's horrible Jzryn =(>>
MCptAdamDrake: ::smiles at her Vulcan-ness:: No, it's superstition.
: {{sowwy . . . but I's got plans fer me character!}}
Lt TKirr: ::recalls the term from her xenology class:: I see.
EnsAxelrod: ::Feels a knee drive into his gut. Double's over and falls back taking two other Ensigns down with him. Struggles to catch his breath.:: Tha-. ::Breaths.:: That was unca- ::Breathes again.:: Uncalled for!
Lt TKirr
: ::approaches a junction:: Which way?
MCptAdamDrake: Left...
: ::crawls after her, flashing the light above and around::
Lt TKirr
: ::maneuvers left, crawling along::
EnsAxelrod: Ens Marburry> That oughta teach you to grab my ass again.
Lt TKirr
: <<lol>>
EnsAxelrod: It was an accident! I can't see two inches in front of me!
Lt TKirr
: ::moves through the tube in silence with Drake, unwelcome memories returning to her, and she begins to feel phantom fluid splashing at her knees and hands::
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::falls into a really deep sleep . . . ::
Lt TKirr: <<Question...are we on Alexandria or Atlantis?>>
MCptAdamDrake: {{Alexandria.}}
Lt TKirr
: <<I'm sooo with it>>
Lt TKirr: <<Dang a whole station out>>
VAdm Sankoh: ACTION> Shadowy figures drop into Engineering from the darkness and effectively incapacitate everyone in the room with their weapons.
EnsAxelrod: Ens Marburry> Oh really, than how come I can see you?
: Because you're shining a flashlight on me.
: {{People are going to be SO sorry they missed this.}}
Lt TKirr
: ::ignores the feeling and keeps moving, but the phantom smell begins to get to her::
VAdm Sankoh: {{That's the idea. Maybe they'll come next week when they hear about it!}}
Lt TKirr: <<Aw crap, just realized I lost that log I'm referring to on my old harddrive... nuts!>>
MCptAdamDrake: There should be a ladder ahead of you, T'Kirr, we'll take that down about ten decks and then have to change directions again.
: Now would you please hand over that flashlight so I can figure how to fix this. ::Stands up.::
Lt TKirr
: ::enters a junction sure enough, then begins to descend it::
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::screams out as an image flashes infront of her head, that of her little boy, burning alive crying out "mommy! where are you mommy?!"::
VAdm Sankoh: ACTION> The shadowy figures haul all of the bodies through a conveniently open door into the corridor, and then seal Engineering.
Lt TKirr: ::the darkness and familiar surroundings begin to plague her mind, and she stops halfway down the ladder, hanging on for dear life::
EnsAxelrod: Ens Marburry> What rank are you? ::Shines flashlight towards collar area of Axelrod.:: An Ensign huh? Well since you aren't higher rank than me I don't have to give you my flashlight.
: ::looks down:: T'Kirr, are you OK?
: ::looks around in a cold sweat, in the absolute darkness, her heart rate raises more instead of decreasing::
Lt TKirr: ::doesn't answer, white-knuckling the rungs, eyes shut tightly:: No....
EnsAxelrod: Captain Drake gave me command over Engineering, now I command you to give me that flashlight.
Lt TKirr
: <<Lol Starfleet officers bickering over a flashlight>>
VAdm Sankoh: ACTION> Engineering is now under the control of the shadowy figures, all of the crew stunned and in a pile outside in the corridor.
MCptAdamDrake: {{While being pummeled by 'shadowy figures'.}}
: Ens Marburry> How about no, and I make sure you won't be able to have babies.
: ::doesn't know what is going on . . . feels her way around, still in a state of panic::
EnsAxelrod: ((I probably shouldn't have posted that but if the Admiral only would've waited another couple of seconds))
Lt TKirr
: ::opens her eyes, seeing no green fluid anywhere... why did she still smell it?::
MCptAdamDrake: T'Kirr, what's wrong?
Lt TKirr
: ::hears Drake and looks up, the motion of his flashlight playing with shadows:: I.... ::the fluid... looked so much like blood...::
MCptAdamDrake: What's wrong? ::starts to climb down toward her::
: ::Looks around and holds up hands::
: Who are you?
Lt TKirr
: ::snaps out of it as Drake's motions bring her to the present:: Nothing, sir. I... ::looks down:: I thought I heard something.
Lt TKirr: ::begins to descend again, keeping her distance::
MCptAdamDrake: ::looks down at her:: Are you SURE you're OK?
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> Axelrod and Marburry are stunned and thrown in the pile with the others.
Lt TKirr: ::thinks, 'I will be once we're out of here''::
Lt TKirr: Yes, Captain, I am fine.
