CmdStecker: I agree. VAdKethry: :::grins warmly::: CmdStecker: Hi Kang.. Didn't see you sneak in.. LtCdrAkira: Hi Kang. SLt Kang: Hi all!! SLt Kang: Boy I have been sick..this weekend. CmdStecker: Captain Blackthorne will be late tonight, however. There is a chance he will miss altogether OnlineHost: Lt Brooke has entered the room. SLt Kang: Why? OnlineHost: CmdrTim has entered the room. CmdStecker: If you're sick, Kang, dont worry about simming.. CmdStecker: Hi Brooke!!! Lt Brooke: Hey ATlantis Crew!!! Dr. B. is BACK!!! LtCdrAkira: Hi Brooke... Lt MaryJo: Brooke! Lt Brooke: How've you all been??? LtCdrAkira: long time no see... I'm fine... SLt Kang: No I have to wait aleast until 12:30 pest so I can take soem other medinice. CmdStecker: ::chuckles and looks at Mary:: How have we been? Lt Brooke: I've enjoyed reading your logs! OnlineHost: SLt Kang has left the room. FCptShedan: Welcome to the Alliance everyone. Lt MaryJo: mostly pregnant, Brooke CmdrTim: >::grins:: Hello Atlantis!< Lt Brooke: ::looks around:: Where's Thorne? CmdStecker: Thank you, Captain.. Lt Brooke: Yeah, I noticed that there are an awful lot of pregnancies happening liatey! CmdStecker: Captain Blackthorne will be late tonight.. His timing isn't that great.. :-) Lt Brooke: ::grins:: CptKetchum: Hiya Tim!! Lt Brooke: looks like we have some guest obsrvers? VAdKethry: :::waves at Tim!::: VAdKethry: :::wanders in his direction::: OnlineHost: LtJKeane has entered the room. CmdrTim: ::waves to Keth, this time from farther away ;-) :: Lt Brooke: Here comes Shannon!!! ... hope he doesn't contribute to the growing baby boom!!! Lt MaryJo: Hi John Lt Brooke: nope, he's gone LtJKeane: Hey Mary! Hey crew! Lt Brooke: Hi John! LtJKeane: Hey Brooke! Nice to see you. Lt Brooke: We going 2 hrs tonight again? LtJKeane: ::notices the ships alittle brass heavy:: "Hello Sirs!" CmdStecker: Hey John! :) LtJKeane: Hello Commander! OnlineHost: ShnonYanus has entered the room. Lt MaryJo: Hi Shannon Lt Brooke: ::waves:: Hi Shannon!!! CmdStecker: Hi Shannon! LtCdrAkira: Hi Keane, Shannon. ShnonYanus: ::waves:: Hiyas! ShnonYanus: Hmmm, isn't it odd both CMO and AMO return to simming on the same night? LtJKeane: Hey Akira, your hiding at the bottom of my list.. Sorry I missed ya.. Good to see you. LtCdrAkira: :) Lt Brooke: Har har, Shannon/ OnlineHost: SLt Kang has entered the room. CmdStecker: Welcome back, Kang.. SLt Kang: BRB..telling my dad about that fight I had to break up. Lt Brooke: Kang -- how's the recovery coming? ;-) LtJKeane: Boss! Nice to see you again! LtJKeane: BRB.. Lt Brooke: This is like my high school reunion or somehting!!! LtCdrAkira: ::coughs:: LtCdrAkira: ATTENTION ON DECK!! Lt MaryJo: ::attn:: LtCdrAkira: ::attn:: Lt Brooke: ::attn:: VAdKethry: :::moves to the peanut gallery::: ShnonYanus: ::@A"" CmdStecker: Ok.. My PT crashed, so I'm doing this the old fashioned way.. :) CmdrTim: ::quickly moves to the gallery, holds the door for the Vice Admiral:: CmdStecker: We're en-route to Terra for Shore Leave.. Once there, a skeleton crew will CmdStecker: remain on the ship, while the rest of us go on shore leave.. Lt Brooke: CmdStecker: That's it.. Begin sim.. Lt MaryJo: Yeah.. LtCdrAkira: ::on the bridge:: Lt Brooke: ::in sickbay:: ShnonYanus: ::scuttling about the SB:: Lt MaryJo: ::in the astrophysics lab:: CmdStecker: ::on the bridge:: Lt Brooke: ::ordering nurses around, as usual:: SLt Kang: <> LtCdrAkira: ::paces back and and forth:: Lt Brooke: LtCdrAkira: ::looks over at Stecker:: ShnonYanus: ::trying to stay out of Brooke's way, but keeping a worried eye on her:: LtJKeane: ::Back and attn:: Lt MaryJo: ::finishing last minute reports::duty rosters::etc:: Lt MaryJo: <> Lt Brooke: ::bellows:: Yanus, do you have those lab results for me yet?! CmdStecker: Shane, ETA to Terra? SLt Kang: ::heads toward the TL:: LtJKeane: ::looks around at empty room:: oh.. LtJKeane: :) CmdStecker: Shane> :looks at console:: 3.64 hours, Commander. ShnonYanus: ::almost jumps but forces himself not to, sickeningly calm and smiling, walks to her:: ShnonYanus: Right here, Doctor. ::hands her a PADD:: LtCdrAkira: ::looks around again... mumbles to himself:: I hate it when everything goes right in LtCdrAkira: engineering... Lt MaryJo: ::finishes her last report for astrophysics lab::exits into the corridor Lt MaryJo: and heads for biochemistry:: LtJKeane: ::In Main Security issuing departure orders to Sec. teams:: "I want all personal accounted Lt Brooke: ::snatches it out of his hand, sarcastic:: *Thank you*, Ensign. CmdStecker: ::sits back and looks around the bridge:: LtCdrAkira: ::walks over to his console:: CmdStecker: ::wonders what her brother and father are telling the Captain in the conference room:: OnlineHost: LtC Tabier has entered the room. ShnonYanus: ::looks at her for a moment, the sighs resigningly:: Doctor, might I have a word with you... LtJKeane: for.. And a crewman at each docking ring.. rotating shift... etc.. Gentleman, Ladies.. CmdStecker: ShnonYanus: ::glances about:: Candidly? LtC Tabier: <> LtJKeane: That is all. Dismissed." LtCdrAkira: Lt Brooke: ::sighs:: What IS it, Ensign? I have my hands full with the rash of pregnancies onboard. SLt Kang: ::enters on the bridge:: Lt Brooke: I need to train a few nurses in midwifery ... did you want to volunteer? Lt MaryJo: ::enters the biochem lab::walks over to her desk and sits down, Lt MaryJo: staring at the pile of PADDS there:: LtJKeane: +Kang+ "Lt Keane here. Sir?" CmdStecker: ::sees Kang arrive on the bridge, then turns away:: LtCdrAkira: ::runs the diagnostics again... :: ShnonYanus: ::pulls her aside, out of earshot:: Brooke, I'm worried about you. ::stares in her eyes, not ShnonYanus: breaking, forcing her to regard him as a friend:: LtCdrAkira: ::wonders if Stecker wouldn't mind him juggling on the bridge...:: :) Lt MaryJo: ::picks the first PADD up, reading and authorizing the requisitions:: ShnonYanus: ::steels himself for whatever response:: Lt Brooke: ::her annoyed expression changes to a glare as she wrenches free from his grasp:: SLt Kang: +Keane+Yes? LtJKeane: +Kang+ "Sir, orders/procedures have been issued to all security. We are ready for docking." Lt Brooke: ::coldly:: Excuse me, *Ensign* ... but we've had this particular conversation before. SLt Kang: +Keane+Understood..good work. ShnonYanus: ::eyes are soft, but his stare doesn't resign under her glare:: I know that perfectly well OnlineHost: CmdrTim has left the room. LtJKeane: +Kang+ "I've put a man in all vital areas, and at all points of exit. Rotating shifts." Lt Brooke: I'm perfectly fine, if a little overworked, but I can certainly take care of myself! LtCdrAkira: ::watches her, and pulls out three spungy jungling balls...:: CmdStecker: LtJKeane: +Kang+ "Aye sir. Thank you." ShnonYanus: as you do *Brooke* ::keeping his voice low:: But I know you too well to let you act like ShnonYanus: this. SLt Kang: ::nods to Stecker as he enter the bridge:: LtCdrAkira: ShnonYanus: Tell me what's wrong, please... LtCdrAkira: LtJKeane: ::Exits Main Security office:: Lt Brooke: ::holds his gaze fixedly for a long moment:: LtJKeane: ::walks to his quarters:: CmdStecker: Greetings, Mr. Kang ShnonYanus: ::stares straight back:: LtCdrAkira: ::watches Steck to make sure she's preoccupied and begins...:: Lt MaryJo: ::goes on to another PADD, this one for experimentation processes:: CmdStecker: ::watches Akira:: Vhat are you doing? Lt Brooke: ::turns away so he can't see the unexpected tears well up in her eyes:: Lt MaryJo: ::and authorizes same, et al, ad infinitum:: ShnonYanus: ::places a hand on her shoulder:: (q) Brooke... LtCdrAkira: ::grabs all of his juggling balls:: Nothing! Nothing... LtCdrAkira: I was just testing the gravity on the ship... Lt Brooke: (w) Go away, Shannon. ... Just ... go away. CmdStecker: ::shrugs:: Vell, go ahead und test it.. LtCdrAkira: ::puts the balls back into a drawer:: LtJKeane: ::walks into his quarters and gathers his things:: LtCdrAkira: Oh, I'm done... 9.8, just like on Earth... ::smiles:: ShnonYanus: ::making her face him again:: (q) No. I won't. LtJKeane: +Mary+ "Mary? John here? Got a moment?" CmdStecker: ::thinks Akira has a screw loose:: Lt Brooke: ::pulls away from him and picks up a PADD, pretends to read it:: CmdStecker: Kang? Lt MaryJo: ::sighs::finally finished with this lab::gets up and exits:: CmdStecker: ::turns around:: Lt MaryJo: ::heading down to Genetics:: LtCdrAkira: ::pulls a few screw out of his pocket:: Lt MaryJo: +Keane+Yes, John...What is it? Lt MaryJo: ::steps into TL:: Deck 12 SLt Kang: Yes sir. Lt Brooke: :: absently hands Yanus a med tricorder:: Here. This might help. Lt Brooke: Scan me ... OnlineHost: CptTorell has left the room. CmdStecker: Anything on the threat board that ve should know about? LtJKeane: +Mary+ "When we get on station at Earth. I was wondering if you like to go planet side with LtJKeane: me during leave?" ShnonYanus: ::caring gaze turns confused a moment... takes the tric and does as she says:: Lt MaryJo: ::a smile lights up her face:: Lt MaryJo: +Keane+I'd love to John.. SLt Kang: No sir.. CmdStecker: ::wonders if she should have a surprise attack simulation, just to annoy Kang:: CmdStecker: Gut. Ve should be in range of Starbase 1.. On screen. Lt MaryJo: ::TL stops on Deck 12::exits into corridor and walks to Genetics:: LtJKeane: ::smiles:: +mary+ "excellent. Once you finished your duties contact me and we'll meet then.. LtJKeane: go. OK?" LtCdrAkira: ::turns around to view the