You have just entered room
"Celestial Prime."
Lt TKirr has entered the room.
CmdrBrookeDolan: Hi!!!
Lt Allen Zinthys has entered the
Lt SG Zinthys has entered the
Lt Allen Zinthys has left the
Lutaan has entered the room.
Lt TKirr: ::shuffles in
fashionably late::
VAdm AC Zuriyev: Wow.
Brooke and Tempest don't seem to
both be able to simultaneously attend
CmdrBrookeDolan: ha ha ha!!!
Lutaan: hey all
Lt SG Zinthys: Heya, Lutaan
Lt TKirr: Hi, Lutaan
CmdrBrookeDolan: Hi there.
Jack Cahalan has entered the
CmdrBrookeDolan: Hi Jack!!!
Jack Cahalan: Evening, Brooke.
Lt TKirr: Somewhat quiet
CmdrBrookeDolan: end of
CmdrBrookeDolan: lots of
transitioning, people all over the place.
CmdrBrookeDolan: such as
Lt TKirr: Yeah
CmdrBrookeDolan: well, I'm all
moved into my apartment. it was rough.
VAdm AC Zuriyev: What does
everyone think of a character
development sim? Since we're rather
light on the attendance tonight.
CmdrBrookeDolan: whatever
you want, Admiral.
Lt SG Zinthys: ::Knew he
shouldn't've come::
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::zaps
Cdr Sullivan: ::pouts at Allen:::
Lutaan: yeah, anything is fine with
Lt TKirr: How does that differ
from norm?
Cdr Sullivan: Party in the lounge!
Cdr Sullivan: All drinks on Jack!
Lt TKirr: Hehe, just what
T'Kirr loves.... ::coughs::
VAdm AC Zuriyev: The plot
doesn't advance. Say, we're
travelling to the next place on the
Socrates's trail.
Jack Cahalan: Hrm?
Lt SG Zinthys: T'Kirr loves
Lt TKirr: Sounds good to me
CmdrBrookeDolan: hey! hands
Lt SG Zinthys: ::Steps back::
VAdm AC Zuriyev: OK, let's
begin. Informal tonight, so just start
relaxing. That's an order.
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::breaks the
whistle in half::
Lt SG Zinthys: ::Watches as
the magic in the whistle explodes::
Jack Cahalan: ::in his quarters,
relaxing - if he were in 10F, he'd be AT
Cdr Sullivan: .:::can't relax when
ordered to relax because she doesn't know
if she is relaxing to a degree held acceptable
to StarFleet standards:::
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::in
Ten-Forward, relaxing, happy to be away
from paperwork::
Lutaan: ::Drinking a sinthail at
Ensign FJ: ::props feet up on
table in quarters and begins reading a
engineering report::
Cdr Sullivan: ::in 10 forward,
bent low over a pool stick, eyeing up a
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::relaxing
with a nice stack of paperwork in his
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::hears the
crack of the cue ball and looks over in SUli's
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::looks at
the time and decides to wander
down to 10F::
Cdr Sullivan: :::straightens and
rolls her shoulders as she grabs the block of
blue chalk and applies it to the end of her
Lt SG Zinthys: ::Sitting near
Suli, resting against the back of the
chair, eyeing her up::
Lt TKirr: ::meditates in her
quarters:: <<only way she knows how
to relax =P>>
Ensign FJ: ::looks around and
finds a cup filled with a clear substance, and
takes a sip::
Jack Cahalan: ::decides to head
into 10F for a drink, even though he works
Lutaan: ::decides to go escape to
the holodeck:: <<I really gtg anyway>>
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::sighs,
relaxed, SOOOOO pleased the Admiral is
doing paperwork instead of her today::
Lt SG Zinthys: <<Bye,
Lutaan: <<nvm what I just
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::enters
10F, walks behind the bar, and pours
himself a vodka and tonic::
Lutaan: ::enters the holodeck,
programmed to resemble southern Canada::
Cdr Sullivan: :::points to the 12
ball and indicates the far right corner pocket
and then smiles teasingly at Zinthys before
sliding the cue stick behind her back, arching
it slightly to accomodate:::
Lt TKirr: ::gets in touch with