EnsAxelrod: ::Gets stunned:: Ens Marburry> ::Ditto::
Lt TKirr
: <<lol>>
VAdm Sankoh: ACTION> The shadowy figures scan for any other lifesigns with their tricorders, and finding none, begin to seal engineering with arc welders.
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::screams more and curls up in the bed, still seeing the images now that she's awake and in the pitch dark::
EnsAxelrod: ::Gets thrown into pile with others:: Ens Marburry> ::That makes two of us::
: ::reads mind:: Why will it be OK after we get out of here?
: {{LOL}}
EnsAxelrod: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> Engineering is now physically sealed, as the doors are welded shut.
Lt TKirr: ::stops, staring at nothing, realizing her mental shields are down, and struggles to raise them again:: I would appreciate it if you kept your mind out of mine, sir.
VAdm Sankoh: ACTION> A shadowy figure drops into Sankoh's office and meets a phaser shot from Sankoh, crouched behind his desk.
MCptAdamDrake: You're worried T'Kirr, talk to me...
Lt TKirr
: ::fights the numbness, failing to shield herself, her voice unsteady::
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::passes out from the horror of the images::
VAdm Sankoh: <w> Now I know this isn't an elaborate assassination attempt.
EnsAxelrod: ((So who else thinks that these shadowy figures are more of Hausmann's Tal Shiar operatives?))
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> Two more figures drop into Sankoh's office, firing at his desk, and meet a single shot on wide spread.
Lt TKirr: I believe we have a station to revive, and takes top priority at this moment. ::continues down ladders::
MCptAdamDrake: {{Definitely Hausmann.}}
: Not if it incapcitates an officer, Lieutenant, what's wrong?
VAdm Sankoh
: ::reaches into a desk drawer and takes out a tricorder::
VAdm Sankoh: ::scans the bodies::
VAdm Sankoh: As I thought.
Lt TKirr: My personal... inadequacies are of no concern right now. ::looks up:: Leave it be!
MCptAdamDrake: If it's going to affect saving this station for a power crisis, you'd better explain yourself.
: ::continues climbing down::
Lt TKirr
: ::jumps off ladder to the floor of a junction, shivering involuntarily, forgetting how many levels they'd descended::
VAdm Sankoh: ::vaporizes two of them as he can't risk having them wake up::
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::passed out::
MCptAdamDrake: ::frowns:: We've got four decks to go, keep climbing.
Lt TKirr
: <<Wayta go Adm>>
Lt TKirr: ::returns to the ladder and concentrates on one hand after another::
VAdm Sankoh: ::considers interrogating the third, but has nothing to tie him up with, so he just shoots the bastard::
MCptAdamDrake: ::notices the shaking::
: T'Kirr, you're spasming relentlessly, what is wrong with you? ::is concerned::
Lt TKirr
: Something that happened long ago... I just need to get out of these tubes. I'll be all right, Captain.
VAdm Sankoh: ::makes sure to log his finding in the tricorder::
MCptAdamDrake: ::sighs and lets his mind wander to T'Kirrs - smashing through her lower and confused mental shielding without notice::
: ::mutters:: Science vessel...
Lt TKirr
: <<Oh wait.. I think I saved that log on a disk, woot!>>
Lt TKirr: ::stops short and looks up at Drake::
MCptAdamDrake: ::looks down::
: Plasma coolant...
: Cold, wet...
: You were attacked...
: Had to get to engineering...
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> The shadowy figures power up Engineering, not that anyone outside would know.
Lt TKirr: ::closes her eyes:: Please, sir... ::voice unsteady::
EnsAxelrod: ((so, is anyone going to save the helpless pile of Ensigns in Engineering?))
: T'Kirr, you may be Vulcan, but that isn't an excuse to shield stuff like that.
VAdm Sankoh
: <<You're all outside of engineering. They threw you away.>>
Lt TKirr: It is not for you to know! ::voice cracks::
MCptAdamDrake: {{Like the garbage you are, Fabrizio. :-)}}
: You're panicing, Lieutenant, that's not very Vulcanish of you.
: ((ok, is anyone going to help the helpless pile of ensigns in the corridor?))
: ((watch it Drake))
Lt TKirr
: <<Aw nuts... all that's on the disk is Enterprise fic >_< >>
MCptAdamDrake: {{T'Kirr and I are only about 11 decks away.}}
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> The pile of ensigns start to wake up.
Lt TKirr: <<rofl!>>
EnsAxelrod: ((thank you))
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> And they have the worst hangovers of their lives.
MCptAdamDrake: ::looks at her:: Keep moving, Lieutenant.
: ((for nothing))
VAdm Sankoh
: ACTION> No, worse than that. This is hangover++.