view screen:: Lt MaryJo: +Keane+I'm doing the last lab now..will do Lt MaryJo: ::steps inside::goes to a desk and begins working:: LtJKeane: +mary+ "I'll see you then. I've got to make my last rounds. John out." CmdStecker: Shane, slow to 1/4 impulse. Kang, contact the Starbase.. LtJKeane: ::Exits his quarters and walks to a lift:: Lt MaryJo: +Keane+Understood... CmdStecker: ::is really anxious to get off the ship:: Lt Brooke: ::blinks back hot tears as Yanus scans her:: LtJKeane: ::Enters lift:: "Engineering." CmdStecker: Akira? LtJKeane: ::lift lowers:: LtCdrAkira: Yes? CmdStecker: Vhat are you going to do on leave? SLt Kang: ::contacts the station:: LtJKeane: ::Lift halts and John exits the lift and walks down hall to Main Engineering:: LtCdrAkira: Oh, I don't know... What do you have planned? CmdStecker: ::calling over her shoulder:: Get us docking clearance, please Kang. CmdStecker: ::smiles:: I am going home.. Und I'm dragging das Kapitan vith me.. SLt Kang: Aye sir. ShnonYanus: ::bites his lower lip, scanning her again slower:: LtJKeane: ::Enters Engineering:: ::looks around:: "OTD? (officer of the day)" CmdStecker: Shane, slow us down, please.. I do not vish to ram the station. LtCdrAkira: Well, have fun... by the way, are the Olympics still on? LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::looks over at Keane:: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Can I help you? Lt MaryJo: ::sighs with relief::finally done::throws the last PADD on the Lt MaryJo: pile::then gets up and leaves:: SLt Kang: We have postion to dock sir.. CmdStecker: ::looks at Akira:: I do not know.. CmdStecker: ::nods:: Thank you, Kang.. LtJKeane: ::notices Ursal and walks over:: "I'm Lt. Keane. Security. I'm checking security around the CmdStecker: Shane, take us in.. Slowly.. Das Kapitan vill have a fit if ve scratch the ship. LtCdrAkira: ::nods:: I'll find out... Of course I need to find where they're playing first... OnlineHost: FCptShedan has left the room. LtJKeane: ship before docking. Is engineering ready? And will you be locking down the Warp Core? LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Engineering is in tip-top shape, and we'll lock down the warp core as soon as mr. CmdStecker: ::watches as the ship slowly enters the Space Dock:: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Akira arrives... ShnonYanus: ::bites his lip harder, shaking a bit...:: ::finally looks up at her:: (vqw) Am I..........? ShnonYanus: ::wondering how....:: ShnonYanus: ::buit if....:: LtJKeane: ::nods and taps notes into his PADD:: "Excellent. Please make sure that the Warp Core lock ShnonYanus: ::and then.....:: Lt Brooke: ::unable to look at him, she nods, biting her lip:: ShnonYanus: ::oh my god:: LtJKeane: down codes are sent to COS. Thanks.. Have a nice leave." LtJKeane: ::looks around and smiles:: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::nods:: Yes sir. CmdStecker: ACTION: the Atlantis is docked.. Lt Brooke: It was when the crew was infected with that virus ... Lt Brooke: And we ... CmdStecker: Shane, shut down the engines... Lt Brooke: ::breaks down, sobbing:: LtJKeane: ::Exits Engineering:: Lt MaryJo: ::walks down the corridor toward her quarters::walks inside and Lt MaryJo: begins to pack a few things:: ShnonYanus: ::chokes, eyes widening:: ... ::slowly hugs her, letting her sob on his shoulder:: CmdStecker: Kang, alert the crew that we are now officially on shore leave. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::turns around:: +Akira+ Commander, lock down for the warp core... ShnonYanus: SLt Kang: ::nods::Aye Aye LtCdrAkira: +Ursal+ Of course... be right down... OnlineHost: CmdrTim has entered the room. Lt Brooke: ::crying:: And you just ignored it!!! You pretended that the whole thing never even happened LtCdrAkira: ::gets up and enters the tl:: Computer, engineering. Lt Brooke: You just chalked it up to the effects of an alien virus!!! LtJKeane: ::Walks down hall to weapons locker:: ::Checks lockout:: ::Taps PADD:: SLt Kang: {S Comm}+Ship Wide+We now on shore leave...everyone has promission to leave the ship. LtJKeane: ::hears sound:: ::smiles:: "All right!" Lt Brooke: ::starts hitting him:: I hate you, Shannon, ***I HATE YOU!!!* ShnonYanus: I... ::forcing out the words:: I didn't.... my god, Brooke, I'm so sorry! LtJKeane: ::jogs to lift:: "Deck 7" LtCdrAkira: ::exits TL and walks over to the main console and sees Ursal:: Lt Brooke: <24th century General Hospital!!! soap opera sims at their finest!!!> ShnonYanus: ::captures her hands, softly:: Brooke..... no... please, Brooke... ShnonYanus: <::laughs::> ShnonYanus: ::by this time, the nurses have begun staring....:: LtC Tabier: <> Lt Brooke: What you never realized, Shannon ... was that YOU were suffering from the effects of the CmdStecker: ::stands:: Come on, Kang.. Let's go.. I can not leave until you do.. Lt Brooke: virus ... but I was one of only 12 people onboard who never contracted it! CmdStecker: ::points to the TL doors:: LtJKeane: ::exits lift and goes to quarters to change:: Lt Brooke: And afterward, you thought that we had both just done something out of our conscious Lt Brooke: control ... SLt Kang: ::nods::Aye sir.. Lt Brooke: And you chose to ignore the whole thing!!! SLt Kang: ::walks toward the TL:: CmdStecker: ::follows him to the TL:: ShnonYanus: Brooke... if I would've known... please.... let me make it up to you.... please.... Lt Brooke: And now ... I'm ... I'm ... pregant!!! LtCdrAkira: Okay, let's lock this down... Computer warp core lockout, Akira Delphi Beta 92 ShnonYanus: I.. I didn't know.. Lt MaryJo: ::quickly changing clothes:: LtJKeane: +Kang+ "Sir. All security checked and varified. I'm heading off ship? If I'm no longer ... LtJKeane: needed Sir?" Lt Brooke: You can't possibly make it up to me! I thought it was real! SLt Kang: +Keane+Understood..have a good time. CmdStecker: ::wonders if the captain is ever going to finish his meeting:: Lt Brooke: Don't yuu understand? I thought it was *real*!!! LtCdrAkira: Computer> Warp core lock down. CmdStecker: ::enters TL:: Vhat deck, Kang? LtJKeane: +Kang+ "Thank you Sir. You do the same. Keane out." Lt MaryJo: ::then sits down on the sofa, closing her eyes for a few moments:: Lt Brooke: ::breaks free of Shannon and runs, crying, out of SB:: ShnonYanus: ::nurses hurridly file out to beam down:: LtJKeane: ::checks his things one more time:: ShnonYanus: No! Brooke wait!! LtCdrAkira: There we go... and know I have some shore leave so I'll be going.. ::smiles:: LtJKeane: +mary+ "Mary? You ready to go?" Lt Brooke: ::enters TL and proceeds to her quarters to pick up her bag for shore leave:: LtCdrAkira: ::stops:: Where are you going for shore leave Ami? SLt Kang: I have some work to do..I will get off on deck 9. OnlineHost: CptKetchum has left the room. CmdStecker: Deck 9. Lt MaryJo: ::sits up:: +Keane+Yes, of course. I'm in my quarters. Lt Brooke: ::wiping her nose with the back of her hand, heads to TR:: SLt Kang: So what shall will you be doing sir? CmdStecker: Vhy are you vorking? You are supposed to be on leave.. Das Kapitan said so.. ShnonYanus: ::quickly darts out of SB and takes a TL to a TR:: CmdStecker: I am going home to Germany. Lt MaryJo: +Keane+Where do you want me to meet you, John? LtJKeane: +Mary+ Ok. I'm gather up a few things for the road. I'll meet your in TR 3?" SLt Kang: I have no need to go to Earth.. Lt Brooke: ::enters TR, waits for crewmen ahead of her to beam down, gets on pad:: ShnonYanus: ::he stops her in the hall, finding her:: Brooke! Wait.... Brooke, please. Lt Brooke: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::smiles:: Well... I... I guess I'll go home... where are you headed? Lt MaryJo: +Keane+All right I'll meet you there. How long? Lt Brooke: ::having broken free from Shannon once again:: CmdStecker: Kang, you are the third person on the list.. Das Kapitan made it an order. ShnonYanus: ShnonYanus: LtJKeane: +Mary+ I'm heading there now. I'll see you there in 5?" Lt Brooke: <::giggles::> Lt MaryJo: +Keane+Okay Lt Brooke: LtJKeane: ::exits quarters and locks door:: Lt Brooke: < :-P > ShnonYanus: ::darts after her into the TL just in time to see her beam down:: SLt Kang: I will take a break when my secuirty department is at 100% LtJKeane: ::walks down hall to Turbolift:: Lt Brooke: ShnonYanus: ::uncharacteristically, curses:: Lt MaryJo: ::stands up::picks up bag and exits quarters::down the corridor to the TL:: Lt MaryJo: ::steps inside, leaning back against the wall:: TR3 Lt Brooke: ::finds herself standing on Earth for the first time in a few years:: LtCdrAkira: I dunno... ::shrugs:: Maybe the Olympics... ShnonYanus: ::looks at the TC:: Do you have her cooridnates? CmdStecker: ::smirks:: I never knew a Klingon vould disobey a direct order.. I guess I vas wrong about LtJKeane: ::Arrives at a busy TR 3:: CmdStecker: you.. SLt Kang: ::stops the lift:: ShnonYanus: ::TC nods:: ShnonYanus: Take me there :;steps onto the pad:: CmdStecker: ::looks at him:: Vhy did you do that? LtCdrAkira: See ya later... ::walks out and over to the transporter room:: Lt Brooke: ::begins looking for a transport:: ShnonYanus: ::gets beamed a few feet from her:: SLt Kang: ::turns to her::I do follow order! If you feel this way why didn't you tell me before. LtJKeane: ::TR 3 is crowded with crew departing for Earth:: VAdKethry: <:::Waves goodnight to all and tiptoes out:::> OnlineHost: VAdKethry has left the room. Lt MaryJo: ::lift stops::exits into TR 