FCptThorne: =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= FCptThorne: BEGIN SIMULATION Stardate 49801.10 FCptThorne: =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= FCptThorne: . LtCdrAkira: Lt Brooke: ::in sickbay, grumbling that her AMO is late for his duty shift:: Lt MaryJo: ::on the bridge::using internal sensors to scan the shuttle:: LtCdrAkira: CdrStecker: ::on the bridge trying to figure out who the anti-feds are:: (I think) Ens Shane: ::looking at console, trying to figure out the power losses:: FCptThorne: Shane, curreny velocity? LtCdrAkira: ::on the bridge at the engineering console or with Stecker... which ever:: FCptThorne: <> Ens Shane: Sir, now reading 9.96 per last request. Lt Brooke: ::snarls at a nurse:: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::in engineering trying to figure out what could be wrong with the IDF with some help CdrStecker: ::helping Akira with the engine problem:: FCptThorne: That's a little better. FCptThorne: Location of the Anti-Feds. Lt Brooke: ::sits at her desk, editing medical reports:: LtCdrAkira: ::looking over all of the specficiations... ::Is the cloak still up? Ens Shane: 1.3 Lighminutes and opening sir. CdrStecker: It should be.. FCptThorne: ::nods:: CdrStecker: Captain? Is the cload still up? CdrStecker: (cloak> CdrStecker: ) FCptThorne: Shane? Ens Shane: Sir, according to my console it reads active. FCptThorne: Change course, bearing 241 mark six. CdrStecker: ::nods at Akira: It's still up.. Think that's what's causing the problem? Ens Shane: Aye. LtCdrAkira: ::steps back a moment... in disbelief...:: do you know what this means? Lt Brooke: ::sighs, realizing that she needs to schedule Kang's reconstructive surgery soon:: CdrStecker: No, what? LtCdrAkira: ::looks at his scanners:: The Anti-Feds can detect cloaked ships. FCptThorne: Are they changing course as well? CdrStecker: ::rubs eyes:: Oh that's just great! LtCdrAkira: How would they know and be able to send us a hail in the first place? Claude... LtCdrAkira: He knew... Lt MaryJo: <> CdrStecker: Are you sure we don't have a plasma leak or something? Something obvious? Ens Shane: <> LtCdrAkira: No, we're in perfect health, the cloak is taking up energy and slowing us down... CHRSLATER: hi FCptThorne: I thought the cloak was an independant system? LtCdrAkira: The scanners show that they aren't firing on us yet... I say we run. CdrStecker: ::nods:: Maybe when we went in for repairs someone messed up? We'll have to overhaul it CdrStecker: ourselves. FCptThorne: Increase speed, Warp 9.97. LtCdrAkira: All systems take power from the same system. Lt Brooke: ::grabs a cup of coffee:: (m) I should really cut back. Ens Shane: Sir, shall I drop cloak? FCptThorne: They are still pursuing? CdrStecker: Is anything non-essential running that shouldn't be? Lt MaryJo: Sensors show that they are sir. Lt Brooke: LtCdrAkira: I can shut down all nonesstenials and went we drop the cloak we can race ahead of 'em Lt MaryJo: <> CdrStecker: :) FCptThorne: Drop it. It's useless. CdrStecker: Captain, if they can track us with our cloak, what good is it doing us? CdrStecker: Nevermind Ens Shane: <> LtCdrAkira: Cloak is off... ::immediately the power to the warp increases:: FCptThorne: Speed? Lt Brooke: Nurse Luann>Doctor, we're receiving a shipwide request to cut power on nonessential systems. Ens Shane: Sir, now reading 9.98 Lt Brooke: ::sighing:: Fine. NOthing's going on here. Shut down whatever's needed, and relieve any Lt Brooke: nonessential staff. CdrStecker: ::moves to an unused station and calls up the data on the Anti Feds:: Lt MaryJo: ::begins cutting power to sciences:: Lt Brooke: ::exiting sickbay in a huff::Nurse, you're in charge