Conversation with #ussatlantis at 12/22/2010 9:55:56 PM on (irc)

(9:55:56 PM) ChanServ [] entered the room.
(9:55:57 PM) mode (+o ChanServ) by ChanServ
(9:55:57 PM) ChanServ has changed the topic to: The mission brief is essentially summed up in the journal entry I wrote on the website! Go forth and read if you haven't!
(9:55:57 PM) mode (+ntro VAdmBlackthorne) by ChanServ
(10:02:21 PM) DrRoxanneCarre [] entered the room.
(10:02:37 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: ho ho ho
(10:02:45 PM) VAdmBlackthorne: Hiya
(10:03:36 PM) LtKuari [] entered the room.
(10:04:55 PM) VAdmBlackthorne: I heard from Mike, he and Rachel may be late or not here at all. :-/
(10:05:30 PM) LtKuari: Oh dear.
(10:06:10 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: it a busy time!
(10:07:27 PM) LtKuari: That it is. I have inlaws driving in right now from across the country, actually... they should be here in an hour and a half.
(10:08:08 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: I have a new keyboard, looks like the 's' is broke on it too. :(
(10:08:19 PM) LtKuari: On a NEW keyboard? Yeesh...
(10:08:35 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: Apparently its operator error.
(10:09:06 PM) VAdmBlackthorne: How do you fail to press the s butan.
(10:09:27 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: I'm totally blaming my trigger thumb
(10:13:21 PM) TKirr [] entered the room.
(10:14:13 PM) LtKuari left the room (quit: Exit: ajax IRC Client).
(10:14:24 PM) TKirr left the room.
(10:15:50 PM) LtKuari [] entered the room.
(10:15:57 PM) CdrTKirr [] entered the room.
(10:16:30 PM) VAdmBlackthorne: So many TKirrs!
(10:16:37 PM) CdrTKirr: I only see 1
(10:16:41 PM) CdrTKirr left the room.
(10:16:43 PM) LtKuari left the room.
(10:16:48 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: hahaha
(10:16:51 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: that was mean
(10:16:58 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: are we baggin this?
(10:17:23 PM) CdrTKirr [] entered the room.
(10:17:47 PM) LtKuari [] entered the room.
(10:17:58 PM) CdrTKirr: Hrm.
(10:18:19 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: I only see the two of you and blackthorne
(10:18:48 PM) CdrTKirr left the room (quit: Exit: Leaving.).
(10:19:14 PM) CdrTKirr [] entered the room.
(10:19:25 PM) CdrTKirr: There we go.
(10:20:15 PM) VAdmBlackthorne: Yeah, I think we're boned.
(10:20:33 PM) CdrTKirr: Meh.
(10:20:39 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: bleh
(10:20:54 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: Well have a nice holiday if I dont see ya around before then! <3
(10:21:02 PM) VAdmBlackthorne: Merry Christmas!
(10:21:42 PM) DrRoxanneCarre: See ya's.
(10:22:26 PM) DrRoxanneCarre left the room (quit: Exit: ajax IRC Client).