3:: LtJKeane: (Night!) ShnonYanus: Brooke? Lt Brooke: ::watches the transporter beam as Shannon materializes near her:: SLt Kang: <> CmdStecker: If I feel vhat vay? Lt Brooke: ::turns away from him:: I have nothing to say to you, Shannon. CmdStecker: ::confused look in her eyes:: LtJKeane: ::looks around:: Lt MaryJo: ::looks around for John::the room is very crowded:: LtCdrAkira: ::enters TR:: ShnonYanus: ::walks the few steps closer:: Then listen? LtJKeane: ::Notices Mary enter the TR:: ::Yells over crowd and works his way to her:: "I'm here!" LtCdrAkira: Officer> Commander, where are you headed sir... Lt Brooke: ::hesitates, then quietly nods her acquiescence:: Lt MaryJo: ::smiles at him:: So am I.. SLt Kang: ::hits the buttons, and the TL moves:: Lt MaryJo: ::walks toward him:: Lt Brooke: ::drops her bag to the ground:: LtJKeane: ::smiles:: "So I see. You look very nice." LtCdrAkira: Where ever the Olympics are playing. Lt MaryJo: So do you... ShnonYanus: Brooke... the truth is.. I've.. I've been afraid to acknowledge it... I've thought that you SLt Kang: You said in a way like I don't follow orders all the time is all. LtJKeane: ::smiles:: ::And hands his destination request to the Transporter Cheif:: LtCdrAkira: Officer> Oh... I'm afraid I don't know... ShnonYanus: wrote it off as some peculiar side effect... I've had strong feelings toward you almost CmdStecker: ::stops lift again:: I did not mean it that vay.. I just have never ShnonYanus: since I beamed a board. LtJKeane: :;smiles:: "Thanks.. We're up next.." ::watches as the next group vanishes:: Lt Brooke: ::sniffles:: Wha -- what did you say? CmdStecker: heard you disobey an order. Lt MaryJo: okay...I'm ready... ShnonYanus: I've... I've been wanting to confront you about it, and confess... but you never let me.... LtJKeane: ::Steps up on T-pad:: SLt Kang: Why should I go to Earth..nothing there..but humans. Lt Brooke: ::turns to face him:: *I* never let you? SLt Kang: ::nods to her:: Lt MaryJo: ::steps onto pad:: ShnonYanus: I was afraid you were so hostile because you though I'd taken advantage of you.... Lt Brooke: I thought you HAD taken advantage of me!!! LtCdrAkira: ::thinks:: Maybe I should just stay here... I've got stuff I can do... Lt Brooke: Are you throwing it up to me, that this is MY fault?!?! CmdStecker: Vell, most of the people on Earth are humans.. There are other beings there to.. ShnonYanus: NO! CmdStecker: ::shrugs:: You could visit Germany.. It is always a nice place.. LtJKeane: :;smiles:: --====shimmmer: destination Earth=====-- Lt Brooke: Dammit, Shannon!!! I didn't ask for this! I never asked for any of this! Lt MaryJo: ::shimmers:: LtCdrAkira: I'm sure the Commander won't be mad either. Lt Brooke: I didn't ask for you to come aboard! I didn't ask for you to be my AMO! Lt Brooke: I didn't ask for you to catch some asinine virus and sleep with me and then forget LtCdrAkira: ::walks out of the TR and starts down the corridor...:: Lt Brooke: it ever even happened!!! ShnonYanus: ::bites his lip, those last few comments hurting bad:: LtJKeane: ::deshimmer:: ::Mary and John are standing in front of a large house in what looks like the ShnonYanus: I didn't forget! CmdStecker: Das Kapitan vants me to visit Ireland.. SLt Kang: ::starts teh lift again::I don't have nothing on Earth for me too see.. LtJKeane: state of Maine:: Lt Brooke: And dammit!!! I *never* asked to fall in -- ::stops herself:: Lt MaryJo: ::looks at it:: Where are we, John? ShnonYanus: ::stares at her:: I *wanted* it to be re-... ::stops, looking at her, rather shocked:: Lt Brooke: ::realizes what she was just about to say:: LtJKeane: ::Get's a huge smile:: "We're HOME!" ShnonYanus: ::throat closes:: (qw) What> Lt MaryJo: Home? ShnonYanus: ? Lt Brooke: ::covers her mouth and holds back a sob of despair:: CmdStecker: Have you ever been to Germany? Or any other country on Earth before? LtJKeane: ::smiles and takes Mary's hand:: ::He opens the white fence in front of the house:: CmdStecker: ::silently makes a memo to Engineering to make the lifts a little faster:: Lt MaryJo: But I...I don't understand... LtCdrAkira: ::watches as people head toward the TR, but he enters the TL:: Computer, whatever deck LtJKeane: ::grins:: "Mary.. This is my home.. or was. My parents live here. I thought we'd drop in and Lt Brooke: LtCdrAkira: Lieutenant Commander Akira's quarters are on... CmdStecker: LtJKeane: show you off??" ShnonYanus: Brooke... please... I don't want to alienate you... Lt MaryJo: Oh...your parents? SLt Kang: ::turns away from one time I did want too. ShnonYanus: I feel the same way ::letting her know he figured out what she was going to say:: LtCdrAkira: ::TL stops:: Lt Brooke: ::fierce:: Just what is that supposed to mean? Lt MaryJo: ::gets a look of extreme nervousness and not a little fear on her face:: CmdStecker: ::looks at hiim:: Vhen did you vant to? CmdStecker: Computer, stop 'lift on Deck 8. LtJKeane: ::Notices her getting nervous:: "Mary. I've already told them about you.. You've got nothing SLt Kang: Sir? LtCdrAkira: ::exits the TL:: Lt Brooke: ::grabs Shannon's arm and digs her nails in:: CmdStecker: You said you vanted to go at one time.. Vhen? LtJKeane: to worry about. Besides we're only stopping by for a little bit.. I promised I say hi.." ShnonYanus: ::bites his tongue for a long time, hard:: I think I've... ::throat closes at the worst time ShnonYanus: :: Lt MaryJo: ::swallows:: All right. ::looks at him, a little jittery:: Lt Brooke: ::trembles, fearing the worst:: LtCdrAkira: ::walks out... and looks around:: SLt Kang: Long time all...with the women I cared deeply about.. ShnonYanus: (choked w) fallen in love? SLt Kang: but that is the past now. LtJKeane: "And.. My mom's very nice....." ::Intrupted:: "JOHN!! Honey it's John he's home!!" <- mom. ShnonYanus: ::cringes:: SLt Kang: ::TL doors open:: CmdrTim: >::sitting on the edge of his seat watching hte Brooke/Shannon saga unfold::< CmdStecker: ::nods and looks away:: Oh.. Lt Brooke: ::her eyes widen immensely, and her nails dig into his flesh:: Lt MaryJo: ::looks at the woman coming out of the door:: LtJKeane: ::John's mother comes out the front door and shuffles over and gives him a hug:: "Hi Mom." ShnonYanus: ::bites his lip, gazing at her:: Lt Brooke: ::turning white:: You've ... you've ... you're in love? With ... me?! SLt Kang: ::can feel some old wounds open up from inside himself:: LtJKeane: ::She smiles and looks him over.. then looks at Mary:: "Mom, this is Mary Young." Lt Brooke: How could -- ? I don't -- ShnonYanus: ::not exactly sure how to take that, or respond, merely nods:: Lt Brooke: But I thought -- Lt MaryJo: Hello, ma'am. How are you? Lt Brooke: ::mentally slaps herself for sounding incoherent:: LtCdrAkira: ::does exactly go to his quarters... sighs...:: LtCdrAkira: LtJKeane: ::She smiles:: "Oh! She's even prettier then your description!" ::She gives Mary a hug:: Lt Brooke: ::swallows:: Are you saying you love me, Shannon? CmdStecker: ::takes a deep breath and forces herself to look at him:: LtJKeane: "Welcome Dear.. It's lovely to meet you!" Lt Brooke: ::thinks:: Stupid! Stupid, stupid! Lt MaryJo: ::a little shocked::lets herself be hugged:: Thank you ma'am.. LtJKeane: ::John smiles:: ShnonYanus: ::short pause:: I -- yes... Lt Brooke: ::opens her mouth, then closes it, then opens it again:: ShnonYanus: ::not letting her know he heard that thought all to well, on accident:: Lt Brooke: ::relaxes her death grip on his arm, and sits on her duffel bag:: LtCdrAkira: ::watches some people pass by:: CmdStecker: ::softly:: Kang? LtJKeane: :Mother smiles and nods to Mary:: "John tells me your a Scientist?" SLt Kang: ::turns::Yes sir. Lt Brooke: ::thinks::He's in love with me? Shannon's in love ... with *me*? CmdStecker: ::hits the lift hold button, and makes another mental note to have it replaced:: Lt MaryJo: Yes ma'am, that's right. ShnonYanus: ::steels self for rejection:: LtCdrAkira: Several Eng Officers> Commander Akira, transporter room's that way... ::laughing:: LtJKeane: ::John smiles at his father who approaches the group:: CmdStecker: ::notices that he doesn't hear her and speaks louder:: Kang? Lt Brooke: ::sticks her tongue out of the corner of her mouth the way she always does when thinking Lt Brooke: hard about something:: LtJKeane: "Ma'am? Honey my friends call me Beth.. Please do the same?" ::big smile: LtCdrAkira: ::watches them walk by and throws his arms up:: Nuts! I should just go back to work... SLt Kang: Yes sir? Lt Brooke: ::looks up at him:: SLt Kang: ::turns to her:: Lt MaryJo: All right, ma'...Beth.. ::smiles nervously:: ShnonYanus: ::has noticed that before, thinks its cute but never mentioned it..:: LtCdrAkira: That'll keep me occupied for a while... ShnonYanus: ::offers a weak smile:: LtJKeane: :John's father walks up and hugs him" father, "Good to see you Son." Lt Brooke: Shannon ... I ... I've never been very good at expressing ... CmdStecker: I.. I vant to tell you that I am sorry. I vas wrong. LtCdrAkira: I can do... ::thinks:: a lot of stuff down there... Lt Brooke: at expressing myself. At least not in an "affectionate" way ... CmdStecker: ::trying valiently not to cry:: LtCdrAkira: ::passes by the louge doors and stops:: LtJKeane: (John's father is ret. SF) ::he turns to Mary:: "Well what have we got here?" Lt Brooke: I mean, if you want me to yell until a nurse cries, I've got no problem with it ... ShnonYanus: ::nervous short chuckles:: me either.... Lt Brooke: but this -- ::smiles weakly:: Lt MaryJo: ::biting her lip nervously as she looks up at John's father:: Lt Brooke: I know the last time you tried reading my thoughts, I blew up at you ... LtCdrAkira: ::finds himself entering the louge and walking over to the bar:: LtJKeane: "That's quite a catch you've got there son." Lt Brooke: But maybe, do you think -- I mean, would you be willing to -- ? LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> What can I get you Commander. LtJKeane: ::John blushes:: "Dad.. behave." Lt MaryJo: ::blushes furiously at his words:: Lt Brooke: Can you tell what I'm thinking right now? LtJKeane: :Father smiles:: "Mary right?" Lt MaryJo: Yes sir. Lt Brooke: ::stares longingly at him:: ShnonYanus: Not... not clearly... SLt Kang: ::nods:: ShnonYanus: But I think... ::soft smile:: LtCdrAkira: Strong, but not to strong... I think it would be easier if I spend my shore leave Lt Brooke: Why not? It would be so much easier if I didn't .. Lt Brooke: if I dind't have to actually *say* it ... LtJKeane: ::chuckles:: "It's a pleasure to meet you finally. I'm Captain Keane.. ah. Ret. that is." LtCdrAkira: in an alcohol induced coma... CmdStecker: ::feels her eyes tear up despite her effort:: Vell, that is all I have to say. :;quietly:: CmdStecker: ::hits the 'go' button again.. Lt MaryJo: It's nice to meet you sir. LtJKeane: "Still holding onto that dad?" ::his father gives him a look:: CmdStecker: ::stares at the deck:: ShnonYanus: ::slight grin:: Say what? ::smiles, letting himself kiss her softly:: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> There something on your mind? CmdStecker: ::tries to think 'happy thoughts':: Lt Brooke: ::tenses up at his unexpected display of affection:: Lt MaryJo: ::looks over at John::puzzled:: Lt Brooke: You --- you *kissed* me!!! LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> Like a complaint about something? Hey you can confide in me... LtJKeane: ::claps his hands:: "Well like I said Mom and dad. We're just stopping by.. " LtJKeane: "Ahhh John", his mother protests.. Lt Brooke: ::pauses, then whispers:: Again ... SLt Kang: ::can feel his emotions come up::If.. LtCdrAkira: ::takes his first drink and glups a portion of it down:: Yeah... I got a lot to complain LtCdrAkira: about... SLt Kang: you need..anything at all..let me know.. LtJKeane: ::holds up his hands:: "No.. I'll stop by again before leaves over.. but we've got a schedul LtCdrAkira: First of all, our engineering staff is to damn good... they leave nothing to fix later... ShnonYanus: ::looks at her, rather unsure of himself or anything that just happened:: LtJKeane: e to keep is. my HOV ready?" Lt MaryJo: ::looks at John again:: CmdStecker: Kang, I meant vhat I said.. I vas wrong for treating you like I did.. Can you forgive me? Lt Brooke: ::lets Shannon kiss her again:: Lt Brooke: LtJKeane: ::Father smiles:: "Yeah, son it's around the side." ShnonYanus: ::does, only slightly fuller than the last:: LtJKeane: ::turns to Mary:: "I'll be right back.. wait here?" Lt MaryJo: All right. ShnonYanus: <::woohooos:: ;-P> Lt MaryJo: ::turns to his parents:: Lt Brooke: <::snorts::> LtJKeane: ::John's parents stare happily at her:: Lt Brooke: LtJKeane: ::John runs around the side of the house:: Lt MaryJo: Well, errr...Captain and Beth, it was nice meeting you. Lt Brooke: CmdStecker: ShnonYanus: Lt Brooke: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> Yeah... ain't that the problem... Need another one? CmdStecker: LtCdrAkira: LtJKeane: ::Moments later a sleek hover car slide around and pulls up:: ::John steps out:: "Ready to g ShnonYanus: LtCdrAkira: <:) I walked in on a faded screen too... > LtJKeane: go?" CmdStecker: SLt Kang: ::lowers his was my fault. Lt Brooke: ::slowly wraps her arms around Shannon's neck, smiles:: Lt MaryJo: Yes, John..I'm ready. ShnonYanus: LtJKeane: ::John's mother turns to Mary:: "Mary.. You enjoy your time here on Earth. You need anything Lt Brooke: (q) Can you tell what I'm thinking *now*? LtJKeane: you just call me or William." CmdStecker: ::wants to touch him, but is afraid to:: Nein.. It vas me.. I vas, I don't know, selfish.. LtCdrAkira: Yeah... I said alcohol induced coma... that's how I'm spending my shore leave... Lt MaryJo: Thank you ma'...Beth..I will. ShnonYanus: ::slowly lets his arms slide around her waist, a little blush coloring his cheek:: ::nods:: Lt Brooke: ::kisses his neck:: What about now? LtJKeane: ::John smiles and walks Mary around to the other side of the HOV:: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> Don't you got anywhere to go? Family to see? A girlfriend? LtJKeane: ::Opens her door:: ShnonYanus: (q) Yes.... LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> ::smiles:: Lt MaryJo: ::gets inside:: CmdStecker: ::tears start to run down her face:: ShnonYanus: ::closing his eyes as she kisses his neck:: Lt Brooke: ::tangles her fingers through his hair:: (w) Now ... ? LtJKeane: ::John lowers the door and runs around to the other side and kisses his parents and gets in: LtCdrAkira: No, no.. No family, no girlfriend. ::drinks:: That's the problem... LtJKeane: ::Waves one last time and raises the hov and flys away:: LtCdrAkira: ::hears the doors swoosh open and in walks Doctor Signaru:: ShnonYanus: ::leans down to lightly kiss at her neck:: (sw) Yes.. LtJKeane: "See that wasn't so bad? My parents love you? LtJKeane: ::smiles:: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> She's a looker... SLt Kang: ::wipes some tears from her cheek:: Lt MaryJo: John...I was still nervous. and they don't even know me. SLt Kang: That is in the past... Lt MaryJo: You should have given me some warning.. LtCdrAkira: ::drinks again:: Nah, I watched her husband blow his brains out. LtJKeane: They know what I've told them and it's all good.." ::smiles:: LtJKeane: "Would you have come?" Lt Brooke: ::gazing languidly into his eyes, pulls him down to the ground with her:: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> Cheese... Anyhow, she's been in here a lot... sits, takes a few drinks, and Lt Brooke: <::camera modestly pans left to focus on something arbitrary to the plot::> Lt MaryJo: ::looks over at him::smiles a little:: Probably not. ShnonYanus: <::odd sounds reach the mic::> LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> lies her head on the counter... Lt Brooke: <::slow fade to black ... ::> CmdStecker: ::looks into his eyes and all of those old feelings come rushing back in:: LtJKeane: ::smiles:: "I thought so..I'll owe you one.." LtCdrAkira: Emily Signaru> Barkeep, my usual. Lt Brooke: SLt Kang: ::turns away from her...trying to hold in his feelings:: LtJKeane: "So what would you like to do? The days yours. Want to shop, eat, relax, explore?" ShnonYanus: <::waggles eyebrows::> LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> ::gets out the whiskey bottle, pours a shot and shots it over...:: CmdStecker: > LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> ::shrugs:: Lt Brooke: <::cut to -- a significant amount of time later ... ::> CmdStecker: ::feels the lift finally stop:: Vell, I have to go now.. Lt MaryJo: I don't know much about Earth.. I've only been here during my Lt MaryJo: Academy days. I didn't have much time for exploring. SLt Kang: ::nods::Aye.. LtCdrAkira: CmdStecker: ::turns and walks to the doors trying to get control of herself:: Lt MaryJo: My time was all in know. ShnonYanus: ::stroking her hair softly, looks at her lovingly:: Lt Brooke: ::rummaging through her duffel bag:: CmdStecker: Don't vork to hard on your leave, Kang... ShnonYanus: LtCdrAkira: Well, give me some counterspace too... I need to put my head down... ShnonYanus: <::a::> CmdStecker: ::bearly audible:: LtJKeane: ::nods:: Yeah I know what you mean." ShnonYanus: ::remembering he didn't pack anything...:: LtJKeane: ::Banks the HOV around and heads for some mountains:: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> :;turns:: Doctor Signaru, how are you today? Lt MaryJo: and I grew up somewhere Lt Brooke: ::clears her throat and zips up the bag:: Lt Brooke: ::looks pointedly at Shannon:: So ... what now? Lt MaryJo: ::leans her head back and closes her eyes:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> Give me another one Barkeep... SLt Kang: I will try not too.. ShnonYanus: Um.... Well I probably should grab some clothes from the ship... after that, I know a really CmdStecker: ::steps out of the lift, smiles weakly at him and heads for her quarters:: ShnonYanus: nice place in the Alabama region...? Lt Brooke: Do you want me to go with you? To the ship, I mean ... LtJKeane: ::looks over at you:: "Mary didn't you tell me your from and indian type culture?" CmdStecker: ::keys her security code in and enters her room:: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> ::motions for Akira to come over:: Mr. Akira, come on... we can have a talk LtCdrAkira: together... ShnonYanus: It should only take me a moment.. ::smiles lightly:: LtJKeane: Like native americans? CmdStecker: ::takes a deep breath and blinks:: Lt MaryJo: ::opens her eyes slowly and looks over at him:: Yes, John. My dad's Cherokee... Lt Brooke: Are you leaving me here, then? LtCdrAkira: ::nods and lurches over and plots down next to Doctor Signaru.:: SLt Kang: ::gets to his deck, and steps off:: Lt MaryJo: and my mom's Irish...what a combination.. ShnonYanus: No! No of course not... I was hoping you'd do me the honor of accompanying me to Lake ShnonYanus: Guntersville? LtJKeane: ::smiles:: "then I'd like to show you something." ::John turns the Hov and excellerates to.. Lt Brooke: Do you have family there? CmdStecker: ::grabs Schultz' leash, clips it to his collar and grabs her duffle bag:: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> How are the both of you? Not many people here... you should go down to Earth... LtJKeane: to high speed covering miles in seconds:: CmdStecker: ::puts the bag down and decides to change into normal clothes:: CmdStecker: ::as opposed to a uniform:: Lt MaryJo: All right.. LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> I hear the Olympics are playing in... I think Sweden or Switzerland this year? Lt MaryJo: ::closes her eyes again:: ShnonYanus: Well... ::suddenly sounding less bright:: my family... ::clears throat:: Lt Brooke: ::looks at him:: CmdStecker: ::now changed into comfortable clothes and shoes:: CmdStecker: C'mon, Schultz.. Let's get off this crazy ship. LtJKeane: ::Ahead of the hov are mountains quickly approaching.. they pass and a vast prairie opens up LtCdrAkira: Emily> So what? It makes no difference to me... CmdStecker: ::Schultz barked in agreement:: SLt Kang: ::goes into his room and changes:: SLt Kang: I think alittle break would be good.. ShnonYanus: Most of my family died... during an attack on the USS von Braun... ::very quiet:: LtJKeane: ::The hov slides low, scimming over the land.. approaching a forest:: ::The hov slows:: CmdStecker: ::gets dog and bag and exits the room:: SLt Kang: ::exits his room and head for the TR:: Lt Brooke: ::pauses:: ... Oh. ... Oh. Shannon, I'm so sorry. LtCdrAkira: Hey how many of these does it take to kill me... ::chuckles:: CmdStecker: ::enters TL:: Transporter room 3 ShnonYanus: ::looks at her:: Its not your fault... Lt Brooke: I should've known that ... I'm sorry. LtJKeane: ::John arches the hov around and lowers it into a wooded area:: CmdStecker: LtCdrAkira: Emily> You're quite morbid, Mr.... I'm sorry I don't remember your name... Lt Brooke: What's in Alabama, then? LtCdrAkira: It's Akira, the Zombie Slayer... ShnonYanus: A really beautiful lake? ::slight smile:: LtJKeane: ::John settle the vehicle onto the ground:: LtJKeane: ::He looks out the window and then over to mary:: ::she's asleep:: Lt Brooke: Actually, Shannon ... I was thinking of visting my family ... I don't suppose you'd ... Lt Brooke: Would you want to come along? CmdStecker: LtCdrAkira: Emily> Don't remind me... ::looking away:: CmdStecker: ::arrives at TR3:: Lt Brooke: I haven't seen them in over a year ... ShnonYanus: ::smiles a little:: I'd... I'd like that. LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> Well, I'll leave you to alone... CmdStecker: ::waits patiently for the hords of crewmen ahead of her to clear out:: LtJKeane: ::He pauses just looking at her, her long hair, the features of her face. ::he whispers to . Lt Brooke: ::smiles:: You would? I mean, we could go after we visited the lake. We have enough leave. CmdStecker: ::eventually sits on her bag:: LtJKeane: himself, "God, she's bueatiful.." LtCdrAkira: Okay, Auf Wiedersehen! SLt Kang: ::gets into line..and sees the Commander:: ShnonYanus: ::smiles:: The lake's not important. LtCdrAkira: ::waves and then puts his head in his hand...:: Lt Brooke: CmdStecker: ::feels someone looking at her and turns:: LtCdrAkira: CmdStecker: LtJKeane: ::he reaches over and lightly brushes her cheek with his hand:: Mary?? ShnonYanus: <::wonders who of the senior crew didn't get pregnant/didn't get someone pregnant::> Lt MaryJo: ::opens her eyes;:disoriented:: Wha? Where are we? Lt Brooke: ::smiling, takes Shannon's hand in hers:: Okay, then. Why don't you go get your things? Lt Brooke: Lt MaryJo: ::looks at John sleepily:: LtJKeane: ::smiles:: "Where here." LtJKeane: "Have a nice nap?" SLt Kang: Commander..nice to see you again. LtCdrAkira: Emily> ::drinks:: I'm very sorry for that whole thing... I didn't think it would... ShnonYanus: ::smiles and nods:: I'll be right back... <::freezes::> Lt MaryJo: MMmmmhmmm...::smiles:: CmdStecker: ::smiles:: Nice to see you to, Kang.. Decided to go on leave? CmdStecker: ::stands:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> How bad was it? LtJKeane: ::grins:: Care to take a walk?" Lt MaryJo: Sure...okay.. LtJKeane: ::opens his door and walks around to open hers:: SLt Kang: ::nods::yes.. Lt MaryJo: ::steps out:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> I've read the reports, of the virus stages of the viral infection among the crew. CmdStecker: Gut.. Vhere are you going? LtJKeane: Info: The hov is parked on a cliff overlooking a valley. LtCdrAkira: ::laughs:: Oh that! Don't remind me... LtJKeane: ::extends his hands:: "Follow me I've got somthing I think you'd like to see." CmdStecker: ::notices that its almost their turn to beam down.. Finally:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> I heard several of the crew members are pregnant now? Lt MaryJo: ::takes his hand::walks with him:: SLt Kang: Don't know.. CmdStecker: ::watches the group in front of her shimmer away:: LtCdrAkira: Yeah... It's caused a lot of upset, joy, I don't know... I spend the whole time running LtJKeane: ::walks her to the edge of the Cliff:: "Mary.. This is where your from." ::extends his arm t LtC Tabier: <> LtCdrAkira: around... oh, you know I have this great story, it's worth repeating... ::shakes his head:: Lt Brooke: LtJKeane: to show the vast vista before them.. LtC Tabier: <> OnlineHost: LtC Tabier has left the room. ShnonYanus: LtJKeane: "Or rather where you ancestors are from." Lt Brooke: ::sits on her bag and contemplates the strange twist her life has taken while she waits for Lt MaryJo: ::looks out over the valley::in awe:: It's beautiful, John.. Lt Brooke: Shannon:: SLt Kang: Where are you going again? CmdStecker: Lt Brooke: CmdStecker: ::chuckles::I am going to Germany.. Vould you like to come vith me? LtCdrAkira: Emily> What is it? Lt MaryJo: I've seen it in the holodeck...but this is LtJKeane: ::A herd of wild mustangs mingle down in the valley:: ShnonYanus: ::returning, carrying a duffel bag and wearing leisure clothes:: Lt Brooke: ::looks up as Shannon approaches, smiles:: Lt MaryJo: breathtaking... ::suddenly sees the mustangs::claps in delight:: Lt MaryJo: Aren't those wild mustangs? ShnonYanus: ::smiles:: Where exactly does you family live? LtJKeane: ::squints:: "I Lt Brooke: LtCdrAkira: Oh Captain, my Captain... and our beloved Commander... SLt Kang: No thank you..sir. OnlineHost: CmdrTim has left the room. LtCdrAkira: Emily> Excuse me? Lt Brooke: I come from Machester, England ... don't you remember? LtJKeane: "I'm not sure.. I think they are." LtJKeane: (lol) ShnonYanus: ShnonYanus: <> CmdStecker: ::nods:: Ok.. You're missing a vonderful country, though.. LtCdrAkira: While the virus was spreading around... I was enlisted by the sickbay to help dispense ShnonYanus: Oh, of course! Stupid me.. CmdStecker: ::steps up on the TR pad:: Lt MaryJo: ::looking out over the valley::suddenly gets a little dizzy:: Lt MaryJo: ::steps back:: LtJKeane: ::walks to a large flat rock and takes a seat, enjoying watching Mary.." Lt Brooke: ::grins at him:: We can go to the lake first, if you want. I haven't seen much of rural Lt Brooke: America. LtCdrAkira: the antibody to the virus... So I pick the bridge and decks one to four... or five... LtJKeane: ::starts to get up:: "You ok?" LtCdrAkira: I start on the bridge... and I was beamed into the ready room... apparently the Captain CmdStecker: ::orders Schultz to sit and stay on the pad:: LtCdrAkira: and Commander were still in there... ::stops:: Come on over, Barkeep you should hear ShnonYanus: ::chuckles at her usage of "rural":: Neither have I. Lt MaryJo: ::looks over at him:: Yes...I think so...just the height and the ...I Lt MaryJo: don't know..just got to me for a minute. LtCdrAkira: this too... what the hell, you know! ::smiles boardly:: Lt MaryJo: I'm okay now.. SLt Kang: ::nods to her as he steps on teh padd:: Lt MaryJo: ::turns back to drink in the view:: CmdStecker: Energize! CmdStecker: {S transpor CmdStecker: ::deshimmers at the main transporter area on Terra:: LtJKeane: ::smiles:: "Come on, there's more to see. There's a village not far from here? Interested in LtJKeane: looking at it?" LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> ::walks over:: I'm all ears... ::leans against the wall:: Lt Brooke: ::slings her bag over her shoulder:: So ... where to? CmdStecker: ::looks around:: CmdStecker: ::makes sure Schultz made it too:: LtCdrAkira: ::continues:: Well, anyway, I'm beamed into the ready room, and to my dismay Lt MaryJo: ::turns quickly::gets dizzy again:: Yes, I'd love to. LtJKeane: ::Walks back to the car and get a backpack:: ShnonYanus: ::hmmms:: Whichever.... but ::looking up at the sun, estimating time zone differences:: I Lt MaryJo: ::walks toward him:: ShnonYanus: think its about sunrise at Guntersville... just before maybe SLt Kang: ::waits for her to beam then steps on the padd:: LtJKeane: ::puts on his pack:: LtCdrAkira: there is the Captain and Commander... :;coughs:: on the floor I think the Commander was Lt Brooke: ::glances at her chronometer:: I think you're right ... so? LtCdrAkira: asleep... LtCdrAkira: Emily> How awkward... what did you do? CmdStecker: ::picks up her bag and slings it over her shoulder.:: Ready Schultz? ShnonYanus: ::smiles:: Its the perfect time to go. Stop by there first? LtCdrAkira: Well, I gave them the antibody which was in the hypspray... thank someone the lights CmdStecker: ::Schultz jumps and barks excitedly:: LtCdrAkira: were dimmed... Lt Brooke: ::laughs:: I'd love to! LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> Was it really that bad? CmdStecker: ::notices Kang shimmering into existance:: CmdStecker: ::waves:: Have fun, Kang.. I'll see you back on the ship. LtJKeane: ::John hands her some binoculars:: CmdStecker: ::maybe, she thinks:: LtCdrAkira: ::laughs:: ShnonYanus: ::spotting a local surface transport relay:: Shall we? Lt MaryJo: ::takes them::putting a hand on his arm to steady herself a little:: LtJKeane: ::closes the trunk:: "You need anything? It's not a long walk." Lt Brooke: ::takes his arm:: Lead the way, Shannon ... LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> That bad... Lt MaryJo: No, I think I'm okay.... CmdStecker: ::starts to walk away, then stops abruptly:: LtJKeane: ::Put his arm around her waist and offer support:: Lt Brooke: ::thinks at him:: ~Wherever you go, I'll follow ...