her Vulcanness while her Shurata
bounces around his terrarium several
decimeters away::
Ensign FJ: ::desides to go to 10F
and get a fresh drink::
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::perks up a
bit as she sees Jack out of the corner of her
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::walks up
to the bar, smiles at Jack:: Aren't you
Cdr Sullivan: :::tips her head back
to eye up the shot and adjusts her left hand
Lutaan: :: sits on a bench on the
coast and relaxes with the cool winds hitting
his face::
Jack Cahalan: ::turns away from
the bar:: Habit. ::smiles at her::
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::::Takes
his V&T over to a table and sits::
Ensign FJ: ::enters 10F and looks
Lt TKirr: <<V&T?>>
VAdm AC Zuriyev: <<Vodka
and Tonic>>
Lt TKirr: <<Gotcha>>
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::watches
the pool game with interest::
CmdrBrookeDolan: Well, I
wouldn't want to ask you to work while
you're off, so I'll just fix myself a drink.
Lt SG Zinthys: ::Watches Suli
with interest::
Jack Cahalan: Oh, it's not work
for you, darlin'.
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::suddenly
sees Zuriyev:: Admiral, didn't you say you'd
finish up my paperwork for me today?
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::raises an
eyebrow ... "darlin'?"::
Jack Cahalan: The usual?
CmdrBrookeDolan: Um, yes
Jack Cahalan: ::said that
Jack Cahalan: ::mixes her a
vodka cranberry sans vodka::
Lutaan: ::decides to save program
and check out what's going on in 10F::
Ensign FJ: ::walks over to the bar
and takes a small glass of water, then walks
over and has a seat::
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::thinks
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::nods to
Brooke:: Da, I am taking a break. You
should try that sometime when you
are doing the work.
CmdrBrookeDolan: Yes, well, if
I did that, the work would never get done.
::winks at Zuri::
Jack Cahalan: :::nods to the
Admiral:: Yes, I hear Ten-Forward is a
good place to do just that.
CmdrBrookeDolan: Can I buy
you a drink, Admiral?
VAdm AC Zuriyev: Are you
implying that I will not finish?
Cdr Sullivan: :::the stick taps the
cue ball with a sharp rap, propelling it into
the fray of balls. It make contact with the 12
ball, causing it to ricochete across the
smooth, green surface where it banks off far
side of the table to the left
CmdrBrookeDolan: No, no, no,
not at all. ::smirks::
VAdm AC Zuriyev: No,
Commander, but thank you.
Lutaan: ::enters 10F:: Hello
Cmdr, enjoying your game of pool?
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::feels
that twinge of familiarity from
looking at her again::
Lt SG Zinthys has left the room.
Cdr Sullivan: before bouncing off
the 6 ball and rolls towards the indicated
Ensign FJ: ::glances over at The
Admiral and Commander talking, then
toward the game of pool::
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::takes the
drink Jack has so courteously fixed for her
and siups::
CmdrBrookeDolan: <<sips>>
Cdr Sullivan: :::her eyes never
leave the rolling ball as it slows its rate of
speed and finally tips into the pocket:::
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::dismisses
it as he drinks his V&T::
Cdr Sullivan: :::turns to Lutaan:::
A good game of pool is very..... soothing,
Cdr Sullivan: Enjoying your
Lutaan: ::walks towards pool
table:: I think I'll just observe for now
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::sniffs
delicately:: Won't that drink impair your
ability to finish the paperwork? I wouldn't
want you making any mistakes on my
Ensign FJ: ::pulls out tricorder
and glances at it, and places it back in its
VAdm AC Zuriyev: This drink
will not even phase me, Commander.
Cdr Sullivan: :::smiles::: You're
not one of those ringers are you?