here. FCptThorne: Impressive...above max. FCptThorne: How's the hull integrity? CdrStecker: Captain? How long do you plan to run the ship at this speed? Lt Brooke: Nurse Luann> ::watches the doctor depart:: Jeez! What's with *her* today? Ens Shane: Well, we got a heck of a surge all of a sudden, IDF stable and has reserve power. LtCdrAkira: 9.98... ? FCptThorne: Akira, how much safe margin did you write in that report? Ens Shane: Shall I maintain? LtCdrAkira: Akira> +Ursal+ We're at warp 9.98, check the systems down there. Lt Brooke: Nurse Roge>Who knows? The doc's *always* in a mood, although it seems she's getting worse Lt Brooke: lately. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> +Akira+ Yes sir... ::checking:: LtCdrAkira: ::looks over at the Captain...:: I think maybe we should... ::ships shudders a little:: Ens Shane: <> Lt Brooke: Nurse Luann>Yeah ... ever since whatshisname ... that new ensign joined the medstaff. CdrStecker: ::feels deck vibrate:: I don't like this.. FCptThorne: Reduce to 9.97. Ens Shane: Aye... 9.97 sir. Lt Brooke: Nurse Roge> Oh, you mean Yanus? Gee, I guess you're right ... that's kinda coincidental. Lt Brooke: Doncha think? LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::looking at the IDF... notices something...:: Lt MaryJo: ::still scanning for the anti-fed ships:: LtCdrAkira: ::Akira, can still feel a shudder:: Do you feel that? CdrStecker: ::shakes head and returns attention to the anti-fed data:: Lt Brooke: Dolan>::heads for her quarters, muttering:: Those damn nurses better not be having another FCptThorne: ::glances at Akira:: Lt Brooke: "conference" about me behind my back ... CdrStecker: ::says a prayer that the ship doesn't fall apart around them:: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Oh sh... +Akira+ There's a problem with the IDF... ::calmly:: Lt Brooke: ::feels the deck vibrating:: Dammit! *Now* what's going on? LtCdrAkira: ::the floor shudders:: CdrStecker: ::turns to face Akira:: CdrStecker: Its getting worse, Akira.. ::whispers:: Ens Shane: Sir... IDF Systems unstable. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> +Akira+ We have to drop warp, and I'll see about the IDF... LtCdrAkira: Captain, Commander, we need to drop warp maybe to eight for the moment. Lt MaryJo: ::feels something strange::as if the ship's shuddering:: FCptThorne: Prepare weapons, we're in for a fight. FCptThorne: Drop to warp 8. LtCdrAkira: I'm going down to engineering. ::enters TL:: Ens Shane: Sye. Ens Shane: CdrStecker: ::nods:: Captain, request permission to take Tactical? FCptThorne: Aye, Kristi. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::runs into another room within engineering and operates the internal damping field CdrStecker: ::moves 4 steps to tactical:: Weapons on line...now. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> computer console:: What's happening?... ::moves very quickly:: FCptThorne: Load all torpedo bays. Lt Brooke: ::mumbles irritatedly about incompetence:: CdrStecker: Aye sir. Loading torpedo bays. Lt MaryJo: ::scanning the oncoming ships:: Ens Shane: Warp 8 sir Lt MaryJo: They are approaching rapidly, sir. LtCdrAkira: ::TL takes Akira to engineering after he says so... :) exits and looks at the eng. teams:: CdrStecker: ::taps in commands and waits:: Torpedo bays loaded sir. FCptThorne: Kristi, hail them...let them know what's going to happen to them. LtCdrAkira: ::to the staff:: Get ready for a fire fight! Damage teams prepare yourselfs... CdrStecker: ::nods:: Initiating hail Captain. LtCdrAkira: ::finds Ursal:: What's wrong with the IDF? CdrStecker: Hailing frequencies open Captain.. They're receiving but not responding. FCptThorne: +Brooke+ Doc, prepare for incoming wounded. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> I don't know... it's just weakening... I don't understand how... FCptThorne: Fire when they're in range. CdrStecker: Aye sir. Lt Brooke: ::swears so loudly an ensign in the hall stops and stares at her:: Lt Brooke: +Thorne+AYe, Captain. Ack. CdrStecker: Any specific area of their ship you want targeted? FCptThorne: Try the bridge. LtCdrAkira: Akira> ::opens console panels and begins to hunt.:: CdrStecker: ::blinks:: Very well si. CdrStecker: sir. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> What're you doing? Lt Brooke: ::starts trotting back to sickbay::+Luann+Nurse, get power back online and prepare for Lt Brooke: wounded! LtCdrAkira: Akira> I'm looking for a device or something that might be causing this... Lt Brooke: +Luann+Our Captain's gone and got us in another fine mess! CdrStecker: Target is in range. Firing a 3 torpedo spread now. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::nods and begins to open panels:: Nothing over here... ::finishes her row of console Lt Brooke: Nurse Luann>+Dolan+Acknowledged, doctor. We'll be ready. LtCdrAkira: s:: CdrStecker: Lt MaryJo: <> FCptThorne: ACTION: Incoming fire strikes Atlantis' shields. CdrStecker: We're hit, returning fire. Lt Brooke: ::steps off TL, runs down the hall, feels the ship rock, and runs faster:: LtCdrAkira: ::the ship shudders at the impact:: FCptThorne: Shane, evasives. Ens Shane: Executing Lt Brooke: ::enters SB, starts yelling at the nurses:: LtCdrAkira: Akira> How's the damping field? LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::checks:: Dropping... what the hell is causing that? ::runs diagnostics again:: Ens Shane: ::Attempts a looping roll to starborard:: Lt Brooke: Nurse Roge>::to Luann::Damn, girl! Somebody got to get that doctor a tranquilizer! FCptThorne: ::thinks this guy drives like his son:: Lt MaryJo: ::scanning:: There are three ships out there sir. Lt Brooke: ::lights dim briefly as power is interrupted because of the ship's roll:: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Here's another problem... once that field fails... CdrStecker: Captain, lead ship is heavily damaged.. She's adrift.. We need to swing around so I can CdrStecker: target the others. LtCdrAkira: Akira> I know, I know! ::searching deparately for something:: FCptThorne: Shane,you heard the lady. Lt Brooke: ::doors open, and a bruised Lt. enters:: Dolan> ::barks:: Bring me my med 'corder! Ens Shane: Swinging around for overhead kill sir. CdrStecker: ::prepares another brace of torpedos waits for the target to appear:: LtCdrAkira: ::Akira runs out and checks the graviton generators...:: CdrStecker: ::presses firing button:: Torps away! CdrStecker: ::really getting into the whole battle thing:: FCptThorne: ACTION:: More incoming fire from the ships. Lt Brooke: Nurse Luann> ::scans the injured Lt.:: Nothing serious here, doctor. I can take care of it. Ens Shane: ::wispers:: Lets see if this boys can handle a 3-d vectored roll... LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::rushes out:: Everything was fine when we left the starbase, I should know, I CdrStecker: ::torps hit the ship and three more are launched:: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> checked! CdrStecker: Lt Brooke: Dolan>::flips out:: I don't care if yu can take care of it, I'm the doctor and I said I'll Lt Brooke: do it MYSELF! FCptThorne: <> Lt MaryJo: Sir, our shields are down to 73% TheTigress: CdrStecker: That's a hit! That's a hit!! LtCdrAkira: ::stops:: Really... ::thinks, while the ship is rocking:: TheTigress: Ens Shane: ::IDF STRAINING::: CdrStecker: Helm! Can we swing around to target