~ LtCdrAkira: No it wasn't that bad... it's just the awkward situation I was put in... SLt Kang: <> LtJKeane: ::They slowly walks down the trail towards some trees:: CmdStecker: ::mutters several German curses:: ShnonYanus: ::leads her too the relay station, inputing coords:: ~And I you...~ LtCdrAkira: Emily> ::laughing again:: It would have been even more awkward if they asked you to join LtCdrAkira: them... Lt MaryJo: ::smiles at him::slipping her arm around his waist as well:: Lt Brooke: ::laughs out loud:: Well, *that* won't work very well! LtCdrAkira: ::laughs louder...:: Yeah, that would have been pretty awkward... ShnonYanus: ::realizing the paradox, laughs:: ShnonYanus: No it won't, will it... LtJKeane: ::As they approach the end of the trees the view opens up to a village constructed out CmdStecker: ::just stands in the middle of the area and stares, feeling anger LtCdrAkira: ::spins the glass around:: CmdStecker: ::swell up inside her:: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> Feel better now that we've all had a laugh. ::smiles:: LtJKeane: of Teepee's and such, and noticable absent of technology. ShnonYanus: ::smiles:: Ready? Lt Brooke: ::steps up:: Come on, Shan. The sun won't wait forever! LtCdrAkira: Actually, I do feel better... Lt MaryJo: <> SLt Kang: <> LtJKeane: "Mary. This is one of the last remaining villages." LtCdrAkira: Emily> Much better... ShnonYanus: ::grins, shimmering them over to an ideal spot on the manmade lake's shore, surrounded by CmdStecker: ::Schultz looks at her with his head tilted to the right:: Lt MaryJo: Wow! ShnonYanus: mountains:: ::residential spire towers peak from behind the mts:: CmdStecker: ::his expression says, "What's wrong? Should I go bite someone?":: LtJKeane: "This particular village has decided not to use technology, rather they've decided to LtJKeane: live in the fashion of they're, I mean your, ancestors." Lt Brooke: ::looks around her at the beautiful scenery, notices the first rays of dawn beyond the CmdStecker: ::starts walking again..slowly:: Lt Brooke: mountians:: Lt MaryJo: ::has an expression of awe on her face::steps forward then begins Lt MaryJo: walking faster toward the village:: ShnonYanus: ::seats them on a conveniently placed blanket, smiling as the sun begins to appear:: LtJKeane: ::Several Indains looks up and smiles as Mary enters the edge of the village:: Lt Brooke: ::cuddles up to Shannon and rests her head on his shoulder to watch:: LtJKeane: ::John smiles, excited that mary's excited:: CmdStecker: ::walks to the nearest shuttle counter and purchases two seats on the shuttle bound for LtJKeane: ::speeds up to keep in pace with mary:: Lt MaryJo: ::she speaks to them in their native Cherokee...happy when they answer:: CmdStecker: Germany.. One for her and one for Schultz:: ShnonYanus: ::arms wrap around her tightly as the clear sky catches fire as the sun slowly rises:: LtCdrAkira: I'll toast to that Doctor. Lt Brooke: CmdStecker: ::goes and waits in yet another line:: CmdStecker: :) LtJKeane: ::John smiles:: Not knowing what's being said, and happy. SLt Kang: ::looks around::There..was my vacation. Lt MaryJo: ::points at John...then at herself::continues talking:: LtCdrAkira: ::turns around and sees Earth in the window...:: Ah, majestic, blue and green sphere... Lt Brooke: It's amazing, Shannon ... I can't remember the last time I saw a sunrise from Earth. CmdStecker: ::wonders why they have lines in the 24th century:: SLt Kang: ::beams back to ship:: SLt Kang: ::heads for the lounge:: LtJKeane: ::looks around and smiles as some children run past..:: LtCdrAkira: how I hate thee... ::walks over to the window...:: ShnonYanus: ::smiles:: I always stay here when I come back, its most beautiful here... SLt Kang: ::enters and orders a drink:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> A melodramatic poet too...or is this just when you get tipsy? CmdStecker: ::puts her bag back down and sits:: LtCdrAkira: Just when I get tipsy... ::hears someone walk in:: LtCdrAkira: Who's that? LtJKeane: ::A woman approaches John and hands him a feather:: ::He looks at it.. unsure what to do?" Lt MaryJo: ::Mary finishes her discussion, then turns to John...smiling happily:: LtJKeane: ::Looks over at mary:: "What's this for?" Lt MaryJo: ::laughs when she sees what is happening:: Lt Brooke: ::tears her gaze from the horizon:: Shannon ... Lt MaryJo:'s for your medicine shield... SLt Kang: ::turns to Akira::It is Kang sir. LtJKeane: ::looks at the large white feather:: Lt Brooke: ::her expression turns solemn:: LtJKeane: "My what?" Lt MaryJo: A blessing upon your house... LtCdrAkira: Kang... good to see you... you remember Doctor Signaru... CmdStecker: ::finally gets to enter the shuttle:: CmdStecker: ::sits down and waits for it to take off:: LtJKeane: ::smiles:: and nods a thank you to the woman:: Lt MaryJo: I'll explain's a great honor. ShnonYanus: ::eyes turn worried at her expression:: Yes? Lt Brooke: (q) Shannon ... about the ... the pregnancy. LtCdrAkira: We've resolved to drinking ourselves sick for the shore leave to avoid it... SLt Kang: ::nods::Aye.. ShnonYanus: (q) Yes... ::touches her cheek gently:: LtCdrAkira: I will spend my next few days or weeks, in an alcohol induced coma, care to join us? LtCdrAkira: ::smiling:: SLt Kang: I was told you had to leave the the Commander. Lt Brooke: I ... I always told myself I would wait until my career was established before I thought Lt Brooke: about raising a family. LtCdrAkira: Oh, nuts with the Commander... I won't leave my home... CmdStecker: ::feels the shuttle flying smoothly to its destination:: Lt Brooke: And I hadn't intended to marry until I was much older ... ShnonYanus: ::nods quietly, smiling reassuringly:: LtCdrAkira: This is the only thing I've got... Lt Brooke: And ... I still ... I still think along those lines. My career is very important to me. SLt Kang: It was the Captains orders..even she told me I had to leave as well. Lt Brooke: And I don't -- not that this is an issue, per se -- but I don't want to LtCdrAkira: Captain's orders... well, what's he going to do if I don't go? Lt Brooke: -- to ... (w) get married. Not anytime soon, anyway. SLt Kang: ::downs his drink:: SLt Kang: I don't know...but we should follow orders..even if we don't like them. LtJKeane: ::John walks over to Mary:: ShnonYanus: ::he smiles softly, gently kissing her:: (q) Its ok... I was wondering when the issue would Lt Brooke: I mean, what do you think? I never exactly planned for this contingency. CmdStecker: ::the shuttle arrives in Bad Reichenhall, Kristi's hometown::: ShnonYanus: come up.. but its your decision. CmdStecker: ::she gets up and exits quickly before the pilot can take off again:: Lt Brooke: Shannon ... (w) I ... I don't want to have a baby right now. LtCdrAkira: ::nods:: We should... Lt Brooke: ::looks down:: ShnonYanus: ::stops a moment, taken off guard:: SLt Kang: ::nods::Aye..but let's go where there is not alot of people.. LtCdrAkira: ::thinks:: Lt Brooke: I know a lot of the women onboard who were impregnanted ... CmdStecker: ::too her utter surprise, he mother is there with a car to take her to the house:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> Agreed... Lt Brooke: I know they're keeping their babies, and making it work somehow ... Lt MaryJo: John...I think it's time for us to go Lt Brooke: But I'm not a lot of other women. That's not what I want. LtCdrAkira: All right... where do you have in mind... Doctor Signaru, you'll be joining us? LtJKeane: :;smiles:: OK.. CmdStecker: Guten Abend, Mother. ::she smiled and hugged her:: OnlineHost: Lt MaryJo has left the room. LtJKeane: ::Notices an old woman wink at him:: ::??:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> Why not... I have nothing here, or down there... it makes no difference where I go. CmdStecker: ::she threw her bag in the back, then had Schultz get in and "guard" the bag:: LtJKeane: (AAHH! Mary went without me!)) ShnonYanus: ::gently caresses her cheek:: If that's what you want, I support your decision... as long as ShnonYanus: we can.. keep our relationship? OnlineHost: Lt MaryJo has entered the room. SLt Kang: ::downs another drink::And also..find some strong stuff as well. LtJKeane: (WB) CmdStecker: Let's go, mother.. I need to get away from Starfleet for a while. Lt MaryJo: > LtCdrAkira: ::walks back to the counter and sets his glass down...:: Lt MaryJo: John...I think we should