Lt TKirr: ::begins to move, remaining silent, having no idea what to say, feeling very violated and covfused::
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::still passed out, but horrible images running through her head::
EnsAxelrod: Ens Saliburry> ::tries to say what happened, but is at the bottom of the pile and all that is heard is mumbles::
: ::watches the bottom of his ladder come up:: Go right and down about three sets of tunnels to another ladder that will take us to the hatch just outside of Engineering.
Lt TKirr
: ::descends several more decks, one handhold at a time, wishing she was out of this darkness!::
Lt TKirr: ::nods sullenly and begins to crawl, thankful for the horizontal::
MCptAdamDrake: You'll climb down seven decks in the ladder - you up for that?
Lt TKirr
: <<Ensign pile.. that's great lol>>
Lt TKirr: ::answers quietly:: Of course.
EnsAxelrod: Ens Bradburry> ::tries to move, but is also at the bottom of the pile and fails to make any movement whatsoever.::
VAdm Sankoh
: ::after waiting several minutes, his eyes turn to the Bottom Drawer of His Desk::
Lt TKirr: ::mentally wards off the numb feeling in her limbs. 'It's not real, it's not real...'
MCptAdamDrake: ::hearing her thoughts:: What's not real?
VAdm Sankoh
: ::places his fingers in the secret indentations to open the cover panel with the combination lock::
EnsAxelrod: Ens Bradburry> ::wishes he could grab his head and squeeze his brain shut, the hangover like pain was excrutiating.::
VAdm Sankoh
: ::inputs the combination::
EnsAxelrod: ((or however it's spelled))
Lt TKirr
: The numbness... the... temperature... please, stay out..
VAdm Sankoh: ::opens the drawer, tosses aside all of the decoy information and finds another indentation in the bottom of the drawer, presses that just right::
MCptAdamDrake: I wouldn't have to probe your mind, T'Kirr if you'd just tell me what the hell is wrong!
Lt TKirr
: ::turns, frustrated, looking Drake in the eyes::
VAdm Sankoh: ::another lock slides open, this with a puzzle, which he solves using a sequence that just doesn't make sense::
MCptAdamDrake: ::stares her down::
Lt TKirr
: ::shivers::
MCptAdamDrake: {{S-p}}
VAdm Sankoh: ::a panel slides open and a comm unit rises out of the floor, red in color, and running off a portable generator::
EnsAxelrod: EnsignPile> ::All Ensigns but two wake up, and the two that are still asleep are pushed off the top of the pile and to the side. Those two are Axelrod and Marburry.::
: {{S-p}}
Lt TKirr: Years ago... I had a mission to Engineering.... coolant flooded the tubes...
Lt TKirr: We were... attacked by what we thought was our own side...
VAdm Sankoh: ::activates the "Red Phone"::
Lt TKirr: <<lol>>
MCptAdamDrake: {{Sankoh is going for his cigars.}}
DrJzrynMcCorvich: [[is that anything like the "bat phone"???]]
VAdm Sankoh: <<Very similar.>>
DrJzrynMcCorvich: [[LOL]]
VAdm Sankoh: Fleet Admiral Seamus Blackthorne> ::appears on the other end of the comm, says nothing::
Lt TKirr: ::huddles into a ball, telling herself she must move on, but her muscles refuse::
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::still in the passed out state . . . ::
Lt TKirr: <<All us got mental probs except Drake and Sankoh lol>>
DrJzrynMcCorvich: [[LOL]]
EnsAxelrod: EnsignPile> ::All who are awake begin rolling around trying to get rid of the pain.::
VAdm Sankoh
: ::his voice a whisper:: The Nile is flooding.
MCptAdamDrake: {{Wait! Seamus Blackthorne is DEAD!}}
VAdm Sankoh
: << In the old universe, yes, he died.>>
Lt TKirr: ::cries:: It's so cold!!
EnsAxelrod: ((oh, loophole))
VAdm Sankoh
: FAdm Blackthorne> Understood. ::cuts the comm::
MCptAdamDrake: {{Ooh, that's right! That means I could've brought Ruder back!}}
: ::pulls up alongside T'Kirr:: It's like seventy degrees in here.
Lt TKirr
: ::images of her desert home flash through her mind::
Lt TKirr: ::taunting her::
MCptAdamDrake: T'Kirr, what's wrong!
VAdm Sankoh
: ::presses the self-destruct button on the secret comm unit, it vanishes, much like the bodies that used to be on his floor:::
MCptAdamDrake: ?
Lt TKirr
: ::knows she is too stubborn to say, and stops fighting to close her mind:: Find out for yourself...
VAdm Sankoh: PAUSE SIM
VAdm Sankoh: PAUSE SIM
VAdm Sankoh: PAUSE SIM
DrJzrynMcCorvich: ::paused::
Lt TKirr: <<Omg what a place to pause lol>>
Lt TKirr: ::Paused::
EnsAxelrod: ::Pawsed::