Lutaan: well Cmdr Sullivan, I'm
just not accustomed to this free time. But I'll
find something to do
Jack Cahalan: ::takes the time to
actually make himself a drink instead of one
for someone else:;
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::raises her
eyebrows and suppresses a grin:: Of course,
Admiral. Sometimes I forget you're Russian.
Cdr Sullivan: You're welcome to
join if you like.
VAdm AC Zuriyev: I am
surprised that you could forget such a
Cdr Sullivan: I can always rerack
them and start over.
Lt TKirr: Shurata> ::shuffles::
Jack Cahalan: ::mixes up a
purple people eater::
CmdrBrookeDolan: It must be
your charm, sir.
Lutaan: maybe after a drink sir
Cdr Sullivan: :::nods::: As you
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::almost
snorts and turns quickly away, winking at
Ensign FJ: ::sits alone quietly
listening in on a few conversations::
Lt TKirr: ::opens her eyes at
her pet's movement, then takes a final
deep breath before standing and
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::laughs
Cdr Sullivan: How long have you
been on the ship now?
Lt Allen Zinthys has entered the
Jack Cahalan: ::smiles at Brooke
and indicates the purple people eater::
Remember these/
Jack Cahalan: ?
Lutaan: ::walks towards the bar,
orders a scotch on the rocks, then walks
towards the pool table again::
Lt Allen Zinthys: <<Stupid
AIM... stupid computer>>
Lt TKirr: ::exits her quarters,
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::shudders::
How could I forget?
Lutaan: about two weeks sir
Lt TKirr: ::enters lift, thinking
for a moment, then reluctantly but
resolvingly states:: Ten Forward.
Jack Cahalan: Oh, come on. We
had fun.
Cdr Sullivan: :::returns to a more
conventional shot, somewhat aware that it
gives a certain Lieutenant an open shot of
her derriere....::: And I'm sorry... things have
been hectic lately.... what department are
you in?
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Blinks,
suddenly realizing he had zoned out::
Lt TKirr: ::rides the lift, feeling
her usual calm and alertness after
having meditated::
Cdr Sullivan: <<And welcome
back, Z.>>
Lt Allen Zinthys: <<thanks>>
Lutaan: I'm the assistant doctor
Ensign FJ: ::looks around 10F,
taking a sip of a drink::
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::sits back
and sips at his drink::
CmdrBrookeDolan: You know
... the memory escapes me.
VAdm AC Zuriyev: ::watching
the pool game again::
Jack Cahalan: ::laughs:: Have a
sip. You'll remember.
Cdr Sullivan: :::eyes narrow as
she shoots and a frown tugs at the corners of
her mouth as the shot stalls and the ball fails
to fall into the pocket:::
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::sips:: Hmm
Lt Allen Zinthys: You'd better
be careful, what with all these people
watching. ::Stands and takes his cue::
Lt Allen Zinthys: Wouldn't
want to lose with an audience.
Lutaan: well sir, good luck with
your game. I think I'm going to turn in early;
I have an early shift tommorow
Cdr Sullivan: :::looks at Lutaan:::
Don't feel you have to go....
Lutaan: I think it would be best
Cdr Sullivan: :::frowns::: And
you're off duty... you can stop calling me
Cdr Sullivan: :::gives the doctor
one of her rare smiles:::
CmdrBrookeDolan: Ahh ... it's
all coming back to me ...
Lt TKirr: ::enters
Ten-Forward, surprised by the
number of people, immediately putting
her 'calmness' to the test::
Lutaan: yes sir. I mean , sorry sir,
mam, shoot! ::shrugs::
Ensign FJ: ::stands up and walks
over to the bar and takes a second drink
and sits back down::
Cdr Sullivan: :::looks at Zinthys:::
As for you.... bring it on... if you've got it.
Lutaan: ::leaves 10F and returns
to his quarters::
Jack Cahalan: I thought it might.
Want one?
Lutaan has left the room.