be going. LtCdrAkira: Barkeep, you heard the man, something strong... LtJKeane: ::smiles:: "Yeah... I agree." ::looks back at the old woman who winked at him:: OnlineHost: LtC Tabier has entered the room. Lt Brooke: ::pauses:: SLt Kang: <> LtC Tabier: <> Lt MaryJo: ::giggles as the woman winks at John:: Lt Brooke: Shannon ... SLt Kang: ::heads out with Akira, and Emily:: LtCdrAkira: Barkeep> All right... ::gets two bottles of something strong...:: LtJKeane: ::takes mary's hand:: Lt Brooke: I'm not really thinking in terms of our relationship right now, whatever it is ... Lt MaryJo: She thinks you're cute...and you have all your teeth... LtCdrAkira: ::takes the bottles and some glasses and heads out...:: ShnonYanus: ::looks at her sofly, feeling a growing lump in his throat:: Lt Brooke: I mean, we're friends, we work together, I don't want anything to mess that up ... CmdStecker: ::Kristi and company arrive at the Schloss:: Lt Brooke: ::takes his hand:: And I love you ... I do ... but ... Lt MaryJo: ::speaks to them, telling them goodbye and waving as John leads her away:: ShnonYanus: ::squeezes her hand lovingly and nods, forcing a smile:: (q) Alright. LtJKeane: (w) "great.. " ::smiles:: and guides mary out.. Lt Brooke: But right now all I can really think about is what's been happening to me over the past LtCdrAkira: You know... I've been feeling some kind of hole in my stomach for some reason... LtCdrAkira: ::enters the TR:: Lt Brooke: few weeks, and what I'm going to do about it ... CmdStecker: Finally. I have been vaiting for a long time to return home.. LtCdrAkira: Emily> Really? CmdStecker: ::unleashes Schultz and lets him run after birds and such:: LtJKeane: ::As they walks they approach a tall waterfall:: "Wow.. that's something you don't see LtJKeane: everyday." LtCdrAkira: Yeah, this pain in my gut... like something's missing... maybe it's this... ::shakes the LtCdrAkira: bottle:: Lt MaryJo: that's's very beautiful.. Lt Brooke: And I don't know if right now is the best time to pursue our feelings for each other ... LtCdrAkira: All right Mr. Kang, where to? LtJKeane: ::slips his arm around mary:: "I want to thank you for coming with me." ShnonYanus: ::smiles, nodding:: Yeah.. SLt Kang: Some where warm.. Lt Brooke: I mean, this is all very sudden, and I have to worry about what to do about this pregnancy. LtJKeane: ::stops infront of the waterfall:: OnlineHost: Lt MaryJo has left the room. Lt Brooke: ::looks at him:: Do you understand me? LtJKeane: (stomps foot) SLt Kang: And not too many you agree. CmdStecker: LtJKeane: (me agrees) LtCdrAkira: Sure, sounds like a beautiful utopia. LtCdrAkira: ::leans against the console:: ShnonYanus: ::smiles:: Yes, of course.. ::eyes gazing into hers:: Lt Brooke: LtC Tabier: <> SLt Kang: <> CmdStecker: <::nods:: Good point, Brooke> LtCdrAkira: OnlineHost: Lt MaryJo has entered the room. CmdStecker: Lt Brooke: ::swallows:: Well, what do you think? ::wonders why he's smiling at her:: Lt MaryJo: ::sighs::turning to John:: LtJKeane: (Hey! I'm clean!) LtCdrAkira: Officer, we want to go to Utopia... somewhere where there are no people... Lt MaryJo: <> LtCdrAkira: the sky is blue all day, and the sun shines... CmdStecker: ::walks through the front door and is stopped by her brother:: LtJKeane: (::glares at brooke from afar::) CmdStecker: Michael> Come. Ve need to talk. Now. Lt MaryJo: <><> ShnonYanus: I think.... that's probably a good idea. LtCdrAkira: Officer> Well, uh... it's raining just about everwhere sunny, and there's a hurricane Lt MaryJo: John...I want to thank you for inviting me. ::touches his cheek, smiling:: CmdStecker: ::follows Michael out the door:: Vhat is it? I just got here.. SLt Kang: ::growls:: LtCdrAkira: Officer> Ever since that global shift... Lt Brooke: ::frowns:: ... Really? CmdStecker: ::they sit on a bench near their lake:: Listen.. I've been evaluating your security LtCdrAkira: Majestic Blue and Green Sphere, how I hate thee... Lt MaryJo: It's been a beautiful day so far.. LtJKeane: ::stops infront of the water fall:: "I can't image spending my time with someone else.. CmdStecker: Michael> Department.. I vant to talk to you about the Klingon. LtCdrAkira: Anywhere else? ShnonYanus: For now... I... wish we could........ be more... I guess.... CmdStecker: ::snapping at him::The "Klingon" is named Kang. SLt Kang: Just a nice warm place..on this planet at all! CmdStecker: Mike> Very vell.. Kang.. I do not like the vay he runs things.. OnlineHost: Happi1Half has entered the room. Lt MaryJo: Thank you. I feel the same way, John. ShnonYanus: ::for once in his life finding himself very inarticulate:: CmdStecker: ::raising her voice:: Oh, you don't? Vhat did you find fault vith? LtCdrAkira: Officer> Aye sir... ::gets the coordinates:: I'm ready when you are... Lt MaryJo: ::walks up beside him:: LtJKeane: ::smiles and reaches down and lifts her face to his, he leans down and kisses her:: CmdStecker: Mike> Look, I know your the XO, but you don't need to get angry.. I'm just telling CmdStecker: you vhat's going on the report. LtCdrAkira: Fine with me... ::walks onto the transporter pad:: LtCdrAkira: ::or rather stumbles:: Lt Brooke: ::softly:: Shannon, I can't read your thoughts ... I need you to tell me what you're feeling Lt Brooke: honestly. CmdStecker: Mike> He runs his people too hard.. Too many training exercises.. Too many uncessesary CmdStecker: disciplinary proceedings.. SLt Kang: ::helps Akira::Beam us.. LtJKeane: ::An eagle crys from far over head:: Lt MaryJo: ::sighs and returns his kiss {S eglflt} LtCdrAkira: Take us to utopia... energize! ShnonYanus: ::looks at her, his fake smile fading into a neutral expression:: (s) I care for you a lot, CmdStecker: Vell!! Vhat do you vant him to do?? Treat them like babies?? OnlineHost: Happi1Half has left the room. CmdStecker: ::feeling her fist clinch:: LtCdrAkira: ::shimmers:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> ::shimmers:: CmdStecker: Mike> Nein.. But he doesn't need to act like he does.. ShnonYanus: Brooke... I wish we could be more... but I also know how important your job is to you... and SLt Kang: ::shimmers:: CmdStecker: Mike> Do you know that he had Admiral Pritchard's son kicked off the Atlantis? Because ShnonYanus: if we... *were* more... it would probably be very awkward... and your pregnancy would LtCdrAkira: ::beams onto some island...:: SLt Kang: ::looks around::Seems nice... ShnonYanus: probably hinder you after I while... I couldn't do something like that, Brooke... I know how CmdStecker: he didn't perform up to Kang's standards! LtCdrAkira: Good... and the sky only has a few clouds... ShnonYanus: important your job is to you. ::offers a smile:: CmdStecker: Michael.. I am going to say this once.. Leave Kang alone.. Do you undershtand? LtCdrAkira: Emily> ::stands watching the ocean tide wash against the shore:: Lt Brooke: I'm not syaing that nothing could ever happen between us, you understand. It's just that ... CmdStecker: Mike> Vhat? You cannot tell me vhat to do!! Vhy should I leave him alone? He Lt Brooke: I just need some time, Shannon. ShnonYanus: ::nods and smiles:: Yes, I understand. Lt Brooke: I need to know if you're okay with this, though ... CmdStecker: ruined an admiral's sons career!! LtCdrAkira: ::takes his combadge off and throws it across the beach:: CmdStecker: Vell, then he deserved to have his career ruined!! LtCdrAkira: They won't find me now! ShnonYanus: I am, Brooke, I am. CmdStecker: Mike> Vhy do you care vhat happens to this Klingon?? Lt Brooke: ::staring at him:: You promise? LtJKeane: ::John walks mary over to a spot that over looks the waterfall and sits:: LtJKeane: "Sit with me? CmdStecker: :both of them shouting quite loudly now:: Lt MaryJo: ::sits down next to him:: LtCdrAkira: ::walks over to Emily and watches the ocean:: ShnonYanus: Yes, I promise. CmdStecker: Because I am in love vith him!! Ist dat alright vith you, Admiral Stecker?? SLt Kang: Aye.. SLt Kang: ::takes an drink::Now this is good stuff.. Lt Brooke: Lt Brooke: ::sighs, studying him for a moment, then turns away:: We missed the sunrise. Lt MaryJo: ::pulls her shoes and socks off and dangles her feet into the water::smiling at him:: CmdStecker: ::quite furious at her brother:: LtJKeane: "It's this bueatiful." ::watching her feet play in the water:: LtCdrAkira: ::Opens the other bottle and takes a drink... winches in pain as he can feel it in his head: ShnonYanus: ::taking him longer to look away:: Yeah... OnlineHost: LtJKeane has left the room. CmdStecker: Mike> Vhat?? ::stunned:: Vhy are you in love vith a Klingon? OnlineHost: LtJKeane has entered the room. LtCdrAkira: That's something all right... Lt MaryJo: LtJKeane: (didn't get punted, just a stray mouse click on the window button LOL!) LtCdrAkira: I remember when the Atlantis was being christianed, Commander Stecker pulled me Lt MaryJo: MMmmm...