that last ship? LtCdrAkira: Computer> Warning, Inertial Damping Field collapse in two minutes. Lt Brooke: ::sickbay doors open, in staggers another injured crewperson:: FCptThorne: Drop to warp five, Shane. Ens Shane: Working on it... FCptThorne: Kristi, full spread. Ens Shane: Droping speed to compensate... CdrStecker: ::grins:: Aye sir. Lt Brooke: Dolan>::roughly shoves Nurse Luann out of the way:: I've *got* it, Luann. LtCdrAkira: Wait, IDF is generated by graviton emitters... CdrStecker: ::fires a full spread:: CdrStecker: ::watches it hit amid ships:: Lt Brooke: ::feels the ship lurch as they take another hit:: Lt MaryJo: They're adrift, Commander LtCdrAkira: It creates a field that protects the ship and crew from forceful impact... LtCdrAkira: How does one neutralize an IDF? Ens Shane: Sir, may I jack in and attempt more rapid manuvering? CdrStecker: That's three wounded Anti Feds, Captain. Lt MaryJo: ::scanning:: FCptThorne: Shane, get us out of here. CdrStecker: ::chuckles under her breath:: Lt MaryJo: I am not picking up any other ships, sir. Lt Brooke: ::seats her two patients on biobeds, scans and treats them for minor bruises and bumps:: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> some kind of reverse graviton emitter. Ens Shane: Aye sir... Comming around to 212 mark 6 Lt Brooke: ::Nurses Luann and Roge cower in a corner, whispering about the doc's attitude problem:: Ens Shane: Warp 5. PowerChat:   PowerChat: *** Entered Arts and Entertainment - Trek Continuum on 9801.11 at 00:15 *** PowerChat:   Lt MaryJo: Commander, the second ship out there is emitting a reverse graviton field. LtCdrAkira: Ens Shane: ::Slamming into console...:: Lt Brooke: ::watches as the lights in SB stabilize:: About time! Lous engineers! All they do is sit FCptThorne: Report! Lt Brooke: around and drink coffee anyway ... Lt Brooke: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Wait, Akira, how is that possible, unless that ship's IDF is failing as well. Ens Shane: SIr, we'er at 9.5 light minutes and at impulse... pushing it to .9 warp LtCdrAkira: Akira> Maybe that ship's not in the battle. Maybe it's observing it... Lt MaryJo: ::scanning for other possible ships:: LtCdrAkira: ::both move to a computer... scan for a ship in long range:: Lt Brooke: ::releases her patients:: You're both fine. I don't have time to waste on bumps in the Lt Brooke: middle of an armed conflict. LtCdrAkira: Nothing. Lt Brooke: ::the nurses and patients stare at her:: I *said*, you're free to go!!! ::they scramble:: LtCdrAkira: The ship is here in the battle... PowerChat:   PowerChat: *** Entered Arts and Entertainment - Trek Continuum on 9801.11 at 00:23 *** PowerChat:   Lt Brooke: <::ties a rope onto Thorne::> CdrStecker: Hold on.. I'll ask the Captain that question. Ens Shane: Barely... but we can manage, unless there is a warp core explosion on any ships. CdrStecker: FCptThorne: <<::Drags entrails of the puntmonster in, drops them on the bridge::>> LtCdrAkira: Ursal> ::sees the dead officer, and recoils and scrambles away:: Lt Brooke: <::applauds::> LtCdrAkira: Akira> Ursal! Ensign! Where are you going...? CdrStecker: Captain, that second ship out there has a reverse graviton field and 9 lifeforms.. FCptThorne: Report? LtCdrAkira: Ursal>Please, keep it away from me... Please keep it away from me... ::working:: FCptThorne: Reverse gravitron field? CdrStecker: We need to destroy that ship but we also have the survivors to conside. CdrStecker: consider. FCptThorne: Beam them off. CdrStecker: Yes sir. That's probably what's causing all of the problem.. Ens Shane: Out of range sir. CdrStecker: ::points to Shane:: What he said. FCptThorne: Swing us around. Lt Brooke: ::receives