CmdrBrookeDolan: Isn't this one
for me? ::smiles::
Lt TKirr: ::immediately looks
for something to occupy herself, but
finds nothing, as she hadn't brought
her trusty PADD::
Lt Allen Zinthys: Oh, you
know I've got it. ::walks up to the table,
and leans over haphazardly::
Jack Cahalan: Sure. ::makes
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::grins
behind the glass::
Lt Allen Zinthys: <m> What "it"
is, I don't know...
Cdr Sullivan: :::leans close to
him::: Careful... the Admiral is watching, you
Ensign FJ: ::looks up at Tkirr::
and nodds
Cdr Sullivan: :::smiles and goes
back to the small table where Zinthys had
been sitting and picks up an open bottle of
Yuengling beer:::
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Takes an
easy shot that seemed set up for him and
drains the 9-ball::
Lt TKirr: ::glances back at FJ,
not returning the nod, but giving him a
look with the same meaning::
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::glances
over to the pool table, wonders who's
Ensign FJ: ::kicks a chair out with
foot under the table, then looks up at TKirr
and motions toward the chair::
Lt TKirr: ::glances over her
fellow officers about the room, seeing
all occupied but FJ, and starts to move
toward him::
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Clears
throat:: Yes, thank you miss Sullivan, I
was aware of that.
Cdr Sullivan: :::puts one booted
foot on the chair he had been sitting on and
watches him, an easy air about her.... the
usual terseness seems absent from her body
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::chuckles
softly to herself::
Lt TKirr: ::takes the offered
seat next to FJ, without word, glancing
once again about the room::
Cdr Sullivan: Miss Sullivan, am I,
Mr Zinthys? :::chuckles::: I did not realize
that we had become so... formal.
Ensign FJ: lovely evening aboard
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::politely
hides a yawn behind her hand:: Whew. I'm
afraid I'm all in for the evening. I think I'll
head back to my quarters.
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::nods to the
Admiral:: Good night.
Lt TKirr: ::looks at FJ:: It is
favorably quiet.
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::smiles at
Jack:: Jack.
Lt Allen Zinthys: Well, being in
the Admirals presence... ::Lines up
another shot, accidentally bumping in
the 12 along the way to his 5, which
manages to go in::
Ensign FJ: ::laughs quietly:: I've
really missed being around vulcans
Lt TKirr: ::eyes FJ curiously::
Cdr Sullivan: :::sets down the
bottle and picks up a handful of pretzels,
nibbling on one as she watches Allen play,
plotting her next shots as the balls move
around the table:::
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Notices her
stratigizing and decides to distract her::
Lt TKirr: ::watches Brooke
Ensign FJ: Sorry, nothing
personal, I've spent a lot of time around
Vulcans, and its been so long I almost forgot
what it was like
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Takes up
almost the identical spot she was in,
carefully leaning over the table to get at
the cue ball for a shot he should be on
the other side for::
Jack Cahalan: ::watches Brooke
leave and sips at the drink::
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::heads out
of 10-F::
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Wiggles a
little, just to be sure he's got her
Cdr Sullivan: :::glances at the
Admiral and without realizing it, her stance
changes.... both feet are once again on the
floor, shoulder width apart and her back
Cdr Sullivan: :::her eyes slide
from the Admiral and slide their way up
Allen's legs to the well presented view of his
back end:::
Ensign FJ: So has your Day been
profitable thus far Lt.?
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Sends the
cue into the cue ball, which smacks into
the bumper on the other side, it comes
back around, squarely missing its
intended target, smacks into the
blackness of the 8-ball and sends it
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::enters her
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Stands,
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::flops down
on her bed, yawning::
Cdr Sullivan: :::sees the muffed
shot and her head tilts back as a full throated
laugh bubbles from her throat:::
Cdr Sullivan: :::steps behind him
and stands on her tiptoes to whisper in his
ear::: I believe the game is mine, Mr Zinthys.
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Turns, leans
back on his elbows and glares at her::
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Grins:: Yeah,
I guess so....