<> it is beautiful, isn't it? ::leans against Lt MaryJo: him::resting her head on his shoulder:: LtCdrAkira: aside we drank... couldn't handle it... What is this stuff? Lt Brooke: ::scrambles to her feet:: Listen, I think I'm going to head across the Atlantic now ... Lt Brooke: You're welcome to join me, if you still want to. But I'll understand if you'd rather spend Lt Brooke: your leave on your own. SLt Kang: ::shakes head::Don't know.. ShnonYanus: ::slowly stands:: I think I might put in for a skeleton crew assignment... I never really CmdStecker: ::quieter:: Because I am.. Michael, ve vere quite in love at one point.. But I messed it up. ShnonYanus: had close ties to Earth.. LtCdrAkira: Who cares right... ShnonYanus: Which is actually why I joined Starfleet.. ::looks to the sky, as if he could spot the LtCdrAkira: ::sits and watches the sea...:: ShnonYanus: Atlantis in orbit:: Lt Brooke: ::pauses awkwardly:: I see ... LtJKeane: ::leans against a tree looking around, probably the happiest he's ever been." CmdStecker: Und I never got over it.. In fact, ve vere going to have a child.. But there vas an accident SLt Kang: ::takes a seat on the beach, thinking about her:: Lt Brooke: ::brightly:: Well, it might be good for them to have *someone* competent back in SB! CmdStecker: ::her voice trails off and her brother falls off the bench in shock:: Lt MaryJo: ::smiles up at him:: LtCdrAkira: ::looks over:: What're you thinking about lieutenant? Doctor? ::looks over:: CmdStecker: Mike> Does Poppa know about dis?? ShnonYanus: ::chuckles:: Yeah.. they're probably stumbling all over themselves.. LtCdrAkira: ::and then looks back at the sea:: ShnonYanus: But Brooke? Lt Brooke: ::reflecting:: Although, I suppose I probably owe a written apology to the entire staff at Lt Brooke: this point. LtJKeane: ::smiles down at her rubbing her shoulders:: "It's almost like there's nothing SLt Kang: Just the past.. LtJKeane: else in the world but us right here." CmdStecker: ::shakes head:: Nein.. No one off the ship does.. Und now I vould like to be alone.. Please Lt Brooke: I've behaved abominably this past month ... CmdStecker: return to the house, Michael.. LtCdrAkira: Emily> So do I... LtCdrAkira: Same here, not to favorably of course... Lt Brooke: I'm rather ashamed ... Who knows how long it might've gone on, if you hadn't ... Lt Brooke: ::trails off:: Lt MaryJo: I know...isn't it nice? ::sighs as his strong hands rub her Lt MaryJo: shoulders::feels so relaxed:: CmdStecker: ::stares at the reflected image of a mountain off the lake:: ShnonYanus: ::smiles softly:: I was regretting I did for a little while... LtCdrAkira: Emily> Those times were good... my husband and I used to frolic in the sun... LtCdrAkira: Emily> used to laugh and play games... CmdStecker: ::doesn't hear Michael leave, nor does she feel him touch her shoulder in understanding:: Lt Brooke: ::shakes herself:: Well, I think I'd best be off now. I'm sure my family will be happy Lt Brooke: to see me. SLt Kang: ::listening:: ShnonYanus: They should be.. ShnonYanus: ::smiles:: Bye, Brooke.. LtJKeane: ::John looks over into the sky:: ::He notices a bright spot in the heavens, knowing LtCdrAkira: Emily> Moved to New Australia so he could begin work on his project... spend his days in the Lt Brooke: ::picks her bag up:: Will I see you back aboard the Atlantis? CmdStecker: ::gets up and walks to the waters edge:: ShnonYanus: But of course. ::smiles:: LtJKeane: it's the spacedock:: ::He frowns and pushes the thougth of work away:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> lab, loved the creation, the science, not me... I was left writing by myself through LtCdrAkira: Emily> the night. ::goes silent:: CmdStecker: ::sees a flat rock and picks it up:: Lt Brooke: ::forces a smile back at him:: See you around, Ensign. LtJKeane: "Mary? If you could have anything in the world? What would it be?" OnlineHost: Wyntyrwolf has entered the room. Lt Brooke: ::beams away:: Lt MaryJo: Nothing more than I have right now, John... ShnonYanus: ::shoke by that last "Ensign", pauses a long moment:: CmdStecker: ::lets a sharp edge dig into her finger, then tosses it onto the water's surface:: Lt MaryJo: ::smiles at him:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> But I still loved him, even to the end. CmdStecker: ::it skips once and sinks:: OnlineHost: Wyntyrwolf has left the room. CmdStecker: ::muttering:: A perfect example of how I manage to mess up everything in my life.. Lt Brooke: ::finds herself back at the transport site, hurriedly arranges transport home:: ShnonYanus: ::eventually manages a message to the TC, beaming back aboard:: LtJKeane: ::smiles:: "Really? Nothing?..hmmmm." Lt MaryJo: at least not right now...I can't think of anything.. Lt MaryJo: Why? LtCdrAkira: Better than me... LtCdrAkira: How about you Mr. Kang? How was your past? Favorable? LtJKeane: "Just wondered. There's only one thing I'd want.. " CmdStecker: <5 minute warning> Lt MaryJo: What is that? ShnonYanus: ::stops by his quarters to change into a uniform then goes to SB:: LtJKeane: "I mean at this moment.. that would make me really, really happy." SLt Kang: Some what.. Lt Brooke: ::eventually shimmers into a transporter site in rural England, a short walk from her Lt MaryJo: and what is that, John? LtCdrAkira: ::nods:: Lt Brooke: childhood home:: LtJKeane: ::He smiles and looks down into her eyes, "that would be another kiss from you." CmdStecker: ::sighs and sits down.. knowing that she'll get wet, and not caring:: LtCdrAkira: I like this sound... no humming of the ship... SLt Kang: until my heart stole away from me it was going great.. SLt Kang: ::takes another drink:: Lt MaryJo: You can have that anytime, John...::smiles up at him::raising her face to his kiss:: Lt Brooke: ::watches a shuttle approach with passengers, waves it by:: I'll walk, thanks. LtJKeane: ::smiles and kisses her:: Lt Brooke: ::adjusts her duffel bag strap and sets off for home:: LtCdrAkira: ::nods:: I don't know... never had that problem... didn't ever really connect with anyone... Lt MaryJo: ::caresses his cheek with her hand:: Lt Brooke: ::approaches her parents' house and crosses the yard:: LtCdrAkira: ::takes a drink:: LtJKeane: ::holds her in his arms:: CmdStecker: ::folds her arms over her knees and lies her head down, depression creeping over her again:: LtCdrAkira: ::can feel his head pounding...:: I wonder how many it will take to kill me... LtCdrAkira: ::winches:: CmdStecker: ### PAUSE SIM ### Lt Brooke: ::sighs with heavy resolution, then opens the door:: CmdStecker: ### PAUSE SIM ### ShnonYanus: ::AA:: SLt Kang: ::paused: SLt Kang: ::AA:: LtCdrAkira: Emily> You get used to it... CmdStecker: ### PAUSE SIM ### Lt MaryJo: ::paused::sighs:: LtCdrAkira: ::paaused:: Lt Brooke: ::greets her mother, then collapses in tears in her arms:: Lt Brooke: ::paused:: CmdStecker: Have to say it 3 times.. Union rule, you know.. :) LtJKeane: ::paused:: ::Prefect! I get to hold mary for a whole week!" LtJKeane: >:vD CmdStecker: LOL Keane. :) Lt MaryJo: ::grins:: CmdStecker: Ok.. I must say, that was a great sim!! CmdStecker: Too bad the Captain wasn't here to see it.. Lt Brooke: ::sings:: "The Love Boat ... exciting and new ..." LtCdrAkira: Hey, my P CmdStecker: We just won't tell him what happened if he asks.. LtCdrAkira: T logged it... LtJKeane: Yeah, where's Cap'n HooK?? CmdStecker: I"m logging it, Akira.. CmdStecker: Captain Hook is out of town.... LtCdrAkira: ::nods:: LtCdrAkira: Magic... Lt MaryJo: playing "Magic" CmdStecker: But I do have an announcement.. Lt MaryJo: ::grins::knows what's coming:: CmdStecker: Mr Keane!!! Front and Center! LtJKeane: ::looks around:: huh? OH?! ::steps forward:: Lt MaryJo: ::smiles:: SLt Kang: ::grins:: LtJKeane: :attn: CmdStecker: Mr. Keane. Since I can't think of anything cleaver to say... Lt MaryJo: {S cheering}<> CmdStecker: Lt MaryJo: <> LtJKeane: ::stiffles a smile:: ::attn:: CmdStecker: Lt MaryJo: Oh yeah CmdStecker: I hearby promote you to Senior Lieutenant. Date of Rank effective immediately. Lt Brooke: Congrats, John!!! CmdStecker: Akira!! Get the box, please SLt Kang: Congrats!! LtJKeane: ::smiles:: "Thank you Sir! Thanks everyone!" ShnonYanus: ::applause:: Lt MaryJo: {S macarena} Congrats John.. LtCdrAkira: ::simply gets the box and hands it to her...:: LtCdrAkira: ::applauds:: Congratulations Mr. Keane. CmdStecker: ::opens the box and smiles:: Oh good! You got the right one.. LtJKeane: ::smiles:: LtCdrAkira: The one with the dead rats? LtJKeane: huh? LtCdrAkira: ::smiles:: CmdStecker: ::removes the insignia and pins it on his collar:: Congratulations, Lieutenant CmdStecker: ::smiles:: Lt Brooke: ::applauds:: CmdStecker: ::then punches him in the arm for good luck:: LtJKeane: ::grins:: "Thank you Commander." LtCdrAkira: ::applauds again:: CmdStecker: ::looks at Akira:: Dead rats? No, those were supposed to go to the Captain's room.. Lt MaryJo: John? Congratulations. ::pulls him over and gives him a kiss::smiling:: LtCdrAkira: Oh... right... ::smiles:: CmdStecker: Anyone have anything else to say? ::smiles:: Lt Brooke: Great sim, everyone!!! CmdStecker: ::nods: What she said.. Lt Brooke: What a bunch of neat plot twists!!! ::grins:: LtCdrAkira: ditto. SLt Kang: well all Niters... LtCdrAkira: and a lot of drinking... :) LtJKeane: ::wavers after the kiss, uphoric haze:: "Woooooh.." SLt Kang: Congrats Keane.. LtCdrAkira: Night Kang. Lt MaryJo: night, Kang...feel better:: CmdStecker: Ok.. Class dismissed.. See you all next week SLt Kang: thanks Lt Brooke: Good night!!! CmdStecker: G'Night Kang.. Get to feelin' better. OnlineHost: SLt Kang has left the room. OnlineHost: ShnonYanus has left the room. LtJKeane: Thanks everyone! LtCdrAkira: Bis Spaeter... Lt Brooke: See you in logs!!! OnlineHost: Lt Brooke has left the room. CmdStecker: Congrats again, Keane Lt MaryJo: ::smiles:: OnlineHost: LtCdrAkira has left the room. Lt MaryJo: Congratulations, John.. LtJKeane: I've got to head out also.. I've got work at 8am.. Thanks Mary.. CmdStecker: G'night.. Time to do paper work, and such. :)