incoming casualty list from computer, notes one casualty in engineering:: LtCdrAkira: +bridge+ Damn it! What's going on!? Our structure is collapsing down here! Ens Shane: Sir, we're down to 18%... one good warp core colapse and we're done for.. IDF failed, hull CdrStecker: +Akira+ We're taking care of the problem.. That ship has 9 people on it you know. Ens Shane: integrity down. We can do it, but we're risking much LtCdrAkira: ::trying to keep the ship from squishing together...:: Ens Shane: Shuttles? Lt Brooke: (m)Damn! Nurse, get an emergency medkit and get up to engineering to pronounce a death. FCptThorne: If we don't, we're in for it anyway. LtCdrAkira: +Stecker+ The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few... I say blow it up! Lt Brooke: I'd do it myself, but my damn AMO's not here for his shift ... CdrStecker: +Akira+ Your opinion is noted, Commander. LtCdrAkira: +Stecker+ Besides they're our enemy! Lt Brooke: Nurse Roge>::to Luann::You want this one? FCptThorne: Do it Shane. Ens Shane: Aye sir... but I recommend against it... plotting course. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Deck 13 sealed off... hull breach. Ens Shane: engaging Lt MaryJo: ::looks up, shocked, as she hears Akira's words:: FCptThorne: Duly Noted. Lt Brooke: Nurse Luann>::Sure! Anything to get away from Dolan! ::grabs a medkit and exits:: CdrStecker: Captain, Engineering is somewhat unhappy about what we're doing. Ens Shane: Hull breach on deck 13 FCptThorne: They'll manage. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Deck 11, hull breach, sectors 14 to 31 sealed off, two officers dead... FCptThorne: Forefields up? Ens Shane: Aye sir... but low power to that area Lt Brooke: ::sees more casualties crop up on the list::What the hell's going on out there?! FCptThorne: Kristi, make your shots count! CdrStecker: ::nods:: They always do Captain. FCptThorne: Shane, ready transporters. Ens Shane: Closing range. LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Do you think the reverse graviton pulse can be aiding? It's pushing against us to... Lt MaryJo: ::scanning:: Ens Shane: Aye sir. CdrStecker: ::at tac console waiting:: Lt MaryJo: In range in 30 seconds sir. Ens Shane: Attempting lock... Ens Shane: Graviton beam interfering with lock, Lt Brooke: Roge! I can't leave sickbay in the middle of a conflict. Get to Deck 11!!! Ens Shane: Attempting manual LtCdrAkira: Akira> ::nods and working to seal off decks and evacuate:: FCptThorne: Youhave ten seconds. If they're not aboard, fire anyway. Lt MaryJo: We're in range, sir. Lt Brooke: Nurse Roge> Yes, doctor! ::exits gladly:: CdrStecker: ::fingers hovering over the "fire" button:: Ens Shane: energizing Ens Shane: Wide field reports it has something FCptThorne: {S Fedtrans CdrStecker: ::firing:: Torpedos away, Cap. Ens Shane: executing reverse course... maximum impulse FCptThorne: Get us out of here...go to warp ASAP. Ens Shane: Aye sir, as soon as it's availible Lt MaryJo: ::scanning:: The field is no longer there sir... LtCdrAkira: Ursal> IDF, is coming back online! ::smiling:: Lt Brooke: Ens Shane: Transproter reports 2 in custody. Lt MaryJo: Only two? Ens Shane: Aye. LtCdrAkira: Akira> Can we hit warp? CdrStecker: What happened to the other 7? CdrStecker: ::frowning:: LtCdrAkira: Ursal> Warp 1 max, I would suggest. LtCdrAkira: +bridge+ We can jump to warp one. Ens Shane: Unknown... attempting internal scan. FCptThorne: Warp speed, engage! {S engage} FCptThorne: {S warp Ens Shane: Warp one sir. FCptThorne: . FCptThorne: =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= FCptThorne: END SIMULATION Stardate 49801.11 FCptThorne: =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=