Lt TKirr: I found the extended
relaxation time to be of benefit,
although I haven't done much in the
lab, and will be ready to return.
Cdr Sullivan: :::a look of doubt
crosses her features::: Unless of course...
you intended on that to happen....
Ensign FJ: yes, I have even found
ways to work off work.... ::Pulls out
tricorder:: I have it set to gvie me systematic
read outs of everyting happening in
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Frowns:: In
all the time you've known me, have you
ever known me to intentionally lose?
Lt TKirr: ::raises a brow::
CmdrBrookeDolan: ::rolls over,
too tired to remove her clothes, and takes a
little nap::
Cdr Sullivan: :::mimics his frown:::
I don't know.... I've never seen you lose
Lt Allen Zinthys: And, as you
can see, I'm the only one who can beat
Lt TKirr: <<lol>>
Cdr Sullivan: :::grins:::: Good try,
Lieutenant.... I would have cleaned your
clock and you know it.
Ensign FJ: ::Replaces tricorder::
yes, it is
Cdr Sullivan: :::puts out her hand
as if to shake his::: But good game none the
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Laughs
heartily:: Perhaps. Now we won't know,
will we?
Cdr Sullivan: There are other
days... other games....
Lt TKirr: ::stands:: I'm going
to the replicator. Do you want
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Takes her
head and brushes her fingertips with his
lips:: I look forward to playing these...
other games with you.
Ensign FJ: Yes... but i can get it myself..
::stands up::
Lt TKirr: <<I hope you mean 'hand',
Zinthys =P>>
Lt Allen Zinthys: <<Ahem... yeah... that.
Lt Allen Zinthys: >>
Lt TKirr: As you wish.
Cdr Sullivan: :::feels a flush creep over her
cheeks as her heart skips a beat::: I.... we....
:::clears her throat and gathers her wits about
her... or attempts to::: I look forward to
the... challenge.
Cdr Sullivan: Do you play... baseball....
Ensign FJ: ::walks to the replicator and asked
for a cold glass of water. slight lime flavor::
Cdr Sullivan: :::her eyes twinkle in good
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::Eyes narrow as he tries
to figure out what she's up to:: I know
how, if that is what you're asking.
Lt TKirr: ::stands behind FJ, waiting her
Ensign FJ: ::steps out of the way:: shes all
Cdr Sullivan: Then you know that idea is to
move around the bases.... the invigorating
sprint to first base... the uncertain trip to
second... the exhilleration of making it to
third... and finally... sliding... home?
Lt Allen Zinthys: Home. That is
someplace I long to go....
Cdr Sullivan: I believe that there was a
musician who wrote an intriguing song which
referenced that game.
CmdrBrookeDolan: <<"Take Me Out to the
Lt TKirr: ::nods once, moving in front of
the replicator:: Irias herbal tea.
Lt Allen Zinthys: Indeed?
Cdr Sullivan: :::feigns puzzlement::: But why it
was called Paradise by the Dashboard
Light... I do not comprehend.
Ensign FJ: ::stares at drink:: your going to
drink that?
Lt TKirr: Replicator> ::hums a cup of tea
to existence::
Lt Allen Zinthys: ::chuckles:: My dear
Sullivan, do you know what a
"dashboard" is?
VAdm AC Zuriyev: PAUSE SMI
Lt TKirr: ::looks back at him:: I am.
VAdm AC Zuriyev: PAUSE SIM
Ensign FJ: I think thats what we use to clean
out energy conduits in engineering
Cdr Sullivan: ::takes the cue stick from his
hand and turns to place it on the rack with
her own:::
VAdm AC Zuriyev: PAUSE SIM
Lt TKirr: <<lol FJ!>>
Cdr Sullivan: :::pauses laughing:::
Cdr Sullivan: Awww... Admiral!
CmdrBrookeDolan: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lt TKirr: <<You mean we're stopping
'